Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 RYAN In the early hours of the following morning. I left the penthouse with Angelo. Recognizing the limitations of my culinary skills and the inability to whip up a satisfying breakfast, I made a stop at a renowned local eatery to procure a delectable morning for everyone. Upon reaching Lily’s residence, the imposing gate was effortlessly swung open by the security personnels. Driving through the entrance. I pulled over at the temporary parking space, got down from the vehicle and approached the front door, and rang the doorbell. After a few minutes, the entrance door was opened by none other than Lily, whose appearance proved that she just rolled out of bed. Suppressing a yawn, she greeted us with a comment on our early arrival, “You’re earlier than expected.” As she uttered those words, her nightwear’s robe slid from her shoulder, granting a glimpse of her bare neck and shoulders, an unintended display that included a peek of her nipples because the robe no longer covered her boobs area, though Lily remained oblivious to this unintentional exhibition as drowsiness still clouded her senses. I turned sharply to fix Angelo with a disapproving glare, only to find him already engrossed in examining his shoes. With a determined. stride, I approached Lily. “The scenery is pleasant to me, but I do not appreciate an audience, I remarked pointedly. It took her a moment to grasp my meaning as I reached for her robe, gently sliding it back onto her shoulder. Her eyes widened in horror as realization dawned upon her. Swiftly, she crossed her arms over her stomach, a defensive gesture to prevent any further exposure. Clearing her throat, she composed herself. “Please, come in. Let me change into something more appropriate.” As she retreated indoors, granting us permission to enter, I couldn’t resist a playful jab. “Your current attire is perfectly suitable.” I called after her, teasingly. However, my attempt at humor was met with a stern glare in response. Chuckling softly, I observed as she ascended the stairs and disappeared into her room for a wardrobe adjustment. “Where should I drop these?” Angelo’s question pierced through my thoughts, drawing my attention away from the staircase. They’re quite heavy.” Familiar with the layout of the house, I took the lead, guiding him towards the kitchen while pondering the whereabouts of the staff I had encountered during my previous visits. Angelo deposited the food in the microwave without turning it on, leaving the items nestled within its metallic confines. “Mind if I crash in the living room?” he inquired, stifling a weary

yawn. “Had a bit of trouble getting to sleep last night.” An eyebrow quirked in mild amusement at his request. “Wasn’t it you who mentioned your working hours–commencing with my awakening and ceasing upon my slumber?” I queried, my tone laced with a hint of jest as I proceeded towards the living area. “Are you perhaps growing a touch too comfortable in my presence?” His response was a grunt, devoid of coherent meaning, as we walked back to the living room. Angelo, shedding his shoes with a casual nonchalance, settled himself onto the sofa, the weariness of the night’s restlessness etched faintly across his face. “You can use the guestroom down the hallway, Lily informed Angelo, her tone laced with a hint of caution, as she made her way towards the living room. “Liam will instantly resent you if he finds you sleeping there. Angelo’s posture straightened. “He dislikes people sleeping on the sofa?” he asked her. “That’s one of the primary reasons he and Noah clash so frequently, Lily responded with a rueful smile, settling herself onto the sofa farthest from mine. Angelo rose from his seat, casting a brief glance in my direction. “Would it be alright if I took a quick nap?” he inquired, seeking my approval with a hopeful expression. I waved my hand in assent, and with a grateful nod, he ambled off towards the guestroom. Lily cleared her throat, her tone tinged with a hint of optimism. “Liam is a morning person, so you’ll likely catch him in a better mood this time around.” Lily’s words, reassuring though they may be, failed to alleviate the knot of nerves tightening in my stomach. It’s perplexing that I. accustomed to confidently facing crowds and sealing deals, find myself rendered speechless in the presence of that young boy! “I can’t remain in Canada indefinitely, Lily,” I voiced the pressing concern. This matter needed addressing, especially given my 11:42 AM Chapter 42 impending departure. I longed to ensure their presence remained a constant in my life. With a contemplative air, Lily leaned back, legs elegantly crossed, and blinked deliberately at me. I’m contemplating having them join you in New York for the holidays, she suggested. “And what about after the holidays?” I questioned, my voice carrying a raspy edge. “Holidays are but fleeting moments in a year, and 1 adamantly refuse to be a father who only sees his children on sporadic occasions.” Her initially relaxed demeanor morphed into a discernible frown. “What exactly do you expect me to say?” Lily inquired, her voice tinged with frustration “Holidays are the most feasible arrangement I can manage right now.” “I’m not disputing the holiday arrangement,” I emphasized, “But, Lily, I’ve only just met my children. I’ve just discovered them, andNôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

