Alpha’s Omega Mate

Chapter Eight

“On no circumstances shall you be found in the kitchen,” her heart got broken into pieces as he mentioned those words.

Just when she thought he was going to say something reasonable he had to ban her from going to the kitchen, the only place that kept her sane.

Cassy blinked out tears as she dashed out of the kitchen, her head lowered.

“My lady!” Joanna chased after her.

Cassy ran as fast as she could, ignoring Joanna’s call.

She entered her room and shut the door quickly. She rest her back on the door and slid down as she broke down into tears, streaks of tears pouring down her face.

What was she expecting? Someone who her presence irritated would stand for her?

“My lady!” Joanna called hitting her fist on the door.

Cassy ignored and moved away from the door weakly. She stripped her clothes off and went into the bathroom.

“Come with me,” Kai said to Isabella in a tight tone.

Isabella followed him to his study, her eyes glued to the floor.

“What was that display you made back there?” he asked as he rounded his desk and sat down in front of her.

“I-I- it was not my fault it was–”

“You know how well I don’t condone lies, Isabella,” he interjected, his voice raising a pitch higher.

He couldn’t understand his anger towards her but the image of the crying Cassy couldn’t leave his head.

Isabella knew he was already angry as he hardly called her by her name.

“Forgive me, my love,” she pleaded.

Although she was upset about his actions she was still grateful to him for not humiliating her in public.

She went around his desk and sat on his laps. She cupped his face and made to place her lips on his but he turned away, focusing his eyes on the paper in his hand.

Isabella tried again but his actions were still the same.

Angry, she stood up and let out her frustration.

“I do not understand why you are this upset! I have apologised what else do you want!?” she half yelled and narrowed her gaze. “Don’t tell me you are becoming passionate towards her!”

“Isa I–” he tried to say.

“Don’t!” she held her hand up fingers spread out, silencing him.

Throwing one more glare his way, she stormed out of his study.

Kai sighed and ran his fingers down his face.

Ben walked in looking out of the door before sitting in front of him. “I saw Isabella on my way here, what’s the matter?”

Kai shook his head. “Ignore her for now. She would come around,”

Ben nodded in understanding, not wanting to push further.

“Blessed moon pack sent the invitation to the luncheon,” he slid the brown envelope to the Alpha’s side of the table.

He tore the envelope and went through it, nodding his head in content.

“You would leave a week ahead. We fear rainfall, bad roads and most of all rogues,” he spoke watching Kai who placed the invitation back into its envelope before tossing it back to the table.

Silence befell them.

Ben had a question he wanted to ask but he was finding it hard to. He took in a deep breath before blurting it out without thinking of the consequence.

“You are not going with Isabella, are you?”

Kai looked up from the paper and stared at him for a moment before bursting out laughing.

Ben watched him amused. He did not understand what amused the alpha.

“You take me for a fool don’t you?” he said amidst laughter. “Come on, the news about my mate must have reached my aunt then why would I disrespect her by taking my lover?”

Ben raised his eyebrows and spread his hands out nonchalantly showing that he had no idea before dropping them back on his laps.

“I don’t know. Anything is possible with you,” Kai chuckled.

By the time Cassy got out of the bathroom Joanna had left after knocking for long.

Cassy felt bad for not answering her but she was not in the mood to speak with anyone.

It was almost sunset, Cassy sat on her bed facing the window which showed the beautiful landscape.

She pulled her legs to her chest, wrapped her hands around them and begun to move back and forth as she tried to calm herself.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she had not realised it was dark already until she heard the howling of wolves into the night.

Cassy moved away from the window and laid on her bed facing the door.

And just like that, everyone forgot about her existence.

He probably was somewhere enjoying his time with that lady… What did Daryl call her again?…

Isabella… Petty as her name sounded.

With what they have shown today, she was sure that Isabella was his lover.

How foolish was she to believe he was going to stand up for her. She wondered why he chose to have a lover but then, the answer came from her thoughts immediately.

Who would not want a lover when he disliked his mate?

Tears poured from her eyes. Being weak was never her fault, if she had the power to choose she would not have chosen to be born weak.

All her initial thoughts about the joy of having a mate had been discarded. She had always thought that having a mate meant having attention, someone who loved you irrespective of who you are, someone who would always support you but she was wrong. Or maybe she was cursed to live a depressing life? If so let the moon goddess take her away for she was fed up.

Her thoughts highly disturbed her wolf. She tried to shut out Cassy’s thoughts but the sadness in her heart was too heavy, causing Natalia to become angry.

She was so upset that she kept clawing Cassy that she needed to get out. She needed to feel the power full moon on her, she needed to run in the wild to let out her bottled up emotions; frustration, sadness.

Cassy finally succumbed to her wolf after crying for a while. She dashed out through the other door which led outside to the beautiful landscape.

As soon as the moonlight touched her, she felt her bone snapping and her fingers turning into claws. She morphed into her wolf, her clothes tearing off her body.

