Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 39



I knew coming out as the twins’ mate would be received about as well as a day-old fish kept at room temperature with Luna Qamar, and yet the entire reveal had surpassed my wildest expectations.

‘You kept your dignity though,’ Evva sniggered. ‘Ok, you look as though a potato ejaculated all over you, but you did it with flair.’

‘Thank you for the reminder,’ I replied with little humour.

It wasn’t until I stepped out of Alpha Isaac’s office that a chuck of potato tumbled from my hair, reminding me of the chaotic tornado I must have looked like. Exactly the image to portray in front of the leader of the pack who I would form part of his succession. And I was sure his mate had sung my praises to high heaven after I had screamed at her.

‘Why do you even care what she thinks?’ My wolf muttered in irritation. ‘Personally, my field of f***s to give over that woman is getting a little barren.’

‘Because whether you like it or not, she and Isaac are now our family,’ and to my surprise, thus far, the Alpha had taken it in his stride quite well. He hadn’t offered any kind words of congratulations either, but at least he was giving me a chance, which was more than I could say for Qamar.

What I had wanted was to rip the bandaid off in one clean motion. Instead, half the skin had been ripped off along with it, leaving a bloody and painful gash that all had bared witness to.

I was a situation to be corrected, a mistake in her eyes. The Luna had stated it, point blank, to a room full of she-wolves that one day I may have to work with in the future and that would forever be their first impression.

Astennu had begun his silent ranting as soon as the door closed to his father’s office.

“Our mother says she wants us to feel the joy of the mate bond and, in the same breath, after we make our feelings clear, she’s demanding we reject you?! What the actual f**k!” He repeated for what I had counted as the fourth time.

“I think that’s when she thought your mate would be some prim and titled she-wolf socialite,” I reasoned. Clearly, the uncouth Omega rogue yet to shift did not cut the mustard.

A part of me wanted to hope that I might have been accepted. While, yes, it was unexpected that out of all the she-wolves of the pack, I would be the twins’ mate. I wanted the Luna to see there must be a reason why I was chosen for them and they for me.

Badru, conversely to his brother’s ranting, chose to focus on the more humourous aspect of the afternoon.

“I can’t believe you told her to f**k off,” he chuckled lightly. “I haven’t seen her that pissed since I drew all along the living room walls in her expensive lipstick.”

“Part of me wants that to be recently,” I nudged his shoulder.

“Very funny. I was seven.”

“You really think I’m remarkable?” He asked, raising my hand interlocked with his own to his lips.

“I mentioned Aste too.”

However, it was no use. Badru was in whatever dream world his mind had absconded off to, focused on his own version of my words. The boyish grin dopily spread on his lips was evidence enough.

If it kept him a happy nugget, who was I to ruin it?

Walking hand in hand with my mates on either side of me and heading for my room, I didn’t care if we were seen. The gossip would already be spreading like wildfire. The she-wolves attending the mate parade might not have been from our pack, but the Omegas working were and they would be spreading the news as fast as they could mind-link.

But it wasn’t entirely my room I was aiming for.

“Where are you going?” Astennu inclined his head when I stopped short of my door.

“To check on Lucy first before I shower.”

I smelt like a mayonnaise-covered horse and I could feel the creamy sauce starting to dry against my skin, caking uncomfortably. As desperate as I was to be clean, Lucy was more important.

Her door was unlocked, so I poked my head in to see her lying on her bed, a cold compress laid on her forehead.

“Luce? You ok?” I walked into her room and sat by her side. She seemed a little spacey.

Her mouth opened to speak, but the sound came from behind me.

“I think she’s going into heat,” Astennu stared at the open room as though it was on fire, his nose twitching.

“I thought so, too,” Catalina walked out of the bathroom wringing a newly chilled washcloth in her hand. “So you boys better stay the hell out of here, unless you want your ruts triggered,” she slammed the

door in their faces.

Even though they were mated to me, they were unmarked and the pheromones of an unmarked she- wolf could potentially set off their mating response; whether they wanted it or not. Her scent in heat could also trigger a heat cycle in other she-wolves around her, too, with prolonged exposure.

