Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 43

Chapter 43 – What Would You Do?


“When you say ‘game’, just what exactly do you mean?” I scooted out of Badru’s embrace and eyed them both suspiciously. Mainly Badru because it was both his idea and he was a nugget.

“It’s just a question and answer game,” Astennu pulled away from pouring the third shot and set the bottle down. “You ask a question and the person has to answer. If they don’t, they have to do a shot. It’s easy,” he took one of the small glasses and downed it, barely wincing.

“Don’t you need limes and salt for tequila?” I picked up the remaining shot, giving it a cautionary sniff and taking in the smooth, sweet, spicy and woody scents. This smelt nothing like the cheap stuff I had drunk before.

“Trust me, you won’t need it for this. The pack I buy it from has a really good brewery and distillery,” Badru spoke as I took a small sip. Oooh, that was smooth and at 100% blue agave, I could see why.

I picked up the bottle to inspect the label; produced in Silent Forest pack in Tennessee. I wondered how the wolf paw print and crescent moon from the label fit with their pack.

“How come I’ve never seen this for sale in our pack?” It seemed insane that it wasn’t.

Badru sighed heavily, “one of their Alphas is a former rogue. So, you can imagine why.”

“One of their Alphas? They twins like you? How was only one rogue?”

“They’re mates, and both are Alphas; Eden and… I don’t know the guy’s name, never met him. I don’t really know the story because their pack is all the way across the other side of the country. We only know of Alpha Eden because her dad is Yarrow Saloman,” Astennu explained, pouring out the remaining two glasses.

He, I had heard of. Alpha Yarrow was a legend in the werewolf society, and some of the human societies too, as one of the longest reigning Alphas in the country.

“So, the game?” Badru prodded, looking far too keen. “You playing, or what?”

“Fine, ok,” I relented, hearing my wolf’s snickers of excitement. Like Badru, she was way too eager. “But I don’t know how much I can handle. I’m a lightweight with alcohol and this stuff looks strong.”

I had spotted the percentage on the front of the bottle, it would’ve been enough to give a human alcohol poisoning. A werewolf’s metabolism for alcohol, much like their metabolism for food, was far higher and even more so after they shifted to deal with the energy demands.

“Just take a sip instead of downing the whole thing. The point is to have fun,” Astennu put the bottle down to reach out and stroke my cheek. “We don’t want you getting ill, not that we wouldn’t love nursing you back to health.”

My face heated of its own volition at the soft look in Astennu’s eyes and I was sure I looked like a damned polished apple. What the hell was in the Rolfe genes to give the twins these hypnotically beautiful eyes? I knelt on my knees, so that Badru couldn’t go looking up my shorts again. I would’ve wrapped a blanket around me, but that opened the questions ‘are you cold’ and ‘my arms would feel much warmer’ from the twins. My brain was already a little stupid around them at the best of times and I didn’t want to be poking the wasp nest of temptation any further under the influence of alcohol. No smart idea ever began with the phrase, ‘I was drinking tequila when..’

“I’ll go first, but it’s kind of a generic one,” because I had no clue where to start, “What’s your favourite colour and why?”

“I thought that would’ve been obvious,” Astennu said with a slight huff of laughter and a half smile.

I tilted my head in question. How was it obvious?

“Dark gold,” he continued. “Like your hair.”

“Grey-blue, just because of your eyes,” Badru answered, looking so deep into my irises I was sure even my soul flushed into a heavy blush.

‘The colours of their rooms, genius,’ Evva knocked on the side of my head.

“So? What about you,” Badru asked his question.

I was suddenly unable to look at either of them, or at my own walls to see the deep midnight colour adorning them. I coughed softly to clear my throat, but my voice still came out quieter than I would have liked, “sapphire blue.”

“Why?” Astennu asked, as low as a whisper, so gentle. A small smile tugged at his lips as though he already knew.

I swallowed the entire shot, completely ignoring sipping it, and felt the warmth of the liquid heat me from the inside out. Both twins chuckled at my refusal to answer why.

‘You may as well have told them, for how transparent you’re being,’ Evva’s voice held an echoing quality, though it didn’t hide her sarcastic tone. Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

“Forget you were Alphas,” I felt a surge of new confidence. “If you could do anything, any job or career, what would you do?”

“I’ve never thought about it,” Badru scrunched up his face in thought, mulling over the idea and drinking his shot, even though he was answering. “Maybe art? Like selling my wares at the side of the road from a camper van or something,” he laughed, more to himself.

“You’d be the weird van guy?” I snorted, unable to see this guy living the rough life.

“What? It sounds kinda fun. Folks could make up all sorts of rumours and I’d move from town to town, shrouded in mystery.”

“The mystery would be whether you eat people or just use their bodies to fuel your murder van,” I couldn’t keep my laughter inside, and slipped from my knees to a side saddle position.

