Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 94


After a long day at the office, I finally made it home, only to be interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Trusting my staff to handle it, I headed upstairs to unwind.

Despite the possibility of a visitor waiting downstairs, I indulged in a leisurely shower, taking my time to relax. Once refreshed and changed into something more comfortable, I descended the stairs to investigate the earlier disturbance.

Upon entering the living room, I was inet with a surprising siglu an array of suitcases scattered about. There was no need to inquire about their owner, as the familiar voices of Stephanie and my mother drifted from the kitchen.

As if coordinated, they emerged from the kitchen, each carrying a bottle of water. Stephanie’s face lit up with a wide smile upon seeing me. “Hello, husband,” she greeted warmly.

Hearing Stephanie refer to me as “husband” made me inwardly cringe. “What are both of you doing here?” I questioned, disreganding her greeting and gesturing to the scattered boxes around. “and what’s with the ridiculous boxes everywhere?”

Tm moving in soon,” Stephanie declared, her tone matter–of–fact.

Turning my gaze from her to my mother, I sought an explanation. “Stephanie’s a fashion icon, which means she has a lot of belongings. It’s best for her to start moving her things in gradually to avoid any hassle after the wedding,” my mother offered in justification.


Frustration bubbling within tne, I directed my ire at my mother haven’t addressed you yet,” I snapped, feeling my patience wearing thin. Fixing my gaze back on Stephanie, I repeated my question with more force. “What is all of this?”

Rolling her eyes, Stephanie brushed past me. Your mother already explained,” she retorted, making her way to the sofa and taking a seat. Since you don’t want a big wedding. I suggest we get married by next weekend.”

“Wait!” My mother’s voice cut through the tension as she hurried over to where Stephanie was seated. “What do you mean by you aren’t having a big wedding?”

Stephanie shrugged casually. It’s your son’s decision, not mine, he replied nonchalantly.

My mother turned her gaze towards me, likely intending to repeat her question which she just directed to Stephanie, but a sharp glare from me silenced her. “I will have my lawyer draw up a prenuptial agreement, I declared firmly

Stephanie raised an eyebrow in response. “We’re signing that?” she questioned incredulously. When I didn’t immediately respond, she scoffed. “Do you honestly believe that I’m after your money?”

“I wouldn’t put it past you,” I retorted tersely.

My mother, sensing the tension, finally voiced her concerns. “Why are you only having a legal wedding, Ryan?”

I met Stephanie’s gaze. “Do you want to pretend that you don’t know I don’t want to make her my wife?” I replied coldly, then turned away, heading towards the bar. “On your way out, take all these boxes with you, I added, dismissing them both with a wave of my hand.

“Are you referring to me or her?” My mother asked.

“Both of you, I replied thatly, my frustration evident.

Stephanie bristled at my remark. “Why should I take my box?” she snapped defensively. “What wrong did I do by bringing some of my belongings to my future husband’s house? Her accusatory gaze bore into me. “Unless you’re hiding something.” Her eyes darted towards the stairs. “Is that blich here?”


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Chapter 14

Is to believe you’ve not geferring to Lily, I stated firmly, trying to maintain control of the escalating situation..

Stephanie’s defiance was written all over her as she jutted out her chin. “You know I am,” she retorted,

Feeling my temper boiling over, I slammed the scotch bottle on the counter and began to approach Stephanie with hurried,

acing step. But before could reach her, my mother intervened, pushing me back slightly.

“What is wrong with you. Ryan’t she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief and disappointment. “Is that how I raised You? You seriously want to hit a woman!”

Feeling a surge of frustration, I clenched my fists, wanting to slap some sense into Stephanie. I turned to my mother, locking eyes with her. “You did not raise me,” I stated fly, my tone laced with bitterness. “My father and the internet did. With a rough exhale. I retreated to the bar. “We aren’t living here after farriage!

Stephanie eyed me warily. “And why is that?” she inquired, her voice filled with curiosity and perhaps a hint of defiance.

won’t disrespect Lily like that,” I replied bluntly, my patience wearing thin. Fed up with the conversation. I grabbed the bottle and made my way up the stairs. “I don’t want to see both of you here when I get down.”

I didn’t descend the stairs again that night. The next morning, to my relief, neither my mother, Stephanie, nor the boxes cluttered the living room.

“Somebody leaked that you’re getting married to Stephanie next week, Angelo announced abruptly as he barged into my office. His steps faltered as he caught sight of me, accompanied by a detective from the station. “Apologies, I had no idea you had a visitor,” he added, a hint of surprise coloring his tone.

“More reason you should pay attention to my secretary, I deadpanned, shooting Angelo a pointed look. “We will discuss what you just said after he leaves.” Redirecting my attention to the detective, I urged him to continue.

He glanced at Angelo skeptically, but I reassured him. “It’s fine. You can say whatever you want to say before him.”

“So far, we were able to find out that Sophia’s parents contacted ber and informed her that you were on your way to find her after you left, the detective revealed.

My disappointment was evident as I pressed for more information. “And? That can’t be all they found after all this time.”

The detective hesitated before responding. “For them to have reached out to her and for her to have responded, that meant she had a phone with her.”

“And Have your department found the phone yet?” I inquired impatiently, eager for any lead that could bring me closer to finding who murdered Sophia.

“Not yet, we are still searching the place and the environment, the detective informed me, observing my frustration evident in the furrowing of my brow. Even he must realize that the information he’s sharing isn’t enough of a clue to find the


“Your men arrived just two minutes after the murder, which means whoever killed her hurried out of that place, he continued, offering some insight. “And the signal from the line she used to contact her parents was active twenty–four hours after her death, and in the apartment where she died. It seems she hid it properly, and all we have to do is find it.”

I nodded, absorbing the information. “When you do, do not hesitate to inform me.”

He rose to his feet, adjusting his jacket. “I sure will,” he assured me with an annoying smile. “Please do not forget the promise you made to me“

“I won’t,” I assured the detective as he left my office. Once he was gone, Angelo took a seat on the sofa fie had just vacated, dropping his tablet on the table. I picked it up, eager to investigate further.

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Chapter 94

“Which blogger carried the news first?” I inquired, already anticipating the answer.


“HomeGist.” Angelo replied promptly.

+ 69% #

My eyes quickly scanned the article about my impending marriage to Stephanie, noting the time and location mentioned. “Give the CEO a call and tell him that I am withdrawing my sponsorship,” I instructed firmly. It was outrageous for them to accept my money and publish such information without my consent.

“You know Stephanie did this, right? Or could it be your mother Angelo suggested cautiously.

my desk.

We will find out after you make that call,” I replied, rising from the sofa to return to my seat behind Angelo made the call as instructed, and a few minutes later, my phone rang with Weng’s name on the screen. I knew he was calling to explain.

Swiping to accept the call and putting it on speaker, I cut to the chase. “What do you want, Weng? I thought Angelo already told you all that you need to know?”

“I swear on my life, sir, I had no idea my staff published this, Weng pleaded desperately. “I will have it taken down ASAP”

“And of what good is that to me when other bloggers have already published the news?” I countered sharply, frustration evident in my voice.

“It was Ms, Stephanie; she claimed you were aware of it, Weng explained quickly.

“Then go to Ms. Stephanie for sponsorship,” I retorted bitterly, ending the call before he could respond. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

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