Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire


Blair didn’t know how but she found herself staring at Dylan’s lips. It was so pink she could not help but swallow. Dylan stopped from where he was adjusting her pillow as he felt her stare on him. He stared back at her with an intense look

“Can I kiss you?” Dylan asked out of nowhere and my head nodded automatically. He didn’t waste time. Dylan picked up my lips and mounted it with his.

Blair moaned as Dylan too hold of her neck and gently pulled her to him.

“Blair?” A voice interrupted. Blair froze in the kiss. It couldn’t be, she thought. She didn’t want to look out of fear, wanted to believe it was her mind playing tricks with her. So instead, she pulled Dylan even closer, deepening the kiss. “Blair!” Dylan had to pull back this time.

“Who are you?” Dylan asked. “How…” He stopped and turned to Blair. “Do you know him? Is he one of your relatives?”


“Blair, who is this man? I heard the rumors but I refused to believe this was true.”

“Oh, to hell with what you believe Richard!” Blair lost it. “You are the one who left, not me? How dare you come in here and act like I’m the one who abandoned and is now betraying you, when you broke up with me over the fucking phone.”

“Blair, about that-”

“You should leave now,” Dylan decided that he had heard enough, he didn’t need to question twice before he knew that the man, now in his living room was Blair’s ex.

“Fuck you man! I’m not leaving till I’ve spoken to Blair.”

“She doesn’t want to speak to you and in case you didn’t realize, you are on my property and ‘Blair’ is my wife.”

“She is not yours.”

“Christ, where did this fool come from? If you don’t leave now, I’ll be forced to do something you don’t like.”

“What are you going to do? Call the cops? I’m not afraid of you.”

“I’m not going to call the cops on you, when I have the hands to beat you myself.”

“I love Blair and I’m not leaving without speaking to her.”

“Ok, if you talk about my wife again, you will be getting a broken-”

“Dylan, what’s going on?” Donna who had just rushed out of the kitchen when she had heard the heated voices asked, she was confused to see a man whose face she didn’t know exchanging words with Dylan. “What’s going on? Where is Blair?”

Dylan was confused, Blair had just been right beside him a moment ago, he didn’t hear her leave. “Where did she go to? She was here just now… where did she go?”

“I don’t know, she wasn’t here when I arrived…” Dylan was already running up the stairs, Richard tried to follow, but Donna blocked his way.

“Maybe you should wait here.” She didn’t know who Richard was and she didn’t trust him either since she had just seen him involved in an hot argument with Dylan. “Dylan will go bring Blair.”

“Blair!” Dylan rushed into the room. “Listen, I know you don’t want to… Blair?” She wasn’t in there. “Donna, she’s not here.” He announced rushing out. When he got downstairs Richard and Donna were still in the same spot that he had left them. “She isn’t in the room, I checked round. I don’t think she’s in this house.”

“Where could she have gone?” Donna asked.

Dylan turned to Richard. “Do you have any hand in this?”

“I should be asking you that. If this is some ploy just to get me to leave, I know Blair is up there.”

“I’ll nicely ask you to get out from my house.”

“Fine. I’ll leave. This is your house anyways, but I’ll be back tomorrow.” Once Richard was gone, Dylan had tried Blair’s lines only to find that it was switch off.

“Her phone is switched off.” His eyes landed on Blair’s purse, which sat on the chair, close to where she had sat. He went through it, but Blair’s phone wasn’t there. “Her phone isn’t here, do you think she took it with her?”

“I can’t say, maybe she didn’t even take it out with her in the first place. Let’s just wait, maybe she’s just overwhelmed with everything that’s going on. Let’s wait, she’ll be back soon.”

“I hope so.”

The next day Blair was still missing, even Samantha didn’t know where Blair was. Her parents had called, Dylan’s parents, Erin and Jessica had shown up the following week. Dylan still told them the same thing, he didn’t no where Blair was, no one knew.

It’s been a week since Blair left town, with nothing but empty pockets. She had met with a friend at work who had housed her for the night, there she had called her closest cousin, who came to get her the next day.

“Samantha, it’s me.”NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“Blair where are you? Richard is back and Dylan said you’re missing. Even your mum called me, she said she’s been trying to get to you, but your line was switched off, just like when I tried to call also. Are you okay?”

“I can’t do it anymore Samantha. I had to leave… I mean, the marriage was never meant to be and all, and now that I’m gone, Dylan can move on with his life and finds someone he truly loves and I don’t even want to see Richard… it’s not good for my mental health.”

“I don’t give two fucks about Richard darling, but what about Dylan? Are you going to leave him, the other day you told me you two have gotten even closer and you sounds really happy Blair-”

“I have thought about it over the days Samantha and this is for the best. Richard will move on, Dylan will move on, and so will I. It will hurt, but well… It wouldn’t be the first time right? I’m fine and uh… I’m fine.”

