Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 67 The Restitution


“Please tell me this is a joke, Stephanie,” Levi stated, looking pale. He kept running his hands through his hair while mumbling to himself.

Stephanie looked unfazed as she crossed her legs, blowing at her manicured nails. She had kept the secret of what she did to Nia from her husband the day before and wouldn’t have said anything if the news of the healer getting poisoned didn’t circulate the pack so fast.

“I should have known you were up to no good when you left the house that day without saying exactly where. You do know you will get arrested for this?” He rebuked.

She hissed. “Why would anyone arrest me? I heard nobody had been allowed into her room. She is probably dead by now. No witness can admit to me poisoning her. You have nothing to worry about.”

Levi slumped into the couch, feeling his chest tighten. “Why did you have to do such an evil act? What did the poor girl ever do to you?”

“That poor girl is an ungrateful brat after everything we did for her. She had the guts to let the Alpha lock me and my precious daughter up. Do you know how humiliated I felt going through detention? Since she is so rich now, it’s okay if she gets to enjoy all that she earned in heaven.”

“What if she survives? Have you forgotten the Moon Goddess ordained Nia? She can’t die so easily.”

“Oh, please. Don’t give me that crap. Didn’t the former Luna die by suicide? It’s so disgusting how you all act like these people are untouchable. They are the same as us, nothing special.”

“You are so hellbent on putting this family in danger. Who told you such rubbish that Luna committed suicide, Stephanie? You know what? That is the least of our worries right now. I need to know where you put the poison.”

“I had it thrown away.” She replied calmly.

“Are you sure about that?” Levi persisted.

Stephanie kissed her teeth and glared at him. “Can you stop bothering me? We wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place if you didn’t insist on bringing that bitch into our home. After spending the money we could have used for ourselves on her, we can even enjoy the fruit of our labor. Do you think anyone wouldn’t have acted the same as I did? Quit acting like a saint when your mind is just as corrupted as mine.”

Caleb stood by the doorway, staring at his parents in shock. Levi caught sight of him and cursed loudly.

“Son, how long have you been there?”

“Long enough to know that my mother is a murderer!” Caleb gritted as he stared at his mother in distaste.

She rolled her eyes, “Say whatever you want. I did what I did without remorse. What is such a monster doing in our midst anyway? All she brings is bad luck. Suppose I had the chance to bring an end to her once again. I won’t hesitate to do so.”

Caleb’s mouth was wide agape as he stared at her in disbelief. “is this you, mum? What exactly did Nia ever do to you? Did you stop to think about what you would have done if someone thought cruelly towards Mindy?”

“No one will ever get to do such a thing to my child. I will protect her with everything I have got. If you so wish, you can tell everyone about what I did. You will end up being the son of a murderer.” She huffed, storming out of the room.

“I can’t believe you two are my parents. I am so disappointed.” Caleb uttered, making his way out of the house.

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him with tears in his eyes. Kingston would doubtlessly cut ties with the family if he ever heard about the evil their mother indulged in. Caleb had joined the wagon that despised Nia no matter what she did at first. Over time, he realized he had no reason to hate her. Caleb would never be able to understand the hate his mother harbors towards innocent Nia that she is so hellbent on ruining the poor girl.

Panting heavily, Caleb found himself in front of the hospital. He went to the reception to seek Nia, telling them he was her brother. The nurse informed him that she had returned to the pack house. He feared going there, but he didn’t want to hold back on letting Nia know how he felt. Flagging down a cab, he went down to the pack house. It was a bit of a hassle introducing himself as the healer’s brother. Turns out, having the same surname doesn’t guarantee free access to see her.

“Please, I am her brother.” He said to the guard by the gate. “Just tell her Caleb is here. I’m worried about her, and I need to see my sister.”

“I already told you you can’t see her. These are the orders given.” The guards replied.

“Not even if we are family?” Caleb sounded frustrated.

Ezra drove his car through the gate and noticed the commotion. “What’s the matter?”

The guard bowed slightly. “Welcome, Beta Ezra. It’s this young man here claiming to be the healer’s brother. And the Alpha already ordered that no one from outside the pack house should be allowed to see her.”

