A Sex Slave To Alien Masters (Erotica)


I did well most of the time and reigned in the unnecessary panic of being exposed like this. During short breaks the men would pull me to kneel next to them. Master Kein started to feed me a sweet liquid that made me a little giddy. I figured that was the purpose.

Eventually, I didn’t care about much of anything anymore. I was so relaxed they could have dressed me in a clown outfit complete with red nose and I wouldn’t have noticed. It took everything I had to follow Mia’s directions. Even understanding her was becoming difficult.

Just before we were to be done Master Damien asked Master Christof for the package we had bought outside in the street. He got up and handed me the earrings and asked me what they were for. I giggled like a schoolgirl and put the loops in my ears.

I was feeling really good by then, so I shook my head flirtatiously. The metal was light and the little stones had a perfect weight. They were honestly the nicest thing anyone had ever bought me.

I threw my arms around Master Damien’s neck and kissed his cheek, “Thank you Master, they are beautiful,” I slurred out.

The men surrounded me instantly and I felt their hands pulling me away.

“No, no wait,” Master Damien said placing his face back in front of mine and my arms around his neck. “It was a kiss. Do it again, Ciara,” he commanded.

He was a ruggedly attractive man that had spent the morning fucking me; I didn’t need any further encouragement. Grabbing his shoulders I pulled him closer and planted soft kisses across his cheeks, over his eyes, and lastly across his lips. I closed my blurry eyes and concentrated on nibbling and sucking at his lips.

Evidently Master Damien liked it. I felt his organ thicken against my stomach and I giggled, stroking him through the fabric of his pants. He groaned and closed his eyes, his hand followed mine as I slipped it up and down over his length.

“Ah, yes, my slave told me you had bought it a gift. I would like to know where you got these. They are quite hard to find, you know. Many of the slaves from Earth have places to hold these ornaments. We had Mia’s ears prepared for it some time ago, though she is not from Earth. Some have several places to put the ornamentation. Does this one?” he asked looking at my ears.

Master Damien didn’t seem the least bit bothered that the shopkeeper had caught us. I blushed furiously through my blurry haze.

“Ciara, how many places do you have for this type of decoration?” Master Damien asked.

I felt my ears and tried to remember how to say the word in their language. It wouldn’t come, so I held up two fingers. I felt a little confused.

Master Evan inspected my ears and I shuddered at the light touch. It wasn’t really obvious I had tipped back and Master Bane was holding me until I looked up. The faces above me looked really worried, but for some reason I couldn’t care less. Voices wove through my pleasant feelings and in no way disrupted them.

“Ah, yes,” the shopkeeper said picking up Master Kein’s jug. “Some Earth slaves are quite sensitive to the root drink. It is something they can get used to, but it takes time. No more than a couple of sips for most of them when they are new.”

“It is like this from the root drink?” Master Kein asked incredulously. “We take it all the time…”

“Yes, my friend, we are different you see. A bit of cocker dust will have it feeling much like itself in a moment. We sell it, by the way. Quite a few things are nice to have around when you are keeping a human.”

“You’ll need to feed it now, though. The dust will make it uncomfortably hungry. Maybe you could come back and shop more later. I will have what you have ordered delivered, of course,” he mused and then called out, “Geoffrey, a sample of the cocker dust to Mia, please.”

A moment later, Mia poured the nasty dust on my tongue. I tried to spit it out, but Master Evan held my mouth closed. It was disgusting, like rotten dirt. It cut through delirium quickly. I was blinking at the men and absolutely ravenous. My stomach growled. I felt headachy I was so hungry.

I was placed back in my brown outfit and followed Master Damien outside. He crossed the courtyard and led us into what looked like a small eatery. We entered into an alcove where several brown outfits were hung on the wall. As my brown outer layer was removed I was relieved to see they had left me dressed in something.

Much like Mia, I had two strips of blue virtually see through fabric that lay over my breasts, a piece of thin silver attached the fabric to my collar to keep it in place. A single piece of the fabric hung at my waist attached to a shiny silver chain. It stretched from hip bone to hip bone and went halfway down my thighs. Looking at my butt it was covered in similar fashion. My hips were left bare. On my feet were delicate sandals that tied up my legs.

The inside of the place we had walked into looked like an old pub. The walls looked worn as did the tile floor. Lots of empty tables were scattered around. Several groups were seated and eating. A feminine creature was at all of the tables, kneeling inconspicuously between two men. We took an empty table in the back.

My cushion was placed between Master Bane and Master Kein. I kneeled obediently and prayed they would feed me soon. The men talked amicably amongst themselves as Master Bane petted my back and shoulders. Their touches had been good all day. Truth be told, I didn’t mind all the attention from the four of them.

It struck me suddenly that Master Christof had never touched me. I heard my Uncle Eddy’s voice in my mind wondering if he was a queer. I had hated Eddy from the day he moved in.