‘I don’t know how bad it’s gonna be for her, yet. Her circumstances aren’t exactly normal,’ Catalina looked on worriedly, replacing the compress.

“Thanks, but I really feel much better. I’ll be up and around by morning,” Lucy slurred and struggled to coordinate her hand to her forehead.

‘She’s way more disoriented than she should be. Her fever isn’t too bad and she has no cramps or horniness, but that could all change. She might be in for a rough three days,’ Catalina met my gaze.

I gripped my nose, hoping it would block any chance of inhaling the pheromones. The scent receptor nerves were located in the nasal cavity. By pinching my nostrils it would stop the nerves from being stimulated. How long it would work for, I didn’t know. I also didn’t want to find out the hard way if I could go through a heat yet. I had my wolf but hadn’t shifted. My own situation was as abnormal as Lucy’s.

“Luce, I don’t think you’re gonna be functioning for the next few days. We need to get you to the heat facility in the mountains,” I mumbled, sounding blocked up, and pleading with my eyes to Catalina, hoping she could take Lucy.

She needed to leave to go home to Opal Sun and had a stack of responsibilities of her own, not to mention this would trigger her own heat. Without a mate, her heat wouldn’t be anything she couldn’t deal with. Tamlyn and Suzanna were the only other she-wolves I would trust with Lucy’s wellbeing, but they were mates. Their focus would shift rapidly, out of their control and driven by their hormones.

“I can go with her. My heat was due soon anyway. And I helped my sister with her situation for two years, so I am well prepared for intense cycles,” Catalina patted my arm. ‘Don’t worry. I know you want to be there, but you really don’t wanna take the risk. I’ve seen, firsthand, how rough it can get.’

‘You can take any of the pack vehicles in the garage,’ Badru called out through mind-link. ‘Take one of the black jeeps, the snow will be a lot deeper up there.’

‘You’ve got your ear pressed against the door, haven’t you?’

‘Maybe?’ And the soft noise on the other side confirmed it.

I stayed for a few more minutes, keeping my nose pinched, and helped Catalina pack a small bag. Lucy wouldn’t need too much as the heat facility was well-catered for year-round. She stumbled slightly, once we got her onto her feet, both mine and Catalina’s figures towering above. She muttered something about too many giant-ass women and something else unintelligible.

I moved to open the door, with Catalina’s hands full with a tiny she-wolf garbling she was ‘fine’ and swaying on her feet. Colour me convinced. Only, when I opened the door, I was almost crushed by a giant Alpha falling forward, managing to catch himself before he crashed us both to the floor.

‘What a donk,’ Evva chuckled, watching Badru desperately trying to right the two of us and pretend it hadn’t happened.

“That’s what you get for eavesdropping,” I pinched his cheek, making sure his goof was recognised.

I watched as Catalina led Lucy away, feeling a gnawing pang of guilt that I couldn’t look after my friend, again. I couldn’t be there for her when she needed me.

“She’ll be ok. I’ve made sure that they’ll have some top guards stationed for protection,” a muscular arm slid around my waist, clutching me to a strong and solid chest, his lips openly feathering the top of

my neck. “You can help by keeping an eye on Finley, if he shows up for training tomorrow, provided you want to come with us?”

‘We might as well. Put on your big girl Luna panties and face the pack, show them how much of a warrior we are. Just in case anyone is thinking of kicking up s**t with us,’ Evva suggested, confident of our skills.

I did not share her conviction. I had never trained with the pack before, only solo with Tamlyn, and I hadn’t the faintest clue how I would compare with the rest of the pack. But as their now outed future Luna, I would need to go the extra mile to show that someone such as myself could lead… no matter how much the notion still terrified me.

Not a moment after the door to my room closed behind Badru and me, that it opened again. Astennu carrying three large tupperware containers and a plate of buttered bread.

“You’ll be pleased to hear the guests,” an acidity coated his tone as he said the word, “cleared out pretty quickly after we left.”

