Always Been You


Three weeks later….

Jensen Packard draped his left wrist over the steering wheel and patted his lap with his right nervously as he drove to Crimson Bay. At this time of the night there was little traffic. It was mindless driving, which was very good, because Jensen’s mind wasn’t on driving.

He missed Katherine.

He had traveled for a business meeting a week ago but he had cut the trip two days short. Unnecessarily he had driven for six hours to get home tonight when tomorrow by noon would have done just as well.

There is absolutely no reason he was coming home so early, except for the fact that there was someone he was eager to see. Which was a bit stupid considering the fact that she probably didn’t feel the same way.

The fact that he still loved her and thought so much about her scared the hell out of him… Scared him so badly that he almost talked himself into turning his car around and going back and staying away from home for a while. He hadn’t wrestled with the notion for long, however.

“For one thing” he said aloud to himself. “Walking away from problems like that is a cowardly way to deal with them”

And he liked to face his problems… He loved challenges… Loved how he felt when he finally beat them. But the difference right now was that most times he already had a plan. But this time, with Katherine, it was different. He had no idea how to get through to her and he was confused as hell.

He couldn’t walk away now even if he wanted to. He thought. Katherine needed him. She was still pretty shaken up about her father’s condition. She was hurting… Really badly. He hardly saw her now. Even at work, she came around once in a while.. According to her staff. She worked from home mostly and spent time helping her mom look after her dad.

He visited Jonah everytime he could and even then, he hardly saw her. Jonah was back home now with his family and apart from a brief hi and hello he and Katherine barely spoke. And he couldn’t blame her, she was going through a lot and he understood. He understood how angry at the world he had felt when he lost his parents. She had been there for him at such a terrible time, and now he was going to do the same for her. She was dealing with this in her own way…. They all were. He was scared of losing Jonah too… But he wished she would come to him for comfort.

It was on one of these visits that he and Jonah had a talk about Katherine. Jonah said he knew he loved his daughter and Jensen admitted he did. He poured his heart out to Jonah. He loved Katherine so much… So much that it hurt that she wouldn’t believe him or give them a chance.

“You gotta show her son” Jonah had said. “Women aren’t that complicated… They seem that way when you don’t understand them though. She just thinks she is protecting herself. Women love security… And she needs to know that you can give her that. She needs to be convinced that this time it’s for real. She loves you too, Son. I know she does. The both of you belong together… Things will work themselves out eventually. They always do”

She loved him? Lately Jensen had his doubts about that. He knew she felt something for him… He knew by the way she looked at him and by the way she kissed him… But love? He wasn’t entirely sure about that. And how exactly were things going to work out? He had no idea.

He wondered how Tim was doing. The little guy knew his grandpa was sick and he was greatly affected by the news. He had actually thought of bringing Rufus to help cheer Tim up before he traveled. But he had changed his mind and taken Rufus to Dillon instead. Katherine had a lot on her plate right now and he didn’t want to add to that.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

A week ago, Katherine had apologized for Tim following him around when he came to visit Jonah. She thought the boy had made a nuisance of himself by getting in Jensen’s way and asking questions. But actually, he was flattered whenever Tim tagged along beside him. His questions and observations were sometimes humorous, other times astute. In spite of himself, he always looked forward to seeing Tim again… And also Katherine.

He had avoided thinking about it during the six hour drive, but now, when he was only a few minutes away from his destination, he felt compelled to acknowledge the real reason for his rush to get back home. He was eager to see Katherine and he was worried about her.

And of course he wanted to be around for Jonah. In case he was needed for something… Anything. He wanted to help.

Maybe he should have picked up a woman while he was out of town. It wouldn’t be a big deal. He was a free single man but he didn’t understand why the thought of being with another woman made him feel like he was cheating on Katherine. If he had taken a warm, willing woman to bed, maybe he wouldn’t be so edgy. Maybe he would be able to get over her once and for all. Maybe he wouldn’t be looking forward to seeing Katherine. Maybe his cock wouldn’t be so hard with just the memory of how she looked, how she tasted and the perfect way she curled around him when they made love.


He wheeled his car into the gravel track leading into the Crimson Bay. He just had to get some files from his office before he went home. He parked the car and got out stretching, then he paused when he looked up and saw the light on inside the building and Katherine’s car parked out front. The light was coming from her store.

“What the hell is she doing out here at this time of night?” Jensen asked himself

He got into the elevator and went straight to her store. Hoping she was okay and something bad hadn’t happened to her.

“Katherine?” he called but he got no reply and he became even more worried. He removed his key from his pocket and inserted it into the lock.

The door swung open silently.

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