Chapter 15

Cross Pov

We spent the night at the hospital, one I didn’t want to leave Anna on her own, and also, I didn’t want to be in the same space as my parent, I was still mad at what happened, and the media even got wind of it, by this morning it already blew up, I had to wear a face cap and mask as if I was some kind of celebrity, I hated it, hated to be the center of attention, that’s why I preferred to stay away from my family, cuz my parents and brothers were almost always on the news, in New York I barely made TV appearances unless it is business-related, I keep my private life off the news as much as I can.

“You look like you wanna hit something,”

Dean said walking up to me, the hospital finally decided to let us take Anna with us after making sure that we could take care of her, they had wanted her to go into child support but she didn’t want that, and the fact that she was already eighteen had helped quicken the decision to let her go with us, still, we had to sign a hell lot of papers, and also she couldn’t leave Arizona without proper approve, which wasn’t a problem cuz I already apoke to my mum and she agreed to let Anna stay at our house, even when I tood her she was pregnant she still agreed, as for the little witch that ran away has still not been located, according to mom, her parents said they would find her, but I wasn’t interested in their finding her, I didn’t want anything to do with her or her family, but if I do find her first, I will make sure she never forgets me in a hurry, she should pray, that she is never found or that her parents find her because if I do, she will hate me, no one embarrasses me or my family and goes free.

“Dude, cut it out or you are gonna scare her,”


“Anna, she looks scared already and your face is not helping here,”

“My face is covered, dude,”

“But I can see through it, look I know you are angry, and rightfully so, but don’t do anything you might regret, it’s her loss for running away from someone like you,”

“I am not going to do a thing, as long as she doesn’t show in my face, as long as I don’t see her, but I can’t promise anything if I do see her, so she should better hide well,”

“You know, I know you are angry, but think about this, even you weren’t ready for marriage, and you wanted out even until yesterday, so how do you feel she would have felt knowing she is going to get engaged to someone she didn’t like and maybe didn’t know, think about it and cut her some slack,”

Dean advised and I eyed him, she would have left before the day of the supposed engagement and saved us all the embarrassment, I wasn’t there when they announced to the guests that the engagement was no longer holding but I could still feel the embarrassment they would have felt, everything would have been avoided, and I wouldn’t have had to come to Arizona.

“If she didn’t want it, she would have left before the day, she would have at least shown any sign of not wanting it, not played along and leave on the day of the engagement, and we are both not the same, at least I honored my words to my parents even if I didn’t want to, she should have taken responsibility for agreeing,”

“Yes, you are right but I still think you should cut her some slack, maybe she is in love with someone,”

“Can we stop this discussion, I don’t wanna hear it or talk about it again,”

I said and walked off to where the nurse was helping Anna into a wheelchair and offered to roll her out, Dean picked up her bag and we walked together out of the hospital.

“Are you sure your parents won’t mind a pregnant strange teenage girl living with them? I can go back to where I have been staying, I promise I won’t harm myself or the baby,”

Anna said in a weak voice.

“No, Anna, you are staying with my parents, don’t worry, my house is big enough and my old nanny can do a nice job with helping you,”

I replied.

“For real? I don’t want to be a bother to you, you guys have done enough already,”

“Anna, you are staying with my family and that’s final,”

I said, leaving no room for argument, she gave up and closed her eyes, she looked so young and tired, I wonder how her parents felt leaving a young girl like that to care for herself, no matter what a child does, parents should not and are not supposed to throw their kids out.

We got to the house, my parents and brother were waiting for us in the living room and as soon as we stepped in, my nanny who took care of me took Anna to the room they already prepared for her, she still looked scared even after I introduced her to everyone, but I know she will get used to it, my family might be Chaotic but they are the best.

“Son, how are you feeling?”

My mom asked when it was just me, her dad, Max, and Dean in the room.

“I am okay,”

“I am sorry about what happened,”

“No, you should not apologize, you didn’t know it would happen either, it on the bitch that ran away,”

I said, feeling bittered and angry at the thought of her, I didn’t even know her face all that much so I couldn’t even get a proper version of her in my head, but still, I wanted to crush her.

“Your dad already spoke with the media and thru won’t spread it beyond what it already is, It turns out she had planned to run away, she didn’t just up and run cuz she was anxious, she planned it all out, all the while playing along, she fooled everyone even her parents, they are all in shock.”

My mom revealed.

“How do you know that mom?”

“A huge sum of money was removed from her account, I think about ten million,”

Max revealed, and I laughed out loud, so the little devil had it all planned out, well good for her, I hope she knows how to manage though because ten million would be gone like a breeze if she is the extravagant type which I was sure she was.

“Can we not talk about her again? The engagement didn’t happen, end of the story,”

I said I didn’t want to hear any more things about her, I am going to pretend that it all didn’t happen.

“Okay, you look stressed, both of you, so if you would go in and shower then I will have the cook bring some food to you, you guys did a good job, and don’t worry I will make sure the girls get the best of everything, she will be the younger sister I never gave you two,”

My mom said and I moved to hug her, I knew I could trust her,

“Thanks, ma,”

“You are welcome darling, it good to have you home,”

“Don’t worry I am staying for the whole of the week,”

I announced.

“Oh, really? That’s good,”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

My mom replied.

“The both of you get off my face,”

My dad who has been silent all this while said and pushed my mom and me aside as she walked past us.

“Don’t mind him, he is just Jealous,”

My mom said.

“You both are too much, I am out of here, can’t stand this mum, son moments, Dean are you coming?”

My brother said pulling Dean off with him, they always do that when my mom and I start talking, yeah I am a Mama boy, it’s not my fault I love my mom.

Don’t mind them, son, they are just jealous, Go take a bath son,”

“I will, but ma,”


“Can you please not arrange another engagement or marriage, I will get married when I want to,”

She let out a breath and nodded, I knew she wanted to say more, but she didn’t, I walked to my room, took a bath, ate the food that was left in my room for me, and lay on my bed, tired, I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed.

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