Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 46 Her obsession


“Hmmm.” I moaned softly, stretching out my arm on the couch while watching the lady bounce her head as she sucked my dick passionately. It feels so good just to get sucked and be relieved of whatever stress I might be going through.

This week has been one hell of a week. I had meetings with different intending investors. I intentionally had them all scrutinized to be sure whatever they were bringing to us would be of greater good to the betterment of the pack. Not only that, but I got so busy that I didn’t get to fuck for five straight days. It’s very unlike me. Even now, I don’t feel like fucking anyone. It’s just best to get a blowjob. Every limb inside of me seems to have weakened with resolve.

I can’t get the half-breed off my mind, and I hate that. Even though the incident was over a week, I can’t get over that look in her eyes. She was scared and tried to conceal it. I still haven’t decided on what will become of this stupid family of hers. The husband visited two days back, begging for their release. I heard it from Ezra, though. He would be mad to come to me directly with such a request. I don’t take disrespect lightly.

“Do you want me to ride you, Alpha?” The lady asked. I had almost forgotten that I had company.

“It’s okay. You can get dressed and leave.” I urged.

She had a surprised look on her face. She must think I am sick for turning down sex. I wish I didn’t have to, but my state of mind leaves me with no choice. I can’t help but think of what Ezra tells me every time and the words of Sarah, including that of the half-breed. Many others go through just as much pain. And I have been an asshole, treating people like trash. That day, I saw myself in Nia’s adoptive mother. Even though she was well aware of her wrongdoing, she was more keen on ensuring Nia got to suffer for something she didn’t do. I hated her and practically hated myself for having been so petty at the same time.

I learned all my life that humans are flawed and half-breeds are even worse. All the other things I got accustomed to were those I decided on my own. Maybe it’s time to have a rethink, or perhaps what I need is hard liquor. I’m being in my feelings too much lately. One would think I am in love or something. Love fucks you up. You soften up, and then betrayal and pain follow. You end up losing your guard all for nothing. I am never going to allow that to happen to me.

Whatever the half-breed is going through, it’s her fault, not mine. But what do I do to this image of her that keeps popping in my head? I can’t just go to the clinic to satisfy my curiosity and take a look at her. Possibly, that would put me to rest. She is like a magnet. Hard to resist.

A light knock came from behind the door, pulling me out of my long thought. The door creaked open, and Gemma walked in. Before I could tell her off, she got on her knees.

“Please, Gael, don’t send me out. I already respected you enough and stayed away for two torturous weeks. Please. I can’t leave without you. If you push me away this time, I will lose my mind.”

I snort, folding my arms. “I thought you already met someone else you intend to date.”

“That isn’t true. Who told you that?” She sniffed. “I guess it’s that foul-mouthed Ezra.” I sent her a warning glare. “I am sorry. He lied, though. I don’t want anybody else but you, please, Gael. Please don’t turn me away. I promise to do whatever you want from now on.”

I blinked slowly, just watching her. Gemma had bags under her eyes that showed she hadn’t slept well. Me not talking to her must have caused that. Moments like this are when I realize how much of herself Gemma has poured into me. And as much as I don’t talk about it, it scares me. I have heard cases of obsessed women who become dangerous afterward. I will have no one to blame except myself, but what am I expected to do now when she looks so pitiful? I will be a monster to turn her away. In actual truth, seeing her now, I think I missed her.

“You know just what to do to get to me,” I mumbled, motioning for her to come.

She practically jumped into my arms. Thankfully, the couch is well-placed. I laughed as she placed kisses all over my face and neck. “I have missed you so much. Do I mean so little to you that you couldn’t even send me a text or call me?”

“We weren’t on good terms, remember?” I snickered, slapping her ass.

She giggled, resting her head against mine. “I don’t even care about all of that. As long as I am back in your arms.”

“When was the last time you slept?” I asked, sincerely concerned.

“I slept the little I could.”

“You are unbelievable.” I chuckled. “get on the bed and sleep.”

She pouted, “but I don’t want to. I want to be in your arms.”

“Don’t start, Gemma. I don’t have the energy to withstand your whines right now. How can you be so calm about your health? You know how worried your parents would be, and yet, you do things that will jeopardize you and them.”Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

Wiggling her brows, she winked. “Are you worried about me?”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” I warned, holding back the treacherous smile creeping up my face. Gemma might be a brat, but she can be fun when she isn’t throwing tantrums.

“Fine! I will. Just one more kiss.”

“As you wish.” I mused, letting her kiss me for as long as she wanted. I bet this patience of mine won’t be there by tomorrow. I hate playing by the rules and courtesy.

“Alright, that’s enough. Get to bed and sleep, please. I will head out for a run in the woods. I hope your dad knows you are here?” Cuddling up against the duvet, she mumbled incoherently.

I groaned inwardly. “Gemma!”

“He will be fine, I promise.” She said, obviously feeling no remorse.

I can’t say about the next life, but this one we are in, Beta Ezekiel will forever hate me. Making my way out of the room, I headed towards the garden first. It’s getting darker, and the moon is out. It makes it more beautiful to run under its watch. Too excited, I ignored where I was going, and without intending to, I bumped right into something like a steel trap, and it tore at my exposed leg brutally.

“Fuck!” I yelled in pain, falling to the ground.



