Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 64

Bonus Chapter 2 – Awkward Firsts?


Of all the nightmares that could repeat themselves. Why this one?

I didn’t ask for much in this life. Was it reaching of me to ask for a mate who wanted me?

“I do not think I could ever accept another…”

His words in his utterly addictive voice repeated and rang louder with each repetition.

And somehow, this felt worse. He wasn’t unwilling to accept a second chance mate out of pride or out of being an asshole. He was unwilling because of devotion. How could I fault him for something so pure?

‘How do you know he truly meant it?’ Lobelia, weirdly, acted optimistic. ‘You didn’t give him a chance to feel a mate bond again.’

Was my wolf deluded? Was this her way of coping? To create a self-made fantasy?

The thin trees I ran through soon gave way to a craggy clearing. I collapsed against a rock, unable to keep myself from shattering apart. I had tried to be strong. I tried to put on a mask that all was well and laugh at jokes. I tried to go about my day, pretending I wasn’t slowly dying inside. There was nothing in me left to ‘try’ anymore.

When Evie found me, I couldn’t keep it in any longer, my dam finally bursting.

He was her father! My second chance mate was my best friend’s father, a man who would be more than twice my age! Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“…What was the moon goddess thinking?!” I screamed to the sky.

The jolt from Evie’s movements interrupted my cursing out the blameless clouds above.

A large hand, gently holding out a long swath of fabric. “Maybe she thinks two broken souls need each other most.”

My wrap that I had dropped… he brought it back to me?

My hands had remained tightly clutched to my chest, biting into my light sweater. My fingers ached when I began to unfurl them, hesitant to reach out to him. Gripping the fabric, our fingertips brushed and the sensation of the mate bond thrummed through my body.

‘He feels like home,’ both Lobelia and I said in unison.

I heard an echo bounce around and I felt my face heat that I had gasped so loudly.

‘As much as I love our Evie.. can you tell her to go?’ My wolf cut in. ‘She’s standing around like an awkward lemon not sure what to do with herself. Give her an out.’

Oh, that was a point.

‘It’s ok… I’ll try and talk,’ I nodded to her, trying to smile through the last of my tears.

She bobbed her head and quickly retreated faster than I had ever seen her move before, leaving me alone… with her father. Was I entirely sure this was any better?

Heavens above, he was even more handsome close-up. With him knelt in front of me, I could take in his every feature. The scar on the left of his jaw didn’t detract from his looks at all. It added to his

rugged appeal that I was increasingly attracted to. And his scent? I wanted to bottle and consume it for the rest of my life. It was perfect… just like him.

‘This is the one we’ve waited for, I just know it. Tell me you feel it too?’ My wolf was practically singing.

I did feel it. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but it didn’t make it any less real. A sense of familiarity.

“My name, it is Konstantin,” his two hands cupped around mine, sending bursts of lively tingles dancing across my skin.

“I-I know… I’m Lucy.”

“I know,” his beard twitched, he was smiling at me? My heart beat into overdrive.

“I do not like you crying,” the rough pads of his thumbs swept so softly under my eyes. “You heard my words?”

I nodded, looking away, not wanting him to feel obligated to accept me and to hide my red puffy face. I had cried so hard, I must have looked a mess; a great impression to make.

“I am sorry you heard such,” his large hand encased my jaw. How could a touch from such a huge man be so gentle and featherlight? “It is difficult to let go sometimes.”

A sentiment I knew too deeply; I had already run from him, expecting the worst. Our first mates had left such scars behind. His was what his mate had given, mine was because of what Finley had taken.

“Do you care that I’m just an Omega?”

I needed to know the answer, to know for certain this wasn’t history repeating.

“Do you care I am rogue?” Konstantin answered my question with his own, his thumb tracing the curve of my cheek. “He was fool to throw away precious gift. I am not fool.”

My lips twitched into a smile and my damned eyes threatened to tear up one more. I gripped his hand, taking a moment to appreciate his every mature and masculine detail. As our silence stretched, his brows began to pinch, furrowing together.

‘Don’t just leave him worrying, silly goose,’ Lobelia gave me a mental nudge with her nose. ‘Invite him for a walk, hold his hand, do something.’

“Can we walk for a little? Get to know each other more?”

An easy smile quirked under his full beard and, wordlessly, he plucked my wrap from my grasp to bundle it around my shoulders. Taking my hands, he stood, pulling me up with him and, for the first time, I saw exactly how much his hulking frame towered above me. I didn’t even clear his chest.

‘Goddess, what if he crushes us?’ My eyes widened, looking upwards forever.

‘And that would be a bad thing, why?’ Lobelia pawed, flashing me the lewdest images she had ever conjured. ‘Personally, I wouldn’t mind a little crushing from a lycan male.’

