Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 LILY If Jake finally picks up my call, I know he’ll be beyond furious, and honestly, I don’t blame him one bit. Whoever crafted that video conveniently omitted the part where I pushed Ryan away. From the outside, it definitely looks like I was enjoying the whole scenario I’ve tried calling Jake for the tenth time since discovering that damn video circulating online, but he’s steadfastly refusing to pick up Frustration courses through me as each call goes unanswered. Unable to focus on work with the weight of the situation bearing down on me, I make the decision to clock out early. Treating myself to a bottle of wine seems like the best idea right now. Thankfully, I know the kids won’t be home Liam has his drawing class, Noah his piano lessons, and Ethan his golf practice. As I pulled into the driveway, my heart sank at the sight of a very familiar car parked in the garage – Jake was already at my place, undoubtedly waiting for me. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I prepared myself for the impending conversation, or rather, the impending argument that was sure to follow Upon entering the house, I found Jake already seated, a bottle of wine between us. “Hey, I greeted him, my smile strained with nervousness. He stared at me with an unsettling absence of emotion, his s expression cold and impassive. “I saw the signs, he remarked, his voice tinged with bitterness, and yet you swore it was nothing” Taking a hesitant step closer to him, I attempted to reassure him. “It is still nothing. I insisted, my voice trembling slightly Finally, a flicker of emotion crossed his face as jake leveled a piercing glare at me. There’s a video of you ki*sing your ex–husband, he stated bluntly, his words like a punch to the gut. “the same man you claimed you had nothing to do with.” “He ki*sed me. I blurted out in a rush, desperation lacing my tone as I tried to defend myself. Jake’s glare only darkened at my words. “I swear. Jake, I didn’t ki*s him back. Whoever recorded that video conveniently left out the part where I pushed him away.” Silence hung heavy in the air as Jake continued to stare at me, his fist clenching and unclenching with pent–up frustration. “If anyone told me that you would cheat on me, I wouldn’t believe it, he finally spoke, his voice thick with disappointment. “I did not cheat.” I sighed, realizing that arguing wasn’t the solution at this moment. Taking a deep breath, I closed the distance between us with another hesitant step. Tm sorry that you had to see that video, and Em sorry for even being in such a compromising position with Ryan.” “Compromising position?” he scoffed, his tone laced with anger.

“So you want me to believe that you aren’t sleeping with that man behind my back!! That you weren’t f@cking his dick?!” My eyes widened in shock at his hurtful words. “Ill let that insult slide because I know you’re hurting, but if you say it again. I won’t hesitate to knock some sense into you, I warned, my voice trembling with anger. Ignoring my warning, he continued to spew insults at me. “Why are you upset? Because I spoke the truth?” he taunted, rising to his full height, his imposing figure looming over me. After seeing you ki*sing him like that, you expect me to believe that he is not bending you over and that you are not sucking his dick?” His words cut deep, and without a second thought, I slapped him hard across the cheek. “I understand that you’re hurt and upset, but I won’t tolerate any more insults from you. I declared firmly, lifting my head high as I fought to control my rising anger. “What do I need to say to make you feel better? What do I have to do to show you how sorry I am for causing you this pain? My gaze locked onto his, searching for any sign of understanding or forgiveness in his eyes. “Let’s get married” he announced, and I felt myself freeze in place. “If you’re truly sorry and being honest about there being nothing between you and Ryan, then let’s tie the knot I took a nervous step back, my mind reeling. “What are you talking about?” 1 stammered, trying to process his unexpected proposal. Closing the distance between us, he looked me straight in the eyes. “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Lily,” he said. “If you’re sure you have no feelings for your ex–husband, then let’s take this step. It’s the only way I’ll be able to forgive you for what happened and save our relationship” “Have you lost your mind?” I exclaimed, disbelief coloring my words. “I can’t believe you think it’s right to pressure me into marriage with an ultimatum” “This isn’t about ultimatums, he argued, his tone firm. “It’s about trust.” “Trust?!” I scoffed incredulously. “If you truly trusted me, you would have seen from that video that I didn’t reciprocate that ki*s” Chapter 65 “I choose to believe what I saw, Lily,” he insisted stubbornly, his tone unwavering “And what I saw was you and Ryan Williams ki*sing, and I refuse to entertain any other possibility just because you said so I clenched my jaw, staring at the man I had been in a relationship with for over a year. “If you’re not willing to believe me and take my word for it, I began slowly, the frustration evident in my voice, then maybe we shouldn’t even be doing this.” His eyes narrowed in anger. “What do you mean we shouldn’t be doing this!” I gestured between us with a flick of my finger. “Whatever this is between us,” Lclarified, taking a step back as he advanced,This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“maybe it’s better off not happening at all. Trust is a fundamental cornerstone of any relationship, and it’s glaringly absent in ours.” “And who’s to blame for that?!” he exploded angrily, his voice echoing through the room. “Who’s responsible for the lack of trust in this relationship? If you had just listened to me and kept your distance from Ryan like I told you to, none of this would have happened!” I stood there, staring at him, and in that moment, I found myself in agreement without any resistance. “Fine, Lconceded, my voice devoid of defiance. Tll take the blame for this failed relationship. I’ll take responsibility for not addressing this sooner, for not addressing your insecurities when I should have.” I reached into my bag and retrieved his engagement ring. Ti ending it, Jake. It’s over. He stared at the ring in my outstretched hand, then back at me, before bursting into laughter, the sound ringing hollow in the tense atmosphere. “So let me get this straight,” he chuckled mockingly. “You’re the one caught cheating and yet you’re still the one breaking up with me?” “I did not cheat on you!” I insisted vehemently, my voice trembling with frustration and hurt. “No matter what you refuse to believe me, but the truth remains–I did not betray your trust.” “Shut up. Lily” he barked, his anger boiling over. “You’re just looking for an excuse to run back to him, aren’t you?” My glare intensified, disbelief and indignation coursing through me. That’s absurd,” I retorted sharply, my words laced with indignation He leaned in closer, his grip on my shoulder tightening uncomfortably. “You can’t just walk away from this, Lily, he spat, his eyes ablaze with fury. “Not after everything I’ve put into this relationship! Not after all my investments!” My brows furrowed in confusion, my mind struggling to comprehend his claims. “What exactly did you invest!” I challenged, my voice tinged with frustration “Did you finance my education or help me build my c