“Ok, you need to calm down and think over this again.”

“I have done that already. I didn’t just make this decision overnight or while I was drunk. I sat with a clear head and after thinking of it, this is the best for everybody. I mean, Dylan and I did get married, so he’ll get his inheritance, that’s all his parents needed me for anyways, my father doesn’t owe them anymore. Richard can go back to wherever he came from and I’ll move on with my life.”

“When will you be back? I miss you already. Things have been really heavy around here, with you gone. Everybody is worried, Dylan hasn’t been the same, no one has, and your parents are really worried. Will you call them at least, let them know you’re alright?

“I will, I’ll do that.”

“Ok, but you didn’t answer my first question. When will you be back?”

“I’m not sure, when I’m ready. But I’ll keep in touch with you, and my parents… don’t tell Dylan that I called.” Samantha didn’t give a reply, but Blair could still hear her breathing. “Samantha?”

“Okay, I won’t.”

Dylan drew the window blinds covering the large glass window behind his desk. He swirled his recliner to face the glass, gazing at the outside world in fascination. Light showers poured down in the city, on the skyscrapers and low buildings, and he could make out human figures, some under umbrellas and some scampering away for a shade.

The weather was cool, and the rain was as though the clouds were happy, like Dylan was. He began to recount his experiences in the past few months, and it all felt surreal.

It still painted a vivid picture in his head; the day his parents called and informed him about his marriage. He had been so angry that he stomped out of his office in the middle of an important work and drove straight to his parents to ask what they meant by that.

The next was on the altar. He had told his parents to perish the idea of his getting married and ran out of town, but a call from his father was enough to get him back to the house a night before the wedding. He met his bride for the first time on the altar, and her smile was dazzling. He was blown away by the red-haired , amber-eyed lady who smiled as she saw him. She was so beautiful, much more than he was actually expecting.

However, he recalled the circumstances surrounding the marriage and that was enough to get him angry once again.

Dylan had always hated fiesty women. Not only were they do much trouble, but they brought out the worst in him. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, his bride turned out to be everything he never wanted.

It was hard to accept that he was a married man, and it took him quite a while to get used to hearing the terms husband and wife. Then it started with endless arguments and banters, to a kiss that was supposed to be for show. It was so fast and unbelievable how things worked. Just like that he found himself getting drawn to her smile and personality, then he could not understand what he felt again, and then he decided to accept that he felt something.

Accepting was the best option he made, as he could then understand himself and his feelings better. The night before was the best night Dylan could ever remember having. Blair had given him the permission to go all the way with her, and every moment together was worth it.

A smile slid across his lips the more he thought about it. She made him happy, brought out the side in him he never thought existed. During the vacation was when his eyes and his heart started opening. Now Dylan was completely sure about taking the next step with Blair; to terminate the marriage contract and ask her to be his wife for real.

There was a little problem though; he didn’t know how to go about it. Should he just ask her directly? Or should he take her somewhere and ask her? Or just do it at home? None of that seemed a reasonable option. He wanted it to be special, but there was little to no idea on how to make that happen.

While Dylan was still lost in his thoughts, the door to his office was pushed open and Alexa stepped in.

“Excuse me sir?”

Dylan did not hear.

Alexa tapped his desk but received no response. She walked forward and tapped his arm to which he responded.

Dylan whipped around, startled as he saw his secretary staring at him in a confused manner. He exhaled deeply when he saw it was just Alexa.

“You nearly gave me a heart attack, Alexa. Don’t you know how to knock?”

“I did that sir, but you didn’t answer. Then I came in and tapped your table but you still didn’t answer. I had no choice but to tap you directly,” she explained, shrugging as she made the last statement.

“Whatever! What do you want?”

She placed some documents before him and requested for his signature. Dylan signed them all and handed it back to her, asking what was next on his schedule to which she replied that he had a meeting.

As Alexa turned to go, Dylan had an idea come to his head.

“Alexa, wait.”

She stopped and slowly turned around to face him.

“Uh… I was uhm… wondering. How can… how can a man pro-p… propose to a woman?” He forced the reluctant statement out of his throat.

Alexa gave him a suspicious look, then walked forward until she was in front of his desk and asked him to bend over. Dylan did as she said.

“Do you perhaps… I mean are you… cheating on your wife?” She whispered the last words.

“What? No! I just… I want to know how I can propose, you know like…” Dylan trailed off when he saw the suspicion still stuck on her face. “You know what? Just forget it. You can go.” He dismissed her and booted his computer. “Why are you still here?” He asked when he saw that she was still standing and staring at him.

“Sir, I kind of… have an idea.”

