Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 41 Her Outburst


I sighed as I leaned against a tree trunk, staring at the dark sky with the stars complimenting its state. For some unknown reason, I find myself taking strolls towards the garden. Maybe I do have something that I am so not going to admit in mind. Or I might need to stretch my legs. The day just went in a haze. Not having Ezra to taunt and frustrate isn’t fun at all. He left the pack on an official assignment and wouldn’t be back until the end of the week. It feels like torture since I will have to be stuck with Gemma.

She keeps showing her face daily, and I wouldn’t say I like it. It gets lonely sometimes. Not even the tons of concubines I have can fill up that emptiness. Many times, I reflect on when my parents were alive. Life was good then; I had bright hopes for the future and wanted nothing more but to grow old with them. I learned that good things don’t last, and it scared me. I know this lifestyle of mine will only complicate my toxic life. But then it’s the only thing I do that excites me. Ruling the pack doesn’t exit me this much.

Something different might do just fine, or something I can call mine that would stick to me for life. I don’t want to end up miserable like my father. Having many women at one’s disposal is essential for a long life. Even if that means some nights like this will be lonely. When I return to the room, four will warm my bed, and I will dream in bliss. But I don’t want any of them around me. The long run I had in the woods didn’t help either.

Shutting the thoughts out, I listened in on the silence. A muffled sound came from behind. Someone is on the other side of the tree. Out of curiosity, I got up to see who it was. An irritated scoff escaped my lips.

“You again. Are you stalking me?” The half-breed glanced up at me, her eyes red from crying. Only the goddess knows what had her riled up so much. It might be the guy I saw her with a few hours ago. He looks like a potential lover. He must have found out she is a half-breed and dumped her ass. “Can’t you talk?”

She turned her face away, “can you pretend not to notice me? I thought you said that I should stay far away from you?”

“I am surprised, too. You are the one who keeps following me. Have you gone mad?”

“Why exactly would I follow you?” She yelled at me.

That had me startled. I have never had anyone raise a voice at me before. “Do you think you are that special for me to pay you any attention?”

“Watch your mouth!” I warned. “If everyone will look to me to voice their opinion, a person like you should never try to say a word to me.”

She hissed, “What exactly is my kind of person?”

“You are forbidden! You never should have been born. It’s practically a curse having an abomination like you around my pack. I’m sure your presence brought in much bad luck to the pack. Your smell disgusts me, and I find myself guilty of not doing a proper investigation before bringing you here.” My words hit home, and I like how much it shook her.

“W-what exactly did I do to you? How is it my fault that I was born this way?”

I scoffed, “Are you asking me? It would be best if you asked your wretched parents, who didn’t think of the effect of their actions on the poor, innocent werewolves before engaging in the shameful act. And your stupid self just had to survive to this point when you should have killed yourself. You are a menace to the society. Especially to me!”

“That’s enough!”

“It can never be enough! Do you know how disgusting it is to know that you are the healer of this prestigious pack? I feel ashamed and disappointed in the goddess for lacking luxurious taste. Your birth was a mistake, a one-night stand, maybe. You just had to force your way here. I hate that you have human blood running through your stream. It makes me want to puke.”

With a shaky breath, she wiped at her non-stop tears. “I have a piece of good news for you. I hate you, too. I hate how entitled you are. I hate that you think the world revolves around you. Do you think I want to be here? If I had my way, I would run far away from here and pray fervently to the goddess to never see your horrible face again. I hate you, I hate myself, and I hate my adoptive family. You all should have left me to rot. I would have done fine living in the woods. It’s your fault that I am here now. You could have let me off when you had the chance. So, deal with it. You will be seeing much of this face around!” She glared, storming off.

“Wow!” I mumbled, taken aback by her outburst. She is so rude. How dare she talk to me in such a degrading manner?

“You spoke to her in that manner first.” My wolf countered.

“Well, thank you for the reminder. Moral police.” I hissed in return.

I should teach this half-breed a lesson for opening that big mouth of hers to insult me. She sure looks livid, though; not even my mother got that angry with me. I was only stating my mind. It’s not like we have to applaud her for being a halfbreed. People like them are one in twenty werewolves.

To show how rare the involvement of humans and werewolves are. I am curious now to know who her birth parents are and how she got her healing ability. It shouldn’t concern me, but it sounds like fun and would get me preoccupied.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Suppose anything turns out more fishy about her. Healer or no healer, I won’t hesitate to throw her out of the pack house and render her stupid butt homeless. The mention of butt made me remember how her butt cheeks clashed together as she ran. I shouldn’t be seeing her in that light. It’s impossible. Feeling tired from exchanging words with her, I headed to the room. Thankfully, Gemma seemed to have taken the cue and left. She is pretty stubborn and more like the worst person to reason with, and that stresses the shit out of me.

