Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 82

Chapter 82


I was in my detention room, my head resting against the cold wall, eyes shut tight as I drowned in my thoughts. Suddenly, the door to the dimly lit room creaked open, and I instinctively opened my eyes, expecting to hear the familiar words, "You have a visitor," as had become the routine. However, to my pleasant surprise, I received much better news.

"You've been released," the officer announced as he stepped into the room.

I rose to my feet, feeling the stiffness in my bones from being confined for so long. Skeptically, I eyed him. "What do you mean?"Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

"It means you are free to go. The charges have been dropped," he clarified, holding the door wider for me to pass through.

Walking out of the room, I was handed my clothes to change into. After changing, I approached the officer who had delivered the news of my release. "I want to speak to James," I requested.

He busied himself with his surroundings, appearing as though he was searching for something else. "He is unavailable at the moment," he responded, avoiding my gaze.

Clearly unsatisfied with his response, I felt my frustration mounting. "Then make him available," I hissed, my impatience getting the better of me.

"You don't need to kill the man with your eyes, Mr. Williams," a familiar voice interrupted from behind. It was James, stepping into the room with his characteristic calm demeanor. "I know you have a lot of questions, but let's keep it brief. Your father is waiting for you in his


I nodded tersely, acknowledging his presence. "Lead the way to your office," I instructed, my tone firm. James chuckled before turning to walk away, and I followed in his wake.

Entering his office, I took a seat and crossed my legs, fixing James with a steady gaze. "Why did you release me two weeks after the forensic results were released?" I demanded, getting straight to the point. "Did you find the killer?"

He shook his head. "The case isn't closed yet, but you've been cleared as a suspect."

My frown deepened. "But why?" I pressed, feeling unsettled by the sudden turn of events. They couldn't simply clear me without solid evidence.

"Your father obtained a CCTV footage from a motel that had insisted their cameras were broken for months," James explained, his expression betraying a hint of awe. "However, your father somehow managed to procure footage from outside that same motel. How he accomplished it, I do not know, but you should be grateful to him."

Nodding thoughtfully, I rose from my seat. However, I knew there was still work to be done. "Please, James, I want to be involved in this case," I asserted, "I'll report any findings I come across, and I expect you to do the same."

Relaxing in his chair, James crossed his legs and shook his head. "If you want to report your findings to me, please, go ahead, but don't expect me to reciprocate. I am not obliged to report anything to you, as the victim is not a member of your family."

Though frustrated by his response, I knew arguing with him would be futile. Instead, I resolved to find alternative means of staying informed about the investigation. "Thank you, James," I replied, masking my disappointment.

He shook his head once more. "Don't thank me, thank your father."

Walking out of the detention center, I took a deep breath of fresh air, relishing the sensation of freedom. I scanned the area for my father's familiar car, as James had mentioned he was waiting for me. Spotting his car not too far away, with my father leaning against it with folded arms, I couldn't help but chuckle at his tired appearance. Closing the distance between us, I approached him.

"Let this be the last time you put me through so much stress for your silly decisions," my father warned sternly before getting into his car. I followed suit, and his security closed the door behind me. As we began our journey home, I couldn't help but feel tired for What's to come. I knew I had to face the press tomorrow, and I needed to be prepared. "YAEW Group?" I inquired, breaking the silence.

"I've already taken care of everything regarding them," my father responded calmly. "The design team is already working on creating a design that closely resembles ours."

He gazed out the window as he outlined his plan. "We're going to use your unjust detention to our benefit," he explained. "First, we'll have the police issue a public statement clarifying that you weren't the actual culprit. Then, you'll hold your own press conference, discussing how the detention impacted your psychological health and addressing the wrongful accusations from YAEW Group. While the public sympathizes with your ordeal, we'll release the design."

His strategy sounded promising, but at that moment, all I could think about was a hot shower, a nice dinner, and a good night's sleep. "Where is Angelo?" I asked, puzzled by his absence. It was unlike him not to pick me up. I had half-expected to see him standing outside the detention center, holding a welcome home balloon-just the kind of dramatic entrance he would make.

"He's running some errands for the company," he replied.

I didn't bother asking about my mother or my sister. Frankly, I didn't have the energy to deal with my mother's relentless interrogations, and my sister was currently out of the country.

We lapsed into a comfortable silence as the car made its way towards our gate. As we approached, I caught sight of a familiar figure standing outside-it was Lily.

"You do realize that nothing came from getting married to her," my father mused, breaking the silence. "And nothing will come from getting married to her again."

Ignoring his commentary, my gaze remained fixed on the woman standing outside my gate, her presence stirring something within me.

"With all the damage you've caused so far, you should be focused solely on actions that benefit the company, and tying the knot with her won't do us any good," my father continued, his words filled with Idisapproval.

"And I'm guessing you're indirectly suggesting Stephanie," I remarked dryly.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "You already know the answer to that." As the car came to a halt in front of her, he leaned slightly towards me. "Have fun with her, but for the love of my sanity, do not propose."

"Too bad," I taunted with a smirk, "I don't care for your sanity." With that, I swung open the door, descended from the car, and slammed it shut behind me as the vehicle reversed and drove away.

Turning to face Lily with a teasing smile, I shifted my gaze from her face to the plastic bag she held in her hand. "Do you show up here with food every day?" I couldn't help but inquire, curious about her unexpected gesture. After all, the news of my release hadn't yet made headlines, so how could she have known?

"I was at the station earlier, and they said you've been released," she explained with a smile, lifting the plastic bag. "You mentioned something about chicken and wine."

Unable to contain my chuckle, I let out a laugh. "How did you even get here so fast with chicken and wine, especially since we left before you?"

She shrugged, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I suppose your driver wasn't in a hurry to meet anyone, but I was. As for the chicken, it was actually a craving of mine for the night, and the wine was a quick detour," she explained, a sheepish smile gracing her lips. "I bought a cheap bottle from an almost empty shop just so I could check out quickly."

How the hell did I even stay for years without falling for this woman? I pondered in my head, my admiration for Lily growing by the moment. "Well, this is a sight every man would kill for."

Reaching for her hand, I gently grasped it, intertwining our fingers as I guided her towards her car. As she drove us into the compound, I couldn't shake the feeling of longing that had settled in my chest.

"Lily," I whispered as we reached her car, causing her to turn around to face me. "I have an unusual request to make."

She nodded, urging me to continue. "Please, spend the night with me," I pleaded softly, the words escaping my lips before I could second-guess myself.

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