Uncle Eddy had been horrible to live with. The fact I didn’t date a lot meant he frequently asked my mom, while I was present, if I was a lesbian. Just because someone wasn’t obsessed with the opposite sex didn’t make them homosexual.

Eddy had been merciless with picking at me. He made my personal life a topic of conversation with all my uncles when they sat and drank beer in the front yard. Before I moved, it had gotten to a point I snuck out my window and walked around the back of the house when I went anywhere. The constant jibes and hurtful remarks were too numerous to take.

I was scowling and staring at the floor when I felt Master Bane pinch a nipple. I looked up at him shocked.

“Ciara, what are you thinking about?” he asked curiously offering me a piece of food that had obviously been delivered while I was daydreaming.

Oh God, I couldn’t tell them what I was thinking about Master Christof. That could be really offensive here. I stammered out an answer about a creepy relative of my mother’s that this place reminded me of. That seemed to satiate them.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

As we ate I took the chance to look furtively around the restaurant. I glanced at a girl at a table near ours that seemed to be human. She was sitting like I was, but she looked up at the men that sat around her.

It seemed she never took her eyes off of one of them. Her attention seemed odd to me. Staring at someone openly like that, I would consider rude. Perhaps that was the right way to act, though.

I did take careful note of her appearance and attire. She didn’t look the way I thought a slave should. Her skin was clean and blemish free. She was wrapped in satiny orange strip of fabric. Long, blonde hair was bound in a bun at the back of her head. It looked thick and cared for. Her entire appearance seemed to exude health.

Looking down at my own hands I was embarrassed for some reason. Despite that strangely effective cream, I still had cracks on my palms and thick callouses on my fingers. Comparing myself to the beautiful creature at the other table I felt lessened for some reason. Hopefully, my skin would heal quickly.

I glanced back at the woman and she was still staring at the men she sat with. She seemed to spend a little time watching each of them, whether they were talking or not. It was very strange behavior.

When Master Bane pinched my nipple this time he also gave it a sharp tug. I looked up and my owners were staring daggers at me.

“What are you doing, Ciara?” Master Damien growled.

“The girl in orange,” I stammered, “I was watching her, the way she acts. I’m sorry, Master Damien.”

Master Damien and his brethren all turned to look in the direction I had been looking. They did look less angry when they turned back to me.

“That is not a girl or a she,” Master Damien informed me. “That is a slave. You will notice it only looks at its owners, as is appropriate.”

“Yes, Master Damien,” I said quietly vowing to keep my eyes on them in the future.

We continued to eat and I continued to be fed. I made a point to watch my owners and that seemed acceptable to them. Again, I was offered food and drink until I thought I would pop.

“Ciara, you must eat more,” Master Evan chastised from across the table.

“I can’t eat anymore. I’m full, Master Evan,” I said as I choked down another mouthful. I was frustrated and confused with their desire to feed me. “Why can’t you just feed me until I am full, Master Evan?”

“Humans do like to question, don’t they?” Master Kein said under his breath.

Master Damien raised an eyebrow at me and laid his hands on the table, “Slave, are you telling us what is best for you?” he asked calmly.

It was the first time he didn’t use the name they had given me. The change terrified me.

“No, I’m sorry. Please forgive me, Master Damien,” I begged.

I cursed myself for forgetting that despite their kindness, I was still their property. I couldn’t get used to it. Looking down at the floor and I prayed I would be forgiven. I still wasn’t sure what punishment would entail here.

“Ciara,” he said calmly, “you will lose mass here. You will waste away if we don’t give you enough to eat. We could not stand to watch this happen. You are ours.”

“Yes, Master Damien,” I said obediently taking food as it was offered to my by Master Kein.

I didn’t know how much more I could eat, but I’d keep trying if it kept them happy.

After a while I had to pee. I was restless it was so bad. I was almost ready to ask. Master Damien looked at Master Christof after eyeing me.

“Take it to the facilities. Clean it afterwards,” he said.

Master Christof dutifully rose from his place and took my arm leading me from the table. I was sure they knew what I had been thinking about before. Master Christof was going to do something horrible to me. I glanced at him and he looked like he was touching me just by sheer force of will.

Master Christof lead me through the tables into a small room. It had five lacquered pots like I had sat on before. Master Christof closed the door behind us and then removed the chain from my waist. The covering of my sex went with it.

“Sit,” he commanded pointing to the pots. I started to sit facing him and he said, “No, face the other way.”

Straddling the pot and facing the wall wasn’t uncomfortable, it just felt weird. In a way it gave me a sense of privacy and it was easier to do my business. I’d have to remember that for the future.

When I was done, a warm wet cloth was used to clean me. I started to get off and Master Christof said, “No, stay there.”

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