My cheeks heated in an instant at my wolf’s graphic thoughts. I could barely look a naked male in the eye. I certainly wasn’t ready for anything Lobelia was showing me, my heart was still healing. And if what I couldn’t see was as big as what I could see, how things would fit had my concerns rising.

‘Trust me, he’ll fit,’ she licked her lips. ‘Now focus where it’s needed. You’re kinda staring at him while looking like a tomato.’

“Uh… this way,” I tugged on his hand, leading him towards one of the mountain trails that would circle back towards the pack house.

I had intended to drop his hand, worried that I would come off too clingy. I hadn’t ever had a relationship before and didn’t really know how I was meant to act. Whatever Finley was, I wouldn’t

classify that as a relationship.

“Tell me about you. I want to hear your voice,” Konstantin threaded his fingers with mine and engulfed my small palm with his, making it clear he didn’t want our hands to separate.

“Oh, um, I-I’m not very interesting,” I clutched my wrap around my shoulders with my free hand, unaccustomed to anyone taking interest in me.

“That, I do not believe. Tell me. I want to know.”

“Well… I love everything about food,” I began, feeling both nervous to talk about myself so much and comforted by the sparks of our bond, tingling their way directly to my chest.

I told him of my dream to go to culinary school and how close I was to having the money for it. Even on my days off, I loved sneaking into the kitchens just to bake and design new recipes or perfect ones I knew. I wasn’t sure he quite understood the deal with culinary school and the art of presentation with food. To him, food was simply a necessity meant to be consumed out of survival; and if it tasted nice, that was simply a bonus. Given how he had lived for the better part of two decades, it was understandable. But it was a stance I needed to educate him on, to show him food could be fun. I didn’t speak much about Finley, he seemed to know the basic gist and, quite frankly, I didn’t want my thoughts to keep winding back to that man anymore.

“What about you? Evie’s told me a little. Her mother sounded like she was a wonderful woman,” Konstantin slowly bobbed his head, a sadness passing over him. “I hope you know you can talk about her with me, whenever you want.”

I didn’t want him to feel as though his first mate would be a point of contention. He spoke a little of his past, but having already divulged so many painful parts with Evie, it was difficult for him to rehash everything again so soon. It wasn’t as though we had to share every little detail about ourselves in an instant, there was plenty of time for all that.

With the sun starting to set, and our trail leading us full circle back to the pack house, our walk came to a natural end. He was still unsure of how to navigate the large sprawling building, so I walked him back to his room.

His hand lingered on the door handle of his room, his eyes sweeping over me from top to bottom. Coupled with his scent in this enclosed environment, my mind and wolf were in a scramble. Maybe coming to his room, alone, was a mistake. We agreed we both needed time, to take things slow, and the idea of leaving his scent behind was triggering withdrawals already. Was this what the Alpha heirs faced on a daily basis around Evie? No wonder they followed her around like lost pups.

“B-bye. I, I’ll see you later,” I completely fumbled and wanted to hide my head under a rock.

I turned quickly to hide my red face, which at this point had become my default response to everything about this man.

“Wait,” he called behind me and I obeyed in an instant.

In two of his strides, he had slid his outdoor coat off, letting it fall to the ground and the wall of his chest stood before me. His long-sleeved shirt clung to his torso like another skin and my mind became a puddle of incoherent and dirty thoughts.

“It is custom in lycans to give scent to mate. As token,” he gripped his shirt hem and, in one smooth move, removed it.

I clenched my thighs together in an instant and willed my heart to beat somewhat steadily. The plains of his body were the most sculpted I had ever witnessed; hard and rugged muscles, littered with small scars, dark blond chest hair covering his pecs, bands of tattoos down his left side… perfect.

I stood rooted to the spot, my mouth hanging open and unresponsive. His eyes swirled black, picking up my heated scent, yet he never said a word as he gently prised my hands from my chest and placed

his item of clothing against my palm, closing my hand around it for me.

“May I?” His finger slipped under the edge of my wrap, grazing against my neck.

I almost choked on my own breath, sucking in a sharp inhale. I nodded, swallowing a cough that burned my chest to be released, and let him slip the wrap from my shoulders.

“Bye,” I squeaked and hurried away.

Once I was clear and knew he couldn’t hear, I coughed up my lungs, taking deep breaths between expelling the irritation in my throat.

‘I’m impressed you held that in, silly goose,’ my wolf shuddered in her laughter.

‘I made a complete fool of myself!’ I whined, hurrying to my room and leaning against the closed door at my back. ‘He probably thinks we’re some immature little girl now.’

‘I don’t know. His wolf found it sweet.’

