Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Chapter 100


As I settled into my car, a profound sense of loneliness washed over me. It was incredibly difficult to tear myself away from Lily and the boys after spending such persions time with them.

With a heavy sigh, I inserted the key into the ignition, glancing giver at Lily, who was still standing by the window. I offered her a small smile and silently mouthed “I love you” before pulling away.

I distat expect her to say it back, and part of me didn’t want her to–not yet, anyway. If she did, I feared I wouldn’t be able t

didn’t control myself any longer.

Instead of heading straight home, I decided to make a pit stop as nearby har to grab a few drinks before heading home. However, as I glances in my rearview mirror, I noticed something peculiar the same yellow cab had been following me fo

quite some time

Glancing in my rearview mirror, I furrowed my brow as the car behind ine seemed to pick up speed when I did. Letting ou a scoff of annoyance, I decided to pull over at a bustling bar, confident that my security team would take note of the suspicious vehicle and handle it accordingly.

Stepping into the bar, I made my way to the counter and took a seat, signaling the bartender over, I ordered a bottle of Irish whiskey, which he promptly placed in front of me before

returning to his duties, wiping down the counter.

A few minutes later, I sensed a familiar presence beside me and turned to find the source of my annoyance. Sure enough. the man from the yellow taxi had taken a seat next to me. I couldn’t help but scoff inwardly–the pieces were finally falling into place. Of course, he couldn’t afford his own car; that’s why he was resorting to trailing me in a taxi.

“Are you going to pretend you haven’t noticed jne sitting beside you?” he snapped, his tone laced with irritation.

I glanced at him momentarily, feeling a surge of irritation at his persistence. “I have no reason to acknowledge you, Jake, 1 replied firmly, the truth of my words echoing between us.

“Aren’t you married?” he shot back snappishly, his tone tinged with bitterness.

Relaxing back in my seat, I tilted my head and regarded him lazy, “Are you here to congratulate me?” I asked, unable to resist a hint of mockery in my tone,

His jaw clenched in frustration. “Then why were you at Lily’s?” he demanded, his voice rising with agitation. Do you even understand how this will affect her if the public gets wind of the fact that she’s entertaining a married man?”

Slowly, the smug expression on my face melted away, replaced by a simmering anger–not because I cared about public perception, but because something else was gnawing at me.

“How did you know I was coming from her place?” I asked sharply, my tone edged with suspicion. “What were you doing around her house?” I demanded, a surge of protectiveness for Lily coursing through me. Lily lived in a secluded area with no neighbors nearby, leaving me puzzled as to why Jake would be lurking around her premises.

That’s not the point,” he spat back angrily. “The point is that you should focus on your wife and leave Lily the hell alone.”

I felt my blood boil at his words. “The fact is, I need to get a restraining order against you, I growled, my voice low and dangerous. “This is slowly turning into an obsession.” I emphasized, my frustration bubbling to the surface. “Lily broke up with you again,” I stressed, my tone firm, so you have no reason whatsoever to be lurking around her house.”

He rose to his feet, closing in on me with an intensity that made my muscles tense. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed my security team rising to their feet, ready to intervene. But I shook my head at them, silently signaling for them to stand down I could handle this fool on my own.

“Stay away from Iily now that Tui being nice about it,” he wamed, his voice dripping with menace “Because if I lose my mind, neither of you will like it

That Laly would be getting a restraining order against him test thing tomorrow, and I would ensure my security team kept a close watch on her. Their instructions would be clear shoe to injure if they found him anywhere near her.

Leave Thelloerd at Jake, my voice echoing through the bar. “Oll beat the living daylights out of you right here and now. and have you locked up for good

He glanced around, undoubtedly noticing my security team’s focused attention on us. Chuckling bitterly, he shook his head. “Your money can’t always save you, Mr. Williams,” he sneereil. Consider yourself warned” NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

With a tual disdainful glance, he turned on his heel and strode qut of the bar, leaving roe seething with anger and frustrations. I lost all appetite for my drink, lossing a handful of dish onto the counter before storming out.

Shipping into my car, I dialed Lily’s number, relieved when she answered almost immediately. “Are you home? She asked. Not yet,” I replied, my voice tinged with frustration. “I made a stop at the bar to grab a drink, and I ran into Jake.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Lily spoke again. “What did he say?” she asked, concern

evident in her voice.

“Crary, disturbing things, I muttered, the memory of our encounter still fresh in my mind. “We’re filing for a restraining order against him tomorrow, Lily, and that isn’t up for debate.

Thankfully, she agreed without hesitation, “Sure,” she replied. “Please call me when you get home or send me a text. I need in know you got home safely

“Sure, I’ll do that,” I assured her before disconnecting the call. With a heavy sigh, I started the engine and drove myself


As soon as I stepped into my house, I followed Lily’s request and called her to let her know I was home safely. Afterward, I headed straight to the shower, hoping to wash away the stress of the day.

As I finished my shower, I grabbed my phone to find Angelo’s call waiting. “Do we know who the seller is?” I asked as I towel- dried my hair.

“Not yet he replied, his voice tinged with urgency. “But he’s closed the deal, and I’m about to wire him the money.

i nodded to myself, considering the implications. “How much are we talking about?” I inquired as I made my way to the


“A little over six hundred thousand dollars, Angelo informed ine

make sure you

“That’s a hefty sum,” I mused, mentally calculating our finances. Alright, but friend doesn’t take possession of the car until we know who they are?

“Yes, sir,” Angelo affirmed before we ended the call.

After completing my skincare routine and changing into my night clothes, I settled into bed, hoping to catch some rest. However, just as I was about to drift off, a message from Angelo Bashed on my phone screen.


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