areer? Were you there during the difficult moments of our children’s birth? Did you perhaps help me carry to them!! What investments are you even talking about?” “I know the investment I’ve made.” he growled. his voice dripping with frustration. “And I don’t need to spell it out for you.” Before! could muster a response, he yanked me even closer attempting to force a ki*s upon me. Turning my head away from his advances only seemed to further enrage him. He tried again, but I fought against it with all my strength, pushing against him in a desperate attempt to break free. Let go of me!” 1 screamed amidst the struggle, my voice echoing with fear and defiance. Finally managing to break free from his grasp, I recoiled in shock. “Have you lost your mind?!” I yelled at him, my heart pounding in my chest “Yes, I have lost my mind” he admitted bluntly, as he reached for me abruptly again, his grip tightening on my hand as he tried ance more to pull me towards him. Frantically, I continued to resist, screaming and yelling at the top of my lungs, praying that my security team outside would hear my cries and rush to my aid I was still struggling when suddenly. I felt a release from Jake’s hold. Opening my eyes, I was met with the shocking sight of Jake pinned to the floor, Ryan delivering furious blows upon him. In the blink of an eye, their positions reversed, Jake managing to flip Ryan over and retaliate with equal force. Despite my desperate pleas for them to cease the violence, the altercation persisted, escalating into a full–blown brawl. It took the intervention of my security team, summoned from outside, to Enally separate them. Even then, Ryan continued to struggle against their hold, his rage still palpable. “When a lady says no, it means no, you crazy bastard!” Ryan shouted vehemently, his voice filled with righteous anger as he strained against the security guards. “And who are you to tell me how to handle my fiancée? Jake spat back, his tone dripping with resentment. “Haven’t you caused enough problems in our relationship already?” “Ex–fiancée,” I corrected wearily, letting out a tired sigh. “I think it’s best for you to leave.” “You heard her,” Jake spat at Ryan, his voice seething with anger. “Get out” Chapter 65 1 wasn’t talking to Ryan,” I clarified, meeting Jake’s glare head–on. “Please leave, Jake, and don’t come back because there’s no reason for you to be here.” “Do I need to break free for you to leave? Ryan shot back defiantly. “This isn’t over, Jake growled at me, his eyes blazing with fury. “You can’t just end things, Lily. This relationship isn’t over until I say it is,” “Just go, Jake.” I urged. His feral eyes darted around the room, filled with a menacing intensity. “Il leave,” he conceded

grudgingly, his words laced with a chilling promise. “But I’ll be back” With that, he kicked the wine boule on the floor, shattering it into pieces, before storming out and slimming the door behind him. SEND GET

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