Relaxing into the bed, I let out a long sigh of relief. Wrapping the duvet around me, I closed my eyes. And not too far in my sleep, the healer came after me in a bizarre appearance. Half human and half wolf coming after me with a vengeance. I just dug my own grave.



With Kingston’s absence and my encounter with that awful Alpha a few days back, I have been moving about like a zombie. Thankfully, my knowledge of herbs and healing concoctions has nothing to do with my forehand knowledge. If not, I might have poisoned some patients because of how much of my head is in the clouds. I don’t see any need to struggle for a better life. The discussion with Alpha Gael the other day, even though it was more of him talking and me miserably listening to my future being predicted.

He is probably right; what was I expecting to become when I was born differently from others? My life hasn’t been rosy from the beginning, and it is unclear why I became hopeful for nothing. Tears laced my eyes heavily as I stared blankly at the herb shelf. To avoid getting caught crying in the office, I come to the store to let it all out. I feel exhausted and alone. Just when I thought being the healer would ease my path from now on. Instead, it only pushed me into further loneliness. I don’t have friends or family to run to. It’s heart-wrenching.

I wish I could run far from here and never come back. But I am obliged to fulfill my duty as the goddess’s chosen healer. I have no choice but to accept this life of mine. The tears rolled down freely, and I didn’t bother to wipe them off. I hate my life, and I hate everyone who sees me as a weakling to trample on, which is why I have decided to fight back at anyone who talks trash at me, including the Alpha. I have nothing to lose as it stands.

If I get sent out of the pack, I might get another chance at living a more fulfilled life. And just in case I must spend the rest of my life in the pack house being miserable, it’s best not to cringe away from the bullies anymore. Exhaling slowly, I made my way out of the store and back to my office. I already did my afternoon rounds before heading out before. We don’t have many patients lingering around. Since I don’t run a hospital, it’s easy to tell them the herb’s prescription and have them return to their homes to use it in their comfort.

My heart skipped when I opened the office to see Mindy twirling in my chair. Inhaling deeply, I dipped my hands in my lab coat pocket and walked further inside.

“What took you so long? What sort of healer leaves her office empty and wanders around? Aren’t you bothered about the people who might need your help?” She questioned, chewing gum recklessly. I didn’t respond and kept staring at her like she had grown two heads. That got to her, causing a frown to spread through her face. “Have you gone deaf?”

“You won’t walk into my office and throw insults at me, Mindy. It’s wrong of you to strut in here like you own it. But I will let that slide. What do you want?”

She paused in her chewing, looking surprised at my cold response to her. “Did you just talk to me like that?” Mindy asked, making her way towards me.

I changed my posture and folded my arms against my chest. “I don’t think there is any other person here. So, whatever I said was directed to you. Keep your distance and say whatever it is you are here for.” I warned her when she moved a bit too close for comfort.

Mindy scoffed, “I believe the saying now that says money makes a person. Just because of the few coins you are making, your sorry ass thinks she is something, right?”

I shrugged, “at least I made the money from my hard work. Have you ever made money in your life before? You are nothing but a sponge, a pest that sucks from others for survival.”

“Nia!” She growled, raising her hand at me.

“Don’t you dare!” I gritted, tightening my jaw. “If you make any attempt to hit me, I will make sure you regret ever stepping foot into this place.”

Throwing her hands down, she let out a nervous chuckle. “I see you are in a mood. I will leave that aside. I need two thousand dollars from you, ”

I stared at her for a long second before cackling. “That’s a joke, right?”

Her eyes darted quickly, “do I look like a comedian to you?”

“Maybe. Because that is the only reason you would walk in here to make demands from me. You are probably just trying to see how funny you are.”

She kissed her teeth, pointing a finger at me. “you owe my family and me, Nia. We are the reason you are where you are today. And-”

“And what?” I cut her short. “And what exactly? You keep rambling about the most stupid things. I have served your family for over a decade, and you still had the guts to take from me. But I didn’t say anything, still, and let you be. Shouldn’t you have a bit of shame before coming here again to ask me for money? Do I owe you?”

“Yes, you do!” Her voice shook enough to tell me how nervous she was.

Smacking my lips, I took two steps close to her. “For your good, Mindy. Leave this place right this minute before I unleash the brutal side of me on your pathetic self. And trust me, I am not joking.”

Staggering to the back, she chuckled awkwardly. “Trust me, I will get back to you for this. You will regret this, I promise.”

“Sure, run home to tell your mummy,” I called behind her. The minute she left, my legs wobbled.

My palm felt sweaty, and my heart raced fast. I never thought a time would come like this moment. I didn’t even need to lift a finger or raise my voice. It feels scary and sounds at the same time. I should have done this earlier; none of those who bullied me would have been able to take me for granted. But then, one step at a time. I never realized Mindy’s visit was what I needed to feel better. Grinning to myself, I yanked off the lab coat and headed out of the clinic.

Shifting into my wolf in delight, I ran for the woods.

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