Always Been You


“You know what I believe Jensen” Katherine said. “Because I trust my husband a lot more than I trust you” she ignored the stupid look on Shay’s face and turned to her husband. “And oh, Jensen, please get rid of this trash” she said, referring to Shay.

Then she turned on her heel and left, leaving a void in his gut.


“Please Kat” Jensen said as he took off his suit jacket and flung it on the bed. “Please say something, Kat. Anything. Please”

Katherine made no effort to reply and Jensen wanted to bang his head against the wall. She had been quiet since they left the party. Hadn’t even said a word, but Jensen knew that she was very angry. And he feared her silence. Feared whatever was going on inside that head of hers. He wanted her to say something, shout, scream, even hit him… Because he knew that whatever she did, he deserved it. He wanted her to do anything but shut him out.

She was standing in front of the mirror, removing the pins from her hair. He moved closer to her as she removed the last one and dropped it on the table. He reached out to touch her, but she jerked away from him. It hurt him to see her move away from his touch that way.

“Don’t touch me, Jensen,” she said angrily. “Just. Don’t. I’m not in the mood.”

“I’m so sorry, Kat,” he said regretfully.

Katherine turned to face him that instant. “You are sorry, Jensen?” she asked. “Do you know you have been apologizing for a lot of stupid stuff lately?”she shook her head.” Do you have any idea how hard it was to resist the urge to make a scene at that party, watching that woman make a fool out of herself over you… And that happened because you let her” she yelled.

“I didn’t let her, Katherine,” Jensen said. “I didn’t know it would turn out this way”

“Oh yes you did. You let her” Katherine replied, she poked a finger in his chest. “You let her into our lives by letting her into your company without telling me. You let her get close to you so that she could give you a massage in your office where anyone could have walked in and seen the both of you. And it is because you let her get close to you that made her flirt comfortably with you in public, in my presence, without any regard for me… And don’t let me get started with the fact that you guys kissed -”

” We didn’t kiss, ” Jensen interrupted. “She kissed me and it was only for a second. I went in there to get some space and she followed me”

Katherine shook her head and turned away from him. “Well I honestly don’t care anymore” she said.

“You should care,” Jensen said softly. “Please talk to me Kat. Tell me what you need me to do to fix this mess and I will do it.”

Katherine turned to look at him. Her eyes watery. “I want her out of your company” she said finally.

“Done,” Jensen said. “I want her out too”

“And I want it done tomorrow,” Katherine added.

Jensen stared at her for a while and then he took a deep breath. “Honey,” he began. “Sure I understand why you want it done so fast. I want the same thing. But you know it can’t be done that way, no matter how badly I want it. There are protocols for stuff like this and I just can’t break them.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Katherine shook her head.” Well I don’t care” she said. “I honestly don’t. I’m done listening to reason. I have tried to be reasonable and it hasn’t worked so well for me so now I’m going this way. You know you can get rid of her if you want. It’s your company and you can do whatever the hell you want” she yelled.

“I can’t,” Jensen yelled back. “You know I can’t. I have to file for a dissolution of partnership, and that may take some time. I know it’s my company, but it’s not just my company anymore. I have directors and partners and investors who are part of the decision making process. Shay has invested a lot in the company and it may be a bit hard to convince some of the board members that it’s better for the company if she’s out. Some might insist that this is a personal problem and so it doesn’t affect the company… Which it is.”

” Like I said before, Jensen. I don’t care ” Katherine said again.”I want her out of your company and out of our lives and I want it done now”

Jensen shook his head. “You know you sound very selfish and unreasonable right now,” he said.

Katherine gasped. She couldn’t believe he had just said that. Without thinking, she lifted a hand and slapped him hard across the cheek. She regretted it that instant, but she was too angry to stop and think.

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