Natalia was out.

She howled into night before taking off into the dense forest.

“Little wonders you kitchen servants so much wrinkles and you cannot birth-” Isabella’s voice rang in her head.

Natalia ran fast, trees becoming blur in view as she kept on running.

“On no circumstances shall you be found in the kitchen,” his voice reverberated in her head causing her to increase her pace.

Her primal body was becoming weak, telling her to stop. She was going to stop but then she smelt him before she saw him.

The smell of gardenia flowers and rain mixed with earth overpowered the ones of the dried grass and leaves. Why was his scent so intoxicating and pleasing?

His black mixed white wolf came into view running beside her at the same pace but she could feel his authority. He glanced at her with his feral amber eyes as if to challenge her.

With the last strength in her, she growled angrily and ran faster bypassing him. She ran in the wild, the sharp edge of bushes scrapping her skin but she did not care, all she wanted was to run out the emotions she was feeling.

When her strength began to fail and she could no longer smell him, she finally collapsed weakly by the foot of a large tree panting.

She morphed into her human form and broke into tears, her shoulders quivering.

She kept crying till she was fully exhausted and darkness took over, temporarily snatching her away from her problematic world.

It was dawn, the birds were singing,

squirrels were hopping from tree to tree and the sound of lizards scrabbling on tree barks could be heard. The forest smelt of rotting woods and scent of the wind from a nearby brook.

Cassy fluttered her eyes open. Her eyes met the tall trees and grasses first, surprising her for a moment until the event of the previous night came rushing to her.

She sat up weakly and laid her back against the large tree, shivering as drops of dew touched her naked skin. Then, she realised that she had a thick coat around her chest.

Her face scrunched up as she tried to to recall when she covered herself up with it. The material of the coat was rich, she never recalled having something like that.

She curled up into a ball as the wind blew, making her body shake and mouth quiver.

For a moment, she thought she was going to freeze to death until she felt something warm around her. She snuggled closer to the material before drifting into oblivion again.

“My lady!” she heard Joanna call.

She wanted to reply that she was there but she was too weak to say anything so she waited for them to get to her.

She saw them first. Joanna and Emma were in between four guards who were leading them through the partially dense forest.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“My lady!” Joanna called as soon as she saw her.

The guards saw her and quickly took their eyes away. Cassy smiled weakly and reached out to Joanna.

“My lady, how did you end up here? I looked around for you but you were nowhere to be found until–” Joanna swallowed when she recalled his words.

“Take clothes these clothes to her..” he finished giving his instructions. She was going to leave when he called her back. “And do not mention me,”

She nodded before leaving.

“What?” Cassy spoke for the first time.

Joanna shook her head. “Nothing, my lady. Let us get you out of here,”

“Your Majesty,” Beta Ben bowed before the alpha who had his back turned facing the window which showed the beautiful outside view.

“She has been found and she is currently in her bed chamber. I had the theta run a checkup on her,” he reported.

Kai nodded, pleased. Although he had tended to her wounds the previous night he had to make sure that she was okay.

“How about Isabella?”

“She took leave from work, your majesty,” Ben chortled. “I suppose she is still mad at you and is trying to revolt,”

“Like I said, she would come around but have them send her new clothes and jewelries,”

Ben chuckled and shook his head. His closest friend amused him, he did not know why he was trying to take care of two women at the same time when he seemingly loved the other more. But one was his mate… How confusing!

Ben bowed. “I would take my leave now,”

Kai nodded slightly before turning back to face the window, one of his arms behind his back. He watched the butterflies and birds hover around flowers and perch on the trees.

Watching nature brought him peace…

Somehow he found his thoughts migrating to the previous night when he smelt her.

Her intoxicating scent of strawberries and roses had overpowered his senses. It was familiar to him but the intensity surprised him making him search for who held the scent.

He found her brown mixed with black and white wolf running through the wild.

She looked fierce but not enough to scare him away. She was obviously upset and he wanted to speak to her but he had nothing to say. Was he going to apologise for the attitude he pulled earlier?

He glanced at her noticing she was increasing her pace. He wanted to challenge her, race with her like he wanted to do with his mate but….

He did not want to mention those words.

Before Kai knew it, she was already gone but her scent was still thick in the air.

He traced her and found her curled up in a ball, naked at the foot of a tree. He quickly turned and went back to where he kept his stuffs.

He brought back with him, herbs and a large thick coat enough to cover her petite tender and beautiful…

He had to stop his thoughts.

He tend to her wounds. The sound she made in her sleep as he did so made him want to hug her or at least spend the night by her side but he couldn’t.

She would not want to see him when she awakens. So he left.

The image of her naked body found their way into his head, making his pants tighten. Was he really getting aroused with the thought of her body?

Go down… he looked down at the bulge in his trousers.

He shook his head. He was not going to find her attractive. Never.

He needed to go find Isabella.

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