I want more than just occasional holiday visits.” Her frown deepened, and she leaned forward, the atmosphere growing tense. “So, what are you proposing?” she snapped, a note of irritation creeping into her tone. “If the current arrangement doesn’t suit you, you could always jet down every weekend and spend time with them. You can afford it, can’t you? Her lips pressed into a thin line, a challenge lingering in her gaze. “Alternatively,” I countered. “you could come to New York. After all, you’re the reason we find ourselves in this situation, so it only seems fair for you to make a compromise.” “At the expense of the kids‘ comfort?” she hissed, her eyes flashing with defiance. “They have their lives here, Ryan, and I refuse to uproot them just to satisfy your whims.” The argument veered dangerously off course, a far cry from the reason for my morning visit. However, I’ve never been one to suppress my emotions or withhold my words. There are excellent schools in New York, Lily, I countered. “They’re children! They’ll adapt, they’ll forget about their lives here in due time. What matters is that they have you and they have me.” “You’re insane, Lily shot back, her voice laced with incredulity. “You’ve lost all sense of reason, Ryan.” Insults were not unfamiliar territory for me, and her words failed to elicit the desired effect. The one reluctant to be uprooted from her life is you, Lily, and that, my dear, is a remarkably selfish decision.” “I have a life here, Ryan!” Lily’s voice reverberated with intensity, her frustration palpable. I run a hospital,” she declared, her hand gesturing outward in emphasis, “and I’m knee–deep in wedding planning.” I offered a nonchalant shrug in response. “Running the hospital isn’t an insurmountable obstacle,” I reasoned calmly. “We can establish another branch in New York. As for your wedding plans, that’s none of my concern.” Lily’s jaw tensed visibly, her patience wearing thin. “And who’s the selfish one now?” she shot back, her tone edged with defiance. “Still you,” I countered firmly, refusing to yield ground. Why should I keep my kids away simply because you’re planning a wedding With another man?” A heavy silence settled between us as Lily’s glare bore into me, her expression filled with frustration and

resignation. Eventually, she reached up to massage her temples, closing her eyes in a moment of quiet contemplation. With a resigned sigh, she finally spoke. “I’m not moving to New York, and that’s final.” A sly smile played across my lips as I met her gaze. “That’s perfectly fine,” I replied casually. “You don’t have to move to New York with the kids.” Her glare intensified, sharpening like a blade. “You must be insane to think I’d ever allow my kids to go to New York without me,” Lily asserted firmly, “You won’t have much of an option, Lily,” I replied coolly, my tone devoid of emotion. Her eyes narrowed angrily, her fist clenching beside her in frustration. “Are you insinuating what I think you are, Ravel?” she demanded. the tension crackling between us. My indifferent shrug only served to stoke the flames of her ire. “Don’t you forget that I have more than enough resources to hire the best lawyer if you ever decide to file for full custody of my kids.” I couldn’t contain the bitter laugh that escaped me, fueled by a potent blend of anger and frustration. “You may have the money for top- tier legal representation, but I possess the influence and connections to sway the decision of any judge who presides over our case, so don’t push it!” I retorted sharply. “Why are you yelling at my mom?” Liam’s tiny voice pierced through the heated exchange, echoing down from the stairs and bringing 11:42 AM Chapter 42 our conversation to an abrupt halt

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