Dylan gave her his full attention. “What is it about? Tell me, I’m all ears.”

“You want to propose, right?” She placed the files in her arms back on the table. “Can I sit?”

Dylan nodded.

Alexa pulled the opposite chair closer and sat on it, then took a deep breath and started. “First get her a ring. It’s important for you to know what kind of person she is, as in, her preferences. Does she like flashy jewelry? Does she like the one that is not so extra? You get me?”

Dylan nodded. “I get, continue.” For that, he was sure Blair would love something simple.

“Oh while getting it, you should know her ring size. Next, I’ll still emphasize on her personality: would she want a public or private proposal?”

Dylan thought of that. Blair wasn’t someone that liked to go out a lot, and she didn’t like attention so it would be the latter. “Go on,” Dylan said.

“After that, if she wants a public proposal, do it somewhere fancy. If not, do it somewhere fancy too, but before that you should ask her out on a date. Then probably rent out a whole restaurant or a section of the restaurant, whichever one you would like.” When she was done speaking, she leaned back against the chair while Dylan let her statement settle.

Somewhere fancy… meaning that he was going to have to ask her out on another date and search for a top star restaurant to make the reservation.

“Oh, I could recommend really nice places for you. Just in case you don’t know where to… you know…” she trailed off and Dylan nodded.

“You could just help me make a reservation. Send me pictures first let me check them out and take the most suitable. Thanks for your help and time, I appreciate. In fact I’ll increase your paycheck by thirty per cent this month.”

“Really sir!” Alexa jumped from the chair with a big grin.

Dylan shook his head and laughed. She could be rude but she was very helpful. This was a major reason why Dylan had not fired her all the while.

“Thank you! Thank you so much sir! You know what? Whenever you need help with things like these, just call me. I also specialize in giving relationship advice too in case you have any issues,” she said.

Dylan waved her off with a chuckle. “You should go do your pending job now. Don’t forget to send the pictures when you get back to your office. Send it on my personal line.”

After that, he dismissed her and turned his chair back to gazing out the glass. A nervous feeling settled in Dylan’s stomach as he thought about what to say when confessing his feelings. It had been a long time since he last did that so his confidence level was not at it’s best yet. He just hoped he wouldn’t spoil things.

Blair managed to pull herself out of bed that morning, holding the thick blanket to her bare chest. Whenever the images from the night before appeared in her head, the temperature of her cheeks-in fact, her whole face, would rise. She had made a big decision last night by giving herself to Dylan, but the decision was worth it.

Dylan handled her so well that she wished they could continue until morning. However, he had to go to work. She was hoping that he would have the strength when he got back. Would he even say he was tired if she suggested it? She chuckled, drawing her legs to her chest and fanning her face to reduce the temperature.

A thought had Blair freezing for seconds. They didn’t use protection! She gasped. What if… what if she got pregnant…? Pregnant for Dylan? With his child? She found her lips pulling up to a grin. It didn’t seem like a bad idea at all. The baby would have Dylan’s blue eyes and all his fine features. Then maybe her hair and lips?

Blair stood up still wrapped in the blanket and took her bath robe. As she passed the clock to go to the bathroom, she walked back to the clock. A loud gasp left her lips when she discovered that the time was past noon. Just how long did she sleep? Anyway, it was not her fault. And it was even good because it meant that Dylan would be back home in probably seven hours? It was too far though.

With a sigh, she entered the bathroom. As she came out her phone was vibrating. Blair hurried to where she put it on the bedside table and took it. She unlocked it and saw that it was a message. From Richard.

Blair, please answer me. I’m sorry. We need to talk.

She scoffed. To think that it was a reasonable message that had entered only to see this. She sucked her teeth, producing a hiss sound as she dumped her phone back where she took it from. Richard could go to hell for all she cared. She was not going to let him destroy what she had just gotten. No way.

Blair took her phone and blocked the number, then went off to do other things. The most important being her breakfast. Her stomach had started to growl. She made herself some french toast and hot chocolate then ate quickly and went to sit in the front of the television to watch her favorite series; friends.

Speaking of which, it was high time she got a job. Blair was tired of this routine; wake up, eat, watch TV, sleep and it went on and on. It was time she went out to search for a job. She had quit because of her emotional state, but not anymore. Now she was perfectly fine.

Blair watched the series until her eyes were sore, then she went back to sleep. By the time she woke up again, she checked if Dylan was back but he was not.

Bored and extremely tired of doing nothing, she told Donna not to prepare any meal and went to the kitchen to prepare it herself. Blair cooked pasta with tomato sauce and garnished it with grilled fish then served it. As she was setting up the table, Dylan walked in.

Blair ran to hug him and laid a peck on his lips. “Dylan! I missed you!”

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