“And mom?” Badru winced slightly. Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

“Probably ranting around at home somewhere. I didn’t stop to ask,” he dropped his items on my dressing table.

My stomach announced itself loudly. None of us had eaten since breakfast with Elan and now the adrenaline was wearing off, I was noticing how famished I had become.

“Let me get cleaned up then we can eat.”

“Did you need some help showering?” Badru grasped my wrist and spun me around playfully, crossing my arms across my body and nuzzling into my neck.

“No. Behave yourself, animal,” I ripped my arm free and elbowed him off. “You’ve seen the size of my bathroom. Barely one of you fits in there, let alone three of us in the shower.”

“What I’m hearing is you need more space,” Astennu now took up the reins, taking his chance to wrap his arm around, physically lifting me off of my feet. “Like one of ours? Plenty of room to help you out then.”

“The pair of you are as bad as each other for hearing what you want,” I managed to wiggle free out of his stupidly wonderful hold, buzzing with tingles.

“I’m not showering with you, because you,” I pointed an accusatory finger at Astennu. “Are an asshole that teases and leaves me hanging.” I was still pissed about this morning.

“And you,” I turned my sights on Badru. “Are a little s**t that has wandering hands every given chance!”

The only reaction my insults and outburst received were two huge triumphant grins. I shut the bathroom door in their faces before they suggested anything else idiotic. The last place I wanted to be today was in the Alpha wing, shoving it down the Luna’s throat even more than it already had been.

Once I was clean, I quickly shimmied on my cotton shorts and a thin sweater I had grabbed before showering, and slipped out of my bathroom.

Badru had been too impatient to wait for his food and had already dived in, a huge chunk of dipped bread hanging from his mouth. I could hardly blame him, it smelt amazing.

“…Is that one for me?” I poked at Astennu, whose eyes lingered on my chest, oblivious to all else. I wasn’t wearing underwear under my clothes and my thin sweater highlighted the swell of my breasts. There was nothing I could do about my n*****s that stood to attention.

“Oh… yeah,” he cleared his throat and shook his gaze free of its spell, handing me one of the tubs with a spoon. “It’s sausage and venison stew.”

“So, what do you think of our Delta?” Badru asked, grabbing himself some more bread to dunk.

“He seems pretty terrific. It was nice to see you so… relaxed, with someone,” I smiled softly. “I’ve never seen anyone that chilled or casual around either of you before.”

“It’s so different to here, I think that’s what we liked about them. Titles don’t mean much to the wiccans, even with their Elder,” Astennu spoke with an easy expression.

An Elder was a wiccan Family’s leader, like our Alpha. Only, their position wasn’t inherited or passed down through bloodlines. They were chosen and elected by the Family, and not because of physical strength; as pacifists, such things were inconsequential to them.

“It’s still wild that he’ll be a pack member but not living in the pack,” I mused.

The twins shared a glance. From the subtle twitches in their facial expressions, I could tell they were mind-linking. “Speaking of living arrangements in the pack…” Astennu began.

“You should live with us, in the Alpha wing,” Badru finished, blurting out his end.

His twin sighed heavily at his lack of tact, “would you? Live with us, that is? I’m never gonna sleep again without you there beside me at night.”

‘Tell them!’ Evva quickly interjected. ‘This was top on my grovel list for them.’

“No…” their faces fell before I could continue. “Let me finish before you start looking like wounded puppies because it’s not what you’re thinking. I don’t want to live in the Alpha wing, because I want to live somewhere else. Somewhere that’s just ours, separate from the pack house. I’ve never had a proper home before, something that was mine.”

I picked at an imaginary thread of my bedcover, unsure whether they would leave the home their family had occupied since the pack settled in Washington. It was Astennu’s hand gliding across the back of mine that made me look up.

“Our family has always lived in the pack house, so we just assumed we would too. But I like the idea of breaking away.”

“We would still need to be close,” Badru inched closer, downing the rest of his stew.

