A Summer’s Tragedy

Chapter 16 For the second time

To make everything clearer, Callisto jumped out of the window of his bedroom and headed to Stalin’s house. While walking on the road, he met Linley, who seemed to be waiting for someone. He came to a halt in front of her, not saying anything but staring into her eyes.

“I heard you’re going back one of these days,” she said in a sad tone. Her eyes was telling, “I just want to say goodbye, and I know I must not tell you this, but I’m grateful that you became a portion of my life in such a short time.”

“I can still visit here if I so desire. Don’t worry. I mean, I’m sorry for everything I did wrong. I know I hurt your feelings, but you must know, I’m just temporary in this place,” Callisto replied.

“I know, you don’t need to explain. You’re going to Stalin’s house?”

“Yup, I know you noticed me showing interest in that girl, especially the beautiful one, but still, the ugly one is interesting. I just want to say goodbye, and if she stops me from going, then I will think about it.”

“Well, I can accompany you to their house. If you won’t ask, I’m a good tourist guide.” She smiled and offered a hand to Callisto, who also accepted it. As she felt his cold hand holding hers, she hoped it wouldn’t be the last.

They eventually arrived at Stalin’s house. Without wasting any seconds, Callisto happily opened the door of Stalin’s bedroom, and the beautiful girl who was trying to kill herself with a rope attached to the ceiling was exposed in front of him.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Goddammit! Stalin, what are you doing?” Callisto asked and hurriedly got Stalin down from the chair she was standing on.

Stalin was crying as she embraced Callisto. There was something the boy couldn’t understand about it, but her next words expound them.

“I don’t want to be alone! Callisto, please, don’t leave me!” She cried.

Callisto finally understands what that means. She also has feelings for him, but perhaps he was just expecting too much, that Stalin just didn’t want to be alone because nobody would take care of her if he left.

“What did you just say?” Callisto asked. “Don’t you want me to go back home?” He asked in a happy voice, and a smile glimmered on his face.

“Please don’t, please don’t, please don’t. There’s no need to complicate it. Our time is short; this is our fate. This is it.” Notes stumbled out of her lips and danced in the air, but what surprising is, she exclaimed, “I’m yours!”

Callisto could not prevent himself from yelling, jumping, dancing, etcetera, etcetera. He suddenly held Stalin’s waist and lift her up while their eyes never left each other’s. He finally claimed her lips. At that moment, Stalin felt something was gone, but she didn’t know what it was.

“Hey, there are too many ants here!” Linley bantered as she glimpsed through the door. “You gotta cancel your flight, Callisto, and marry that girl instead!” She shouted, which made the two laugh.

Afterward, Stalin’s footsteps can be heard as she walks towards Linley.

“Please, Stalin, if you’re going to slap my face because I was accused of flirting with you, with your boyfriend, you shall not continue that,” Linley suggested.

Stalin was dumbfounded. She raised her hands, but instead of slapping Linley’s face, she unexpectedly embraced her and whispered, “Thank you for taking care of my Callisto. And please, be content with your Lazaro too.”

Linley got out of Stalin’s arms. “Don’t worry, I’m always content. I don’t want to be a prostitute. By the way, can we still be friends?”

Stalin didn’t say anything, but as she cuddled Linley for the second time, it was clear that she also wanted to be friends with her.

Night had quickly turned into day, but when Stalin woke up, he found Callisto was not beside her anymore. She remembered a song and doesn’t want to experience that kind of relationship that ends up after seven days.

On the other hand, Callisto remembered his plan with his sister. It’s definitely true that, whether in love or war, everyone is fair, everyone can be deceitful. So they need to be deceitful for their safety.

They planned ahead of time for what might happen. They knew that Estrella would not refuse to visit them one of these days, especially since this is the last week of their vacation.

“I hope that she will bite the bait,” Callisto hoped.

It was already night, and the climax of summer could be felt. The cold air turned into a warm, but everyone didn’t know that it was caused by the goddess’s anger. She waited too long for this time to come, and she didn’t want to waste this given opportunity, or else she would need to wait for the next summer again.

There was no moon drifting in the sky, so it was a good time for the goddess to attack. Her evil-like laughter filled the mountain and gradually disappeared as she did. Where she did go is already expected: to Sebastian’s house.

She entered their house without making any noises. She didn’t want to be caught, or else it would be a possibility for her plan to fail. As she halted inside their living room, she saw many photos of Sebastian’s and the woman whom she hated the most, even in her ultimate breath.

“Don’t worry, my beloved man, you won’t be sad anymore, because you’re going with the woman you choose rather than me,” she whispered.

Estrella continued walking towards Sebastian’s bedroom and peered through the crack on the door. She thought that he was in a deep slumber, and he couldn’t wake up anymore. She cautiously entered, and completely saw the man who enthralled her before, but now, those feelings turned into wrath.

A sharp dagger was removed from its sheath and was going to pierce his heartless chest and-she pierced it-blood spurted out from his chest. It took her a few seconds before she realized it wasn’t his chest, but Ruth’s. It was Cryrie. She put herself in between them and she was the one who was pierced in the chest!

Estrella’s mouth drooped, but she couldn’t pronounce any word. She was frozen for a while, but a little cry came out of her. As she shiveringly touch Ruth’s face, she remembered many things about her, almost everyday, they were with each other. Now she couldn’t believe she ended everything here.

That feeling and scene were familiar. Estrella felt like everything about her was gone, that even her own hands became mad of her. They seemed to have their own mind, and because of anger to her, they pierced her own chest.

As blood was spilled on the floor, she knelt and eventually lay down with her favorite servant. It was absolutely not in her plan to kill herself for the second time, but what would her life be like if she became alone again?

Meanwhile, inside Callisto’s bedroom, he and his sister were secretly observing, and they suddenly jumped when they saw their plan succeed. They were relieved because they no longer had to deal with her power and rage because their greatest adversary had voluntarily killed herself.

Ruth had just realized her master’s word: “They never love you like I do.” She could almost not believe that it was true. That she loved her more than herself, and that she could die if she died too.

Although sad that Ruth knew she didn’t appreciate Estrella’s love for her, she knew what she did was the right thing. It was right as rain that a killer experienced death too.

For now, they only need to celebrate someone’s death. The goddess completely turned back into a whirling wind, which cannot help itself but to flow hither and thither.

“So, what are we going to do next?” Callisto asked.

“What else, brother?” Ruth replied. “Our summer vacation ended here, so we must pack up things because we’re going home tomorrow.”

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