I groaned, hiding my face in the shirt in my hands. My groan quickly transformed into a moan. The crisp yet musky mountainous air scent shivered through me, flooding each nerve. I was addicted. I hurriedly pulled it over my head, chuckling to myself at how it hung from me like a dress. The sleeves alone required several rolls before my hands were visible. I wrapped my arms around myself, closing my eyes and imagining it was Konstantin’s thick and heavily muscular arms, where I could trace each line of his tattoos and memorise them.

A knock at my door nearly had me trip over my feet, so lost in my little fantasy. On some instinctive level, I knew who it would be. Evie. Would this bother her? Would this drive a wedge between us? I loved her more than anyone; she was my best friend, my sister.

But what worry did I have? None. And we were already laughing about it. Although when Catalina phoned, she made a point I hadn’t fully acknowledged.

I would be Evie’s stepmother… her mates, the twin Alpha heirs, would be my sons-in-law. I was only 22 years old! And if Evie had a pup sometime soon, I would be a grandmother.

Oh goddess, this was making my head spin and my face heat yet again. Everyone calling me the ‘mom-friend’ was meant to be a joke. It wasn’t meant to be literal.

I was relieved Evie wanted to have dinner all together and in Konstantin’s room too. My feet had been itching to take me back to him, but being alone in his room felt far too intimate. I don’t think I could have faced all those stares and whispers that would come with eating in the pack dining hall.

After a change of clothing that I hadn’t intended to take an hour for, Evie and I made our way back to the top floor of the guest wing. I fiddled with the sleeve of my top, feeling my heart thud that bit louder with each step closer I came, remembering each one of those muscles that bulged from my mate’s body.

“Moye solnyshko,” Konstantin greeted his daughter so delicately.

‘He’s such a caring father,’ Lobelia fawned. ‘I hope he’s open to more pups.’

My eyes almost bulged, ‘can you keep thoughts like that quiet, please?!’

Of course I wanted pups. I couldn’t wait to be a mother. But maybe not when I had leapt out of a terrible mate bond and landed myself in a rather awkward and confusing one.

‘Like he isn’t mentally undressing you.’

Konstantin’s gaze had turned to me, his eyes steadily roving over my body, flushing my skin with heat. I couldn’t help the little smile tugging on my lips, looking away to hide just how much I enjoyed his quiet


Space at the table was a tight squeeze. When I slid into my seat, my leg brushed up against my mate’s. I could barely concentrate on anything except where our legs pressed up against each other, relishing in the sparkling tingles from such close contact. All I could offer was silly mumbling responses, like a ‘thank you’ when he fixed my plate, and even then, I couldn’t muster the confidence to look at him. He too seemed distracted from noticing anything else, such as Astennu and Badru feeling Evie up right under the table.

‘I’m gonna get these two out of here because they’re driving me up the wall,’ Evie discreetly mind- linked me, jabbing Badru in the side. For whatever reason, he flinched heavily at the light touch.

She made an exaggerated yawn, saying how tired she was, despite it only being 7pm. After quickly hugging her father goodbye, she flashed me a half smile accompanied by a very awkward ‘good luck’. I knew I had turned brighter than a tomato. Luckily, Konstantin hadn’t noticed, too busy frowning after the twins, who couldn’t hurry off behind Evie fast enough.

Now we were alone, exactly what I craved and dreaded.

I tried to busy myself picking up the plates to push aside the tension rising, not knowing whether it was my imagination or not. Honestly, I didn’t know which was worse: a one-sided excitement or very real and shared suspense. Without being asked, he wordlessly took the heavier stack, leaving me with the smaller pile I could manage with one hand. I led the way out of his door to the service dumbwaiter, just opposite, where housekeeping could collect the dishes from downstairs.

The downside with distractions was they never lasted as long as one would hope.

Which left me lingering outside Konstantin’s door, peering up into his stormy midnight eyes without a single clue what to do.

“Sladkikh snov, krasivaya,” the low husky timbre of his voice hypnotised me, even though I had no clue what he had said.

His warm hand cupped my cheek, tingling my whole face with his heat and sending my heart into overdrive as he leant down, closing our distance. I thought he was about to kiss me and I didn’t know if I was ready for it. I hadn’t kissed anyone before. My eyes closed of their own accord, bracing myself… for something that never came.

A mix of soft lips and a wonderfully scratchy beard lightly pressed against my cheek, and I had never been left so unexpectedly disappointed.

‘Do it. Be a brave little goose,’ Lobelia urged, encouraging my wants.

I sucked in a deep breath and before he could pull away, I grasped the front of his shirt and crashed my lips with his, a tiny moan escaping my throat. The sparks of the mate bond erupted into fireworks, lights dancing behind my eyelids which ignited in my heart. I reluctantly pulled away, needing air and a moment to gather myself.

I slowly uncurled my fingers from his collar, the two of us in an equally stunned state.

“Goodnight,” I whispered and, for the third time today, I bolted away, a tiny and proud smile on my face that I had actually done it.

My first kiss.

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