Alpha’s Betted Bride (Gabriella)

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9 The git came back and slumped down in her seat again. looked at her incredulously and she rolled ordered some food” she said. “You shouldn’t have Im not that hungry and I kind of have to go.” said First of all can hear your stomach screaming and second, do you have a hurry back to your s” She asked and rose a brow. 1088 “Low blow” I sale are tensed my law. She chuckled and then rubbed her hands together as the food arrived. My eyes widened and stammered to get any words out. Do you order for everyone in here?” Lasked wher the waiter placed down plates with marinated wings fries cheese fries, burgers, ribs, and another few ates with cake and cookies. He then went and came back with two milkshakes one chocolate, and one strawberry. its caled comfort food” She said and put a fry in her mouth. *Loont know when milkshake you liked so I bought my favorite and another one. You choose,” “Which one is your favorite?” I asked. “Thats why I’m telling you to choose, otherwise you’ll take the one that isn’t my favorite,” “Obviously, its caled manners “Yeah, you seem to have a lot of experience with that,” she said and her brows went up. “Chocolate, that’s my favorite,” I said and waited for her reaction. “Perfect, ’cause strawberry is mine,” she winked and handed me the chocolate milkshake and we dug into the food After an hour and a half, we had cleaned half the table but there was still a lot left. “You eat as much as me,” I said jokingly. Falways blame it on my wolf” she said and took a bite out of the burger. My eyes grew twice the size and I leaned in

“Youre a werewolf “You can’t sense that?” She asked and narrowed her eyes. 1/5 11:31 Tue, May 21 GND CHAPTER 9 I shook my head. “No, I don’t have my wolf yet,” “Huh, you should still be able to sense others,” she said and wiped her hands. “Which pack-” “Yours, I was at your wedding,” she said and her eyes fell a little. “So you knew those girls,” I said and nodded my head. 50% “Aha, and I stay as far away from them as posse. They’re best friends with your husbands’ ex,” She said and drank her milkshake while looking at me. I closed my eyes and whined as my head fell back against the backrest. “They’re friends with Sam,” I repeated and mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. “Yup, the bitch squad,” “Is that their name?” She shrugged a shoulder. “It’s my name for them,” “What’s your name?” I asked. “Cas8sy, it’s short for Casandra,” she said. “I’m Gabby, it’s short for Gabriella,” Cas*sy started aughing and I was befuddled. “I know, you’re my Luna, remember?” I cringed when I heard that. I was nobody’s Luna, or at least I didn’t feel like one. We finished our food and headed to the parking lot. Cas*sy offered to give me a ride back to the pack. I I “What’s your experience with them?” I asked as we drove up the road.

“With the bitch squad?” She asked and my shoulders shook from the silent laughter. “Yeah, them,” I said. She grew quiet and looked out onto the road. “I was a part of their group once,” my body tensed and my guard went up. “When we were younger, Sam and I were best friends. We used to hang out all the time and yes, we weren’t nice to others. Eventually, our group grew and you’d be amazed at how many more wanted to join. Then things happened, we grew older, Sam started dating Aiden and we grew apart. Then one day she just changed completely. I don’t know if it was because of her boyfriend or the number of followers she gained 2/5 CHAPTER 9 but she became an evil bitch and I couldn’t stand it, nor could I stand by it.” She said and gripped the stirring wheel tightly. “We’re not friends anymore, you don’t have to worry,” She said when I didn’t comment on her story. If I’d learned anything it was that people lied and they cheated you, regardless of where you were or what they said. Knowing they had been friends put me on edge. “But you do,” she said with a sigh and looked back onto the road. “Yes,” I answered honestly. “Guess I’ll have to earn your trust then,” “Don’ the window. worry about it, it’s nothing to have anyways,” I said and turned my head, looking out through “What do you mean?” She asked and looked between me and the road. “I mean that it’s probably better you stick with the friends you have and leave me be. Something’s telling me that being my friend won’t be worth it either way,” you “That’s the same voice that told you to go shopping with satans minions? Cause in that case I think need to mute it,” I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my face.

