Be Careful When You Bite Me

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

I dragged myself back to my room where there was a new tray of food but I couldn't bring myself to eat,

despite my stomachs rumbling. I changed my clothes and decided back down to the garden. The fresh

air had seemed to make me feel better before and I am hoping it will do the same this time around.

I found myself back at the garden from the night of my failed ritual. I walked up the fountain and found

pleasure in getting lost with the flow of the water. The sun had set but it wasn't quite dark just yet. In my

pocket, I pulled out a small plastic bag that I had wrapped my sandwich in and attempted to nibble on


I breathed in and out and mentally prayed for a way out of here. I didn't care how, I just knew I needed

an escape and I needed it now.


Startled by the sudden sound, I spun around and averted my attention back to reality.

Did I just hear a cat?

Damon's Pov

I already knew what father was planning as soon as he said to make sure that Holly was to be present

tonight at the hearing.

The human, I corrected myself, the foreigner.

Tomorrow night at nine pm he will bring the jester out and once and for all; decide his fate. I wondered

why he wouldn't just drain him and send his corpse to the wolves to finish off like he does with all dead

villagers. I knew this was another one of his tactics in trying to teach me a lesson.

Never show compassion to a villager.

They are humans after all, humans who torched and killed our ancestors, and once given a slither of

compassion, will turn around and stake you through the chest.

I wondered why he wanted Holly there. He certainly didn't think that I cared for her, did he?

I felt a sense of confusion and self-doubt as I made myself down to the main garden where the guards

had said Holly would be.

I caught sight of her in the distance as soon as I opened the doors. She was dressed in the original

clothing she had from the night we had found her, a pair of black jeans and a baggy sweatshirt with a

school sports team logo at the back of it. The subtle wind played with her long and wavy chocolate

brown hair and she lifted her fingers to move the loose strands out of her face.

I watched as she leaned forward closer to the fountain where Gremlin, the castles cat, nestled on the


"Hi," although she merely whispered it, I still heard her soft and gentle voice," whatcha doin' there?"


Holly's full lips lifted to form a smile and I realized that that was the first time I had seen her happy.

She brought her hands up to pet the cat and Gremlin purred in satisfaction. Holly picked a piece off the

sandwich she held in her other hand and fed it to the eager cat.

"You're so sweet," Holly stares adoringly at the cat.

It took me a second to realize I had been stopped dead in my tracks for minutes now and had been

staring at the scene. I felt something odd stir in my chest and forced myself to push it down. I had never

seen someone so gentle and so...benevolent.

It was so simple ; Hollys transaction with the cat but I could honestly say it was the most altruistic thing

I had seen in a long time.

I cleared my throat and watched as she jumped up and dropped the piece of food in her hand onto the

ground where Gremlin leaped. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

That action was so human. Any other member of The Underoworld would have sensed me coming

from a mile away and I didnt know whether to find her reaction pathetic or charming.

"I didn't see you," she blurted out.

Her big green eyes looked scared and almost guilty. They sparkled off something I couldn't quite get.

She's beautiful, I realized.

For a human, I reminded myself. I noticed that the scar Xavier had given her was still slightly bleeding

and wondered if he had tricked her into feeding from her again. I remembered the last time I had seen

her, in the closet, where we had been less than an inch apart.

"That's Gremlin," I began," He lives here." She merely nodded so I continued.

"There's a meeting tomorrow night, at the quarters, at 9pm," I spoke sternly, keeping my expression

blank," The King wants you there."

I turned to walk away.

"I-is it about me?" she interrupted, her soft voice attempting to be stern," Did they find a witch for me?"

I looked at her hopeful eyes and felt the strong need to swallow.

"Not yet," I said and strudded away, back into the castle. Walking away, I felt a strange sense of

something that almost resembled sadness for her but I merely shrugged it away.

Holly's POV

I bid Gremlin goodbye and walked back into the castle, heading straight to my room. I wondered why

Damon had seemed so cold. The last time I had seen him he was when he had pulled me into the

closet and asked me about the scar on my neck. Could that be why he was so stern, to remind me that

he doesn't care? Now that I have gotten a taste of what vampires are capable of, I didn't need any

gesture or a change of personality to determine that they don't care about anything.

Although it was strange seeing him after learning that Isabelle, the women whom he loves, and Seth,

his own brother, are plotting his downfall. I wanted to tell him, but I wanted to go home more. His issues

have nothing to do with me.

When I finally got to my room, I opened the doors to reveal Xavier standing by my bed.

His grey hair was tied back and his blue eyes shunned in excitement when he saw me.

"There you are," He greeted," I'm starving and nothing tastes as good as you."

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

Within a hot second, he had crossed the room and stood face to face with me.

"Did you forget about our deal?" He whispered, his voice on my skin sending shivers down my back.

"Did you?" I forced myself to say," you played me."

"I didn't play anyone, we had a deal."

I took a step back and away from his intense aura. It was hard to focus and form words with him

standing so close.

"Where's the witch," I asked," the one you were supposed to find for me?"

"We're still discussing it," he mumbled, growing uninterested in the conversation," she doesn't like it

here, so she's a little hesitant to come."

I remembered when Isabelle said that Xavier was dethroned for mating with a witch and wondered if

that was the reason,

"Is it because you guys are together?" I asked and quickly regretted it.

His gaze grew angry," Who told you that."

"I heard Isabelle mention it-"

"Don't mention it again," he snapped.

I simply nodded.

"Now you know there's a witch, it's just a matter of convincing her to come here," he took a step closer

again," my family isn't too nice to her, but it's nothing I can't handle."

"When," I demanded," I need a date, when."

"Soon," he simply stated," But nothing is happening if I don't get to taste that delicious foregin blood of

yours again,"

I stared at him for a couple of seconds and wondered if I was going to regret this in the morning. My

body ached for that feeling of being held in his strong grip and the touch of his fangs on my skin. It

thrilled and excited me just to think about it. Should I feel better now, knowing that there is a witch?

Regardless, if I don't let him bite me now, it's certain that I'm not leaving anytime soon.

I breathed in and out and tilted my head to the side.

"Outta girl," his husky voice was the last thing I felt on my skin before a sharp pain, followed by pure


Sleep was out of the question. I stayed restless and much like my initial days here, I spend my time

gazing out the window, watching the sky go from midnight blue, to a light coral colour before finally

transitioning into the bright blue that is tomorrow.

I spend my morning stressing about the events to come and wondering what to expect. I hoped and

prayed once again that Xavier would come through on our deal. I prayed that he would convince the

witch to help me before Seth and Isabelle decide that it was a mistake to let me live.

I wondered why the King had requested my presence tonight at the quarters if it doesn’t mean they had

found me a witch.

At around ten am I felt my body finally crash and enter a deep sleep despite my racing brain.

When I woke up, I was glad to find a tray of food by my bed.

Without thought, I scarfed down the sandwich and the fruit and chugged the glass of water like it was

the first thing I had put in my mouth for days.

I stretched my legs and walked down the hall, and after a quick shower and a change of clothes,

decided to kill a few hours doing some more exploring.

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