“I always liked the lakes.” The landmark where the pack derived its name, Two Moons, reflecting the sky above. It wasn’t too far, and looked over the mountains. “Just us, in our little bubble.”

“That sounds so perfect,” Astennu mused, a dreamy look on his face as though he was imagining our life there already.

“Did you call me a nugget last night?” Badru broke the short stint of silence that followed after we finished our meal.

“Has it seriously taken you 24 hours for that to sink in?”

My wolf huffled, adoringly. ‘f**k, he’s a cute nugget when that brain cell dings.’

“Don’t I get a little pet name, ammar?” Astennu’s lips ghosted across my cheek.

“You are a goober,” I booped the tip of his nose. “Because you’re a sweet little peanut.”

‘He’s actually blushing!’ Evva gushed. ‘Look at his little cheeks. You should check his other set.’

Maybe I should. I had bolted from the kitchen after all, leaving him and Badru to deal with their mother.

My hand slid slowly up from his knees, massaging his inner thighs.

“You said you had better get some compensation,” I slowly popped his button fly open and pulled his shirt over his head, gliding my hands along each muscle of his chest. His eyes held mine, mesmerised, swirling in glowing midnight shades of deep blue and velvet black.

I heard the rustle of clothing behind me and eager hands slipping under my sweater, tracing over my ribcage.

“Bold to assume you’re getting some,” I teased my impulsive mate.

“Why not?” He turned my head. “I promised I wouldn’t say anything dumb for at least a week and I’ve held to it being a good boy.”

His lips crashed to mine, filled with raw want and need. He broke away only for Astennu to claim me, his touch tender and soft, filled with longing. I wasn’t ready to go all the way yet, but I was ready to play a little.

Badru hadn’t an ounce of hesitancy in stripping to his birthday suit, ready and willing to go. I took my time pulling Astennu’s pants and boxers down, my eyes bulging as his c**k sprang free. I had seen them both naked, but I hadn’t fully looked and appreciated every gloriously perfect and golden-tanned inch.

‘Yeah… there’s no way that vibrator in your drawer is gonna cut it anymore,’ Evva drooled and I didn’t think I was faring much better.

Badru’s hands lingered on my sweater, Astennu’s on my shorts, waiting for my permission to strip me bare. Everywhere their fingertips touched, scored my skin with a sizzling electricity, making me throb and dampen. I pushed Astennu onto his back, kneeling between his legs. My other mate gathered my damp hair, draping it over my shoulder, to lightly kiss along my neck.

“Tell me what you like,” I traced my fingers along the soft golden velvety rigid shaft of the twin in front of me, his tip already beading in precum.

“How would I know,” he shrugged slightly.

“Oh come on! You gotta have played around with that thing,” I was under zero impressions that he hadn’t an inkling of what he wanted to try.

Badru gave a brief snort of laughter behind me. “Constantly.”

Astennu shot him a look of indignation, a sweet hint of blush that vanished as soon as it appeared.

“What? You jack it more than I do,” Badru laughed at his twin. ‘It’s the downside of the twin thing. You feel everything, there’s no picking and choosing.’

“Can we stop talking about me m**********g?!” Astennu exclaimed, his red face returning.

“What’s there to be embarrassed about?” I soothed. “Everyone does it. You want me to break big Frank out and show you?”

“Big Frank?” I could tell Badru had raised an eyebrow at my remark.

“You met him the other day.”

He burst out in laughter, “you named your vibrator big Frank?! Now that’s embarrassing.”

I reached around and slapped the back of his head. He groaned at the action, tightening his grip and pressing his huge erection against my bare ass. This guy and his kink.

Trying to ignore the twin behind me for now, I leant forward, pressing my lips to Astennu’s in an encouraging kiss, swirling my tongue with his. ‘Tell me what feels good as I’m doing it. Don’t be shy about it.’

‘Start with my head,’ he instructed with a little smirk. I knew my boy knew what he wanted.