Ezra gave Caleb a once over. “Let him come with me. You don’t have to worry about the Alpha. Come on, get into the car.” He nodded towards Caleb.

“Thank you very much,” Caleb mumbled when he entered the car.

“What’s your name?” He asked, turning the car ignition back on.

“Caleb Hayes.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nia has never mentioned you to me. Why do you want to see her?”

Caleb bite down on his lips, feeling ashamed all over again. “We didn’t have much closeness from the beginning.”

“So why are you so keen on seeing her now?”

“I was worried about her health. I want to know if she is fine.”

Ezra observed him closely; there was something off about him, but he wasn’t one to judge people by their first appearance. “The Alpha was strict with his warning, but because I am a close friend to him and the healer. I will let you see her. Don’t do anything stupid. Everyone is a suspect right now.”

He instructed, leading the way to Nia.

Gael had insisted that she stay in his room where he can keep a close look at her. Ezra knocked on the door and heard her invitation before going in with Caleb behind him.

“Ezra-” Nia’s voice went down low when her eyes met with Caleb. She breathed heavily, pointing at him. “You?” She gulped hard. In her bid to yell at him to leave, she choked on her spit, spiraling onto the floor. **************************


“What the fuck?” I heard Ezra curse as he ran toward me to help me up.

I kept coughing hard, and it hit my chest painfully. Ezra poured me a glass of water to calm me down. I sat with my back slouched, catching my breath. “Did you come here to finish what she started?” I glared at Caleb.

He has plenty of guts, walking in here after his mother tried to kill me. Every time I think I have climbed a ladder of smartness, I end up realizing just how stupid I am. How could I have been so trusting of her? For someone who has hated me since the day I stepped foot in her house, coming at me out of the blue to call a truce. I should have known something fishy was going on. I had recovered immediately, thanks to the antidote, but the mental derail still made me feel ill.

“What are you talking about? Is he not your brother? Was he the one that hurt you?” Ezra questioned, already sending intimidating glares at Caleb.

Caleb bowed his head in apparent shame. “I promise you I am not here to do anything. I’m just so glad you are fine and well. The rumor in the pack is that you might not make it. I understand that you can’t trust me. But I assure you that I come in peace.”

Ezra looked back at me. “I’m so sorry that I brought him to you. I had no idea he wasn’t supposed to be here.”

I heaved slowly, “No, it’s okay. I just overreacted out of fear. Please excuse us.” I requested.

“Okay. Please notify me if you are feeling uncomfortable. I will be outside the door.” Ezra said. He made a fake punch attempt on his way out, causing Caleb’s back to hit the wall roughly.

“Whatever you have to say, make it quick.” I urged, folding my arms with an unpleasant frown on my face.

He fell to his knees, holding my gaze. “I don’t know what mum did to get you to consume something as deadly as that-”

“She came in this same manner, looking remorseful and pleading with me to let go of our bitter past. Little did I know she had something planned for me. It’s the same approach you are about to use.” I cut in.

His shoulders fell, and he looked like a frustrated being. “We don’t deserve your mercy. I didn’t come here to mock you, Nia. I sincerely came here to apologize on behalf of my mother for doing something so ridiculous. Kingston will never have a hand in this sort of thing. I must admit that I came to my senses not too long ago and realized I had hated you for nothing. My ego wouldn’t let me come to you to apologize sincerely.”

“So what changed all of a sudden? Oh, I get it now. You are scared to see your mother spend the rest of her life behind bars?”

Tears rolled down his face, making him look helpless and lost. “She has been horrifying, I know. But please, Nia. She is my mother, after all. Knowing she would never gain freedom again makes my heart shred to pieces. Please, punish her in any other way possible, but don’t take her away from us.”

“What makes you think your plea will work? I am no longer that timid Nia you knew years back. Things have changed, Caleb.”

“Why hasn’t she been arrested then?” He asked.

The question, to my surprise, wasn’t to be rude. Caleb wanted to know.