“You’d live in a van?” Astennu raised a thick but perfect eyebrow. “You bitched the whole four days when we went camping that one time.”

“No I didn’t!” His twin glared.

‘He totally did,’ Astennu mind-linked with a smirk. ‘He hated sleeping on the ground and complained that the insects were too loud at night.’

I was done, snorting in laughter and falling over sideways. Damn, that tequila worked fast.

“f**k the pair of you,” Badru muttered, pouting and crossing his arms after taking another shot.

“Come on, what about you goober?” He flushed at the cute but dumb pet name.

“Something with horses, maybe a ranch?”

“You mean like a cowboy?” I bit my lower lip, a strong wave of an entirely different heat washed over me, one which pooled and settled between my thighs.

Once again, they remained silent despite the fact that their eyes swirled black, obviously scenting my arousal. Goddess, those poor decisions were kicking in.

“Yeah,” Astennu subtly licked his very perfect and plum lips. Were they always this tempting? “An Arabic Egyptian-American werewolf ranch-cowboy, why not?”

“So you’d have a ranch filled with Herus?” I mused aloud. “Ru would never visit! They’d chase him away.”

“How would they chase me? I’d have my van.”

‘f**k, he’s cute when he’s a nugget,’ my wolf howled, sounding growing more distant.

“What about you?” Astennu reclined back, propping himself up on his elbows. “What did you always want to be?”

That was one I was unsure how to answer. People like me in the pack, orphans, Omegas, those that couldn’t shift… rogue born, not that there were other rogue born here, we were never told we could be anything else. I had wanted to leave the pack, to go in search of another way of living and find what I felt was missing in my life, but that was something I would keep to myself. They would only blame themselves, thinking they were the cause when they weren’t, not entirely at least. It was an easy way out, to run from an issue instead of tackling it, changing it. And had I gone through with it, how would I have ever known the two men I was most conflicted about were the two men my soul had been waiting for?

“Ammar?” I hadn’t even realised how close Astennu had come.

“Sorry… I kinda got lost in thought,” I mumbled a poor excuse. “Perhaps playing piano? I have no idea who in their right mind would pay to hear me though…”

“I would,” Badru interrupted immediately. “I could listen to you play all day,” and he had that dopey boyish grin on his face that made him impossible to resist, resting his chin on his palm.

“How often exactly have you heard me play?” I looked between them suspiciously. “I don’t ever remember playing around anyone when I was practising, outside of my tutor after school.”

Both immediately downed their shot. Astennu, in particular, was adorably red.

“Were you sneaking around stalking me?” I don’t know why there was any point in drinking for a non- answer. It was essentially an answer on its own.

Again, both downed a shot, and Astennu’s blush spread to his neck.

“It was mainly Aste!” Badru blurted. “He pretty much had your schedule memorised. I just used to randomly catch you playing in the pack house and I’d stand outside and listen in.”

“I didn’t have s**t memorised!” Astennu protested, while his increasing pitch and redness told the truth.

“It was when you hated us, probably more Aste at the time,” Badru continued in divulging his twin’s secrets, regardless. “And then I made things worse… so we knew if you ever caught us, we’d never hear you play again.”

All those times I thought I was alone and I wasn’t. There were moments when my skin would prickle, as if discerning some electrical excitement in the air. Now, it made sense.

“So, teenage Aste stalked my schedule after school to spy on my out-of-tune piano playing?” I pushed at his embarrassment again.

He immediately took another shot, with more difficulty this time, looking everywhere but at me. “You weren’t out of tune very often,” he mumbled softly.

Our game continued back and forth, the bottle of tequila steadily emptying. I tried to pace myself and stick to sipping my shots and not drowning them like the twins, but it was beginning to catch up to me and Evva’s voice was growing more and more distant as time went on.

“Have… you ever m*********d while thinking of me?” I giggled, because at this point everything seemed hilarious.

“Why is everyone so obsessed over my habits?!” Astennu swayed a little, bright red and downing his shot, confirming what I already suspected to be true.

“All the time. There is no woman who gets me as hard as you do,” Badru answered with no hint of shame, the evidence clear in front of me. The alcohol hadn’t impeded his ‘equipment’ in the slightest.

“Have you?” Astennu looked me in the eye as he asked his question.

“I’m also intrigued,” Badru lazily smirked.

My whole body felt as though it would erupt in flames and I doubted there was any way of denying it. Even when I was dating Adrian in a sort of long-distance relationship in Opal Sun pack, there were times my mind had wandered on its own when we were intimate, to what the twins’ touch would feel like instead…

I swallowed my pride, and my shot, refusing to look at either of them.

“Oh no, you gotta do two. I was asking as well.” Badru filled my glass again with some concentrated effort. “Not as though we don’t know the answer. We already caught you once.”

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