“My life is messed up, you’d be jumping aboard an already wrecked train,” “Great, my life’s messed up too, and honestly-” she said and pulled her shoulders up to her ears. “- I haven’t cared to make friends after Sam. I like you, you’re cool and everybody’s messed up in some way or another,” I nodded my head and realized that she was right. Everyone was a little messed up but what was the point of being friends with someone if you couldn’t tell them everything? There’d have to be immense trust in order for me to tell her the stuff that is happening. How I didn’t want to be here, how Sam wasn’t Aidens ex but that they were still getting it on, and how his best friend had some issues with me. Not to mention my family history. We arrived at the pack and got out in town. “Thank you,” I said and looked around at everyone there. “No worries, do you wanna grab a coffee or something?” She asked and looked a little uncomfortable doing so. It was either having a coffee and risking C*ssy stabbing me in the house and maybe seeing Aiden or his vengeful girlfriend. “Sure,” I said. The choice was pretty obvious. or going back to the pack We walked into the cutest little cafe with couches placed a little here and there. The tables were a 3/5 CHAPTER 9 rustic metal and the walls were dark bricks. It was a very calming atmosphere had it not been for the massive amounts of people in here. The counter had cakes on display in all different shapes and flavors. My stomach was full but I was drooling as I looked at the chocolate-covered lava cake and the chocolate chip muffins but I knew that If I ate another thing I would die.. “One cappuccino and one-” I said and turned to Cas*sy. “No, I’ll order after you,” she said and I stared at her until she answered “A mocha please,” she said and smiled at the young guy who took the orders. She took out her card but I placed my hand over hers. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“You bought food, I’ll buy coffee,” I said and blipped my card. We sat down on one of the tables and I sipped on my drink. My head kept turning left and right as people came and went. I couldn’t tell whether it was because I didn’t feel safe or if it was curiosity, maybe both, but I needed to know who was in there and see their faces. I could probably also blame it on paranoia and the fact that most people seemed to hate me already. “Are you okay” Ca*sy asked. “Yeah, I’m good,” I said and took another sip. “So you work at Chanel?” I asked.. “Yup, have been since I turned eighteen. Before that, I worked here,” She said and smiled. Cas*sy took a deep breath and her lips pressed in a firm line. “What’s on your mind?” I asked. – trust and a “Well, in the spirit of gaining that feel like there is something you should know.” She said and looked up at me through her lashes. My body tensed as it had a million times already and I thought about just keeping it in this position. “Yes?” I said when she didn’t continue. “There’s a rumor going around about you. Most people have heard it and it just grew the days before -your arrival,” I scoffed. “That I’m spoiled a bitch?” I asked and looked at her. Ca*sy nodded her head and scrunched her nose. “I’m not gonna lie, I believed them. They sounded more like a describing personality rather than a 4/5 Tue, May CHAPTER 9 rumor,” she said. “It’s fine. I had the same rumor back at my old pack,” I said and shrugged a careless shoulder. There was no way to escape gossip and rumors, I had tried. And even trying to set them right

always bit me in the *ss so I stopped. “But why? How did it get started?” “My family’s loaded. We have a lot of money, or well they have. It goes back generations, real estate, hotels, casinos, airlines etcetera. The spoiled rumor probably came from there and the spoiled bitch rumor could be that I stopped paying for everyone’s crap all the time and they didnt like that,” “You paid for people’s things?” I nodded my he d. buy anything, so we can have everything: My mom holy book. I grew up thinking that that was how you top being cheap, I told her that I wanted real al. That I had an obligation and alienating the pack “In my family, the motto was always ‘money car would recite those words to me like a scripture from got things, including relationship”My mom told me to friendships and she said that nothing in this world is members and becoming a loner wasn’t what I was born for,” s. My mom would tell me to buy my friends clothes, food, and whatever they desired because that I was how I would get popular. After a while, I realized that all they wanted to do was to shop and I was always the one paying for their things so I stopped, I stopped paying and they stopped wanting to hang out with me.” “I’m so sorry,” “What were you born for if not being who you are?” Marriage, apparently. “I’ll let you know when I find out,” I said and gave her a side smile. 515 11:31 Tue, May 21 GND-

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