I shut my eyes, inhaling deeply. Even though Gael has been frantic about my safety, he has asked me questions about the person I met with before consuming the poison. I kept the truth to myself instead. I can’t seem to find the courage to give her away, even though she did mean to harm me. Stephanie broke my trust to pieces, and that is a fact. But at the same time, she was once the person I looked up to as my mother. I feel bad that she got locked up because of me, even though it was her fault for laying false claims in front of the Alpha. It still doesn’t change that I am closely involved with the case.

I love Kingston, and I know how much it would hurt him to know that his family is apart because of me. I want to believe there would be a better way to handle the situation without involving life imprisonment. I don’t want to have a life hanging around my neck.

“What would you have me do, Caleb? I wish I could be as ruthless as your parents are. I wish I could be as cold and inconsiderate as you and Mindy were to me. Maybe that would have sorted this situation better. I can’t tell why I haven’t tendered her name. It’s probably because of Kingston or the truth that I am just too much of a coward to act right.”

“You are not a coward. You have a good heart.”

“Please don’t patronize me. I know that line too well. Where exactly has it gotten me? I am thankful to the goddess for giving me the knowledge of the antidote potion some months back. The question is if I didn’t become a healer. Will anyone of you ever think of me? It’s obvious your parents, especially your mother, hate to see me win. She is hellbent on making my life a living hell. I wish she could give an exact explanation as to what I ever did wrong to her to warrant such hatred.”

A lone tear rolled down my face. I wiped it off quickly. I have had enough of crying for people who don’t give a damn about me.

“Please, Nia. You can punish me in her stead. Please.” Caleb cried.

He has always been distant, even though Caleb can be mean occasionally. But I have never seen him look this vulnerable. It’s obvious he is concerned about his mother’s welfare. Kingston would do the same, too, if he were here.

“Does Kingston know about this?” I asked.

Caleb shook his head, cleaning his tears, “not yet. I also just found out about forty minutes ago when Mum was getting rebuked by Dad. I knew the situation would break our family if the truth got out. Please, Nia.”

I pulled at my hair, “I won’t have her locked up. For the sake of Kingston, I won’t do anything harsh. But I am not going to let her off the hook easily. That’s a promise.”

“And that is just enough. Thank you so much, Nia. It would be the last time you would see me. Every one of us will stay clear of our path. I apologize once again.” He mumbled, hurrying out.

Ezra returned with a frown. “Your adoptive mother tried to kill you? I am sorry I couldn’t resist the urge to eavesdrop.”

I nodded slowly, “Gael can’t know about this.”

“How, then, do you convince him about the killer?”

“I will have to find a way around it. He can’t find out ever. He locked her up once, and he might sentence her to death this time.” I replied.

Ezra sat on the couch, staring at me. “Why exactly are you letting her off the hook?”

“Because she is my mother.”

“A mother won’t have her child poisoned to kill her.” He bickered. “She is not your mother, and your mother is dead. She died years ago.”

“Do you think I don’t know that? As much as I want to condemn Stephanie. I can’t deny the fact that she took me into her home and fed me for over a decade. At least I wasn’t thrown into prostitution.”

“They had you sold off to Gael. That is close to prostitution, too. You have been close to death many times because of these lots. Do you think they deserve this mercy you give them willfully?”

“No, they don’t. But Kingston does. If not for anything but for his sake. He gave me the strength to continue. He told me many times that there was nothing wrong with me and that I deserved a good life just like everyone else. Kingston loved me before you, Perry, and Gael came along. It would tear him apart to know that his mother would be locked away. I can’t do that to him. Please, Ezra. I need you to understand my point.” I begged.

He sucked his teeth, thinking hard. “If your evil adoptive mother won’t be serving time for being so treacherous. Then, I will have them sign a document that prevents them from coming close to you. I will have it sealed. Since I command the court, it won’t be difficult to handle.”

I smacked my lips, holding up a weak smile. “Thank you, Ezra. Thank you so much.”

“I wasn’t joking when I promised to always be here for you. Just avoid any road that leads to death for now, please.”

I let out a short laugh. “I would try not to.”

“Okay. I will leave you to rest. Bye.”

With Ezra’s exit, loneliness spread through each corner of the room. I curled up into a ball, letting the tears flow ceaselessly.

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