Always Been You


Katherine looked at the floor. Talking to him about this was hard. Since she had given him a big speech Five years ago about how Mitch cared about her. “No…” she said. Her eyes were still on the floor. “I adopted Tim months after we broke up. Things got sour pretty quickly between us… And Mitch became… Ermmm”

Jensen frowned. He touched her chin and lifted her head gently so she could face him. Katherine looked up into his fevered scrutiny.

“Did he hit you?” he asked tightly.

Katherine shook her head before the volcano in his eyes could erupt. “No it’s nothing like that. Mitch didn’t…abuse me. At least not the way you think” she sighed. “He just became… Harsh and verbally abusive. He became distant. Very different from the guy I left with”

“I’m sorry that you got hurt” Jensen said, his hand moved from her chin and he gently cupped her face. “But I’m kinda glad because it kinda brought you back here. I never really understood why you left. I love this place. I could travel as much as I want but I always knew deep down that this is where I belong… With family. How can you bear to tear yourself away from this?” he asked. He moved away from her to stare at the city below them.

Katherine watched him. “You really love it here, don’t you?

Her question made him turn. “Yeah I do?”

Katherine nodded. “I can see it in your eyes and the way you talk about the place. I don’t even think you’re aware of how your face lights up when you’re looking down there”.

“I guess I’m a bit protective… Can’t let things that matter to me slip away,” he said, knowing he had to be honest right now, that he needed to answer more than just the question she’d asked. “I love this place more than anything because it’s the land I grew up on. My parents loved this place as well, they were buried here. The rest of my family is here, and it’s the land I want my children to grow up on.”

Katherine’s face was soft, her eyes locked on his. She had grown up here too. But she wasn’t as attached as he was. She understood that he wanted to feel some kind of connection to his late parents. Family meant so much to him. It did to her too.

Katherine sensed more than saw his shrug.

“I guess I just wanted something different,” she said, answering his previous question. “I wanted adventure. I didn’t want to be tied to one place. And most of all I didn’t want to stay in a place that reminded me so much of…”

“Me” he completed for her. He was sorry that he had hurt her, even if he hadn’t meant to. He had blamed himself after she left. He wanted to touch her, to connect with her physically and show her that he did care about her.

Katherine’s breath snagged somewhere between her lungs and her throat. She didn’t want to look at him but he had his eyes on her. Looking at her like he could see through her. God, he was turning her into a basket case. She found herself meeting his gaze. She nodded slowly.

“Yeah.” she agreed. “And I really thought Mitch cared about me and I felt that I had to give it a chance to see if it could work out between us”

“It was really hard when you left. It took a lot for me to get over you. And now that you are back here, I realize I never did get over you… Completely” Jensen said.

“It was hard for me too. But I had to leave” Katherine said.

“Stop saying that,” he said. “You didn’t.. Have to leave. Damn it. I wanted you to stay. Hell, I told you to.”

Katherine moved away from him. “And like I told you before, I wasn’t just going to stay because you told me to. You had your chance and you walked away from me”

“To protect you, damn it” he said.

“God, I really hate you sometimes, you know that?” Katherine said fiercely.

“No, because you don’t. You want to pick yet another emotion to hide behind because you are afraid of this one. That’s what you do when you realize you want me. You get scared”.

“I am not afraid… Oh, fuck you, Jensen” she said angrily.

He moved towards her and leaned forward into her space, his gorgeous lips curved in a sexy smile as his gaze raked her face. “Finally , something we both agree on,” he said softly.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

Katherine breathed deeply. She stalked to the glass wall. She stared blindly at the view, her thoughts scattered to the wind.

She heard him move seconds later and she didn’t need to look to know he was directly behind her. Firm hands arrived on her waist, drawing her back into his body, and fool that she was, she went.

“You can scream if you want to, get it all out of your system,” he whispered in her ear.

Katherine dropped her head and let out a long, frustrated growl. The movement of his chest told her he was laughing at her.

“Guess I should count myself lucky that you still don’t believe in violence, huh?” he mused.

She turned around swiftly. Intending to give him a piece of her mind. But she was not prepared for what he did next and he took her by surprise.

He kissed her.

A hot, wet, breath stealing kiss.

Shock beat through her for the next few seconds as his lips nibbled at hers. But then he reached out, his large hands sliding around her waist, and her surprise faded amid the sudden tidal wave of lust that broke over her.

She slid her hands up and around her shoulders, his neck, and buried her fingers in his hair. His mouth slanted more fully over hers and his tongue plunged deep to tangle with hers. The kiss heated and shifted into overdrive as his hands slid down to cup her bottom and pull her tight against his hard crotch.

He rubbed her back and forth and she shuddered. He felt so good. So right.


The word echoed in her head as she slid her hands inside his suit jacket and pulled his shirt from his pants then she stroked his bare skin. He reached between them and cupped her breast. He stroked the fullness through her dress before sliding his fingers toward the gaping neckline. Then traced the path where her plump skin plunged beneath the fabric and she trembled.

His touch moved higher, following the strap that fastened around her neck. He paused over the hook and for a long moment, his hand cupped the back of her head and he simply kissed her. Deeply, thoroughly, his tongue stroking in a frenzied rhythm that picked her up like a tidal wave and carried her along for the ride.

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