I jolted from where I lay at the sound of a painful howl and yell at the same time. I turned my ears away the first time, hoping it was just some noise from the woods. But it came again, and this time louder. I rushed towards the sound, only to find Gael on the ground bawling his eyes out. His leg seemed to be bleeding, which got my attention more.

“Oh my goodness! How long have you been here with an open wound.” I questioned, moving closer to him.

“Don’t!” He ordered.

I rolled my eyes, placing both hands on my waist. “For your information, I am only trying to help.”

He groaned, shifting in obvious discomfort. “That’s not what I am saying. I need you to watch the ground, or you will end up like me.”

Looking down before him, I saw the steel that had cut into his skin. Making my way around it, I stretched out my hand. “Come with me; let’s get that wound cleaned before it worsens.” I urged. “I have never actually treated an open cut before. I only get to proffer herbs to unlikely diseases and infections. But this shouldn’t be hard.” I rattled.

I don’t understand why I had to explain, but I find myself doing it. The Alpha didn’t respond and only leaned into me to walk. The pain must have gotten to him, or he is just being the regular stuck-up asshole he is. I wonder what it is with me and this garden that I end up meeting with people on the verge of death or about losing their legs.

We got to the clinic quickly, although it was a challenging walk. The man weighs three times my body size. And his arms are firm. It’s no wonder he carries himself with so much gait.

Shaking the crude thoughts off my head, I got him to sit on one of the benches outside the clinic when he insisted on staying outside. I understand he doesn’t want anyone gossiping about him. Rushing in to get the necessary things, I think, should be good enough as first aid. I attended to the wound.

“It’s a deep cut. You will need a doctor to help you stitch it up. But it’s clean now, and I am sure with a painkiller, you will get through this night.” I said, stretching my back as I got up.

With his hurt leg stretched out, he held my gaze. “Why would I see a doctor when you are here?”

“I have never stitched up anyone before. Moreover, my type of healer uses herbs to heal, and it has to be a spiritual awakening of what to combine to heal a hurt person. I don’t think there is a need for my expertise for a wound like this.”

“You are called a healer for a reason, miss. My leg has to be in a firm condition, and it’s up to you to do that.”

In actual truth, I would instead not help his sorry ass. The herbs I am to administer would take three to four days; all it would take for the cut to cover up, and he would get in good shape. And it will only take that long because he bled hard. I don’t know if it’s right for a healer to turn a patient away. But I don’t think I will have regrets as regards this one. He started it.

“Like I said, it’s not my jurisdiction.”

He winced in pain as he attempted to move. “Why do I sense you are using your power right now?”

I nodded in agreement, “Yes, and it feels good.”

His face softened under the moonlight, and I almost wet my panties. Gael looks so handsomely breathtaking if that is even the right words to describe someone. Despite the lingering pain in his brows, he still maintained excellent looks. His tightened jaw only made him more attractive. I had never taken a close look at him before, and his dark brown hair matched his icy blue eyes. Sharp jaw and finely placed lips that seem so kissable. What the hell? Get a grip on yourself. I don’t think I am ovulating, so what’s all the sexual rush for?

“Do you need me to beg you to help ease my pain?” He finally asked. The sentence seemed too hard for him to form at first.

“I don’t think it will do. But that’s a start.”

“Are you being serious right now? I can call on guards to bring you to your knees and have you do what’s needed.”

I scoffed, “You and I know it’s a taboo to force a healer to work. The knowledge is divine. You won’t get better by forcing me to heal you.”

“P-please, then. My leg hurts so very much.” He muttered, looking pitiful.

Not wanting to push my luck, I reached for the herb among the things I brought. I pressed on it and applied the juice to the cut. He wiggled in pain, and I almost felt pity for him. “The wound should close up in three to four days. And it also depends on how quickly your body takes the herb juice in.” I said.

“I never thought I would get treated by you.” He snorted, sitting up properly.

I chose to stay quiet. “I only helped because you stood up for justice when my family accused me wrongly.”

“What? Did you make me apologize to you for nothing?”

I grinned sheepishly, unable to hide my delight. “It was worth a try.”

Ruffling his hair, he scoffed. “I can have you punished for this.”

“It still won’t change the fact that you begged me. It will stick to you for life.” I boasted, not ready to let go of the moment.

“I guess it’s your time, and I should let you have it.”

“You don’t have any choice.”

“Have you always been this sassy?”

“And have you never had a retaliation?”

A shadow of a smirk crossed his lips. “You are enjoying this.”

“Obviously.” I mused, sitting next to him with much distance between us. “You just ruined my peaceful night.”

He adjusted himself. “Are you expecting me to apologize again?”

I snorted, “I know you won’t, so I won’t ask you to.”

“You had better not.”

Silence reigned for a few seconds, but I feel particularly talkative today. “Will you ever get my family released?”

“And now you are pushing your luck.” He mused, not looking pleased.

“I was just asking.” I pouted.

“Why would you want them to be released? Didn’t they hurt you?”

“The same way, I am here helping you with your wound. Everybody gets helpless at one time in their life, and it’s never nice. I have been helpless all my life, so I know how it feels. Please let them go. If not now, but soon cause my father can’t stand his wife and daughter being in a cell for a long time. But what do I know? Your decision only matters in the end. You should be able to get back on your own. The herb must have worked its way to your bloodstream. Goodnight.”

I said the last word with caution to avoid provoking him, sort of. Packing my things hurriedly, I moved as fast as my legs could carry.

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