I teased him a little to begin with, spreading his precum along his length, watching his eyes deepen to a jet black and clench shut. With his eyes closed, I flicked my tongue against his smooth bare tip, circumcised as was the custom in our wolf culture. He groaned, a tremor of a growl shuddering his muscles and vibrating against my mouth. I took him further, swallowing him to his hilt, and paid close attention to his head each time I pulled back in my rhythm, sucking harder on each repetition. Badru behind me had gripped my ass cheeks, massaging in time with my head bobbing. His hand slowly crept between my legs, caressing from my clit to my entrance. Just as I relaxed into his touch, he plunged his finger within, alternating between thrusting and stimulating my clit.

A growl of pleasure reverberated through my throat, making Astennu shudder.

‘f**k, I like that,’ he gripped my hair, his hips moving against my lips.

I knew the instant he was close. The muscles of his stomach clenched, his c**k thickening. His tension exploded, along with his load down my throat.

Badru pulled me up, once I had finished off his brother, gripping me to his chest and continuing his own rapid pace between my legs. Even though his body still trembled and his breathing still ragged, Astennu claimed my mouth in a desperate kiss. An exquisite ripple flowed from the tips of my toes, flushing my face, my core gripping Badru’s finger now soothingly stroking my insides.

He ground his pelvis against my ass with gentle nudges. I knew what he was silently asking, praying that I would reward his good behaviour.

I turned, pecking his lips, “stand up,” I smacked his ass.

His sapphire eyes swirled instantly, pulsating in raw desire for me. “Holy f**k,” he muttered, standing at the edge of my mattress, presenting his slick glistening c**k right at eye level.

‘I trust you to find out what I like. I’m in good hands with my nour el-ain,’ he smirked down at me, curling his long roughened finger around my cheek.

‘More like a good mouth,’ I challenged, swallowing him deep and sucking hard, taking him in a fast and strong pace.

“Oh s**t!” He cried out, steadying himself by grasping hold of my hair in a ponytail.

He was the impulsive one and direct to the point, so my rhythm matched.

I kept my pace fast, deepthroating him as hard as I could manage and savagely sucking his smooth head, soothing it with my tongue before diving back down his thick shaft.

Astennu slid his hand to my entrance, still heavily wet, weeping and sensitive from coming. He thrust deep, up to his knuckles, at an agonisingly slow pace. With his fingers coated, his hand drifted higher between my cheeks, stroking over my back entrance, not pressing inwards, simply massaging the tight puckered bud.

‘This is a promise for later,’ he teased.

‘It had better be. If either of you leave me high and dry again, I promise, I’ll get violent,’ I challenged back, feeling the vibration of his laughter.

The prospect of taking both my mates, at once, was tantalising. I wanted Astennu’s first time to be special, my whole focus on him and him alone. Afterwards, it would be a different ball game. I was made for two Alphas for a reason.

My eyes watered with Badru’s pelvis thrusting deep into my mouth, recklessly. His abdominal muscles tightened and folded slightly, his hips stilling as a coil snapped in his release. He came with a feral growl, shivering my wolf with his ferocity. As his twin’s had, Badru’s skin trembled, spent with rapture.

He lowered himself to the mattress and I kept a hand on him to keep him steady. He placed sloppy kisses down my jaw, pressing his forehead to mine.

A yawn suddenly overtook me, the turbulent events of the day now catching up and taking their toll. I felt the bed bounce behind me, Astennu striding off to the bathroom and returning after a few minutes with a washcloth.

“I use that to clean my face, I hope you know,” I chided. All the towels I had and he fetches that one.

“Not anymore, you don’t,” Badru smirked, grabbing the washcloth to wipe me down gently before cleaning himself up.

He threw it to the side and pulled me to lay flush against his chest.

Astennu silently climbed in at my front, nuzzling into me and whispering, “ahilaman saeidatan,” meaning sweet dreams.

This was the first time the three of us had slept bare together, Badru spooning me from behind, Astennu snuggled into my breasts. The two of them had the biggest, dopiest, grins plastered on their faces, even Evva was in her little hazy dream world, surrounded by her spiritual counterparts.

Now that I was out as their mate and with no need to hide, this bliss would be my every night from now on.

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