A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



“What the hell did you do to her?” I stood from my seat and walked to where Audrey sat. She looked confused, and it angered me to no end. Ryan had carried Heather in his arms and Liam escorted him out of the council room. The others just gaped in shock and confusion.

“I swear, I don’t know what happened.” She stood up to explain, and I felt irritated. I was sooo tired of her lies.

“Really? But somehow, you screamed at her to fuck off?”

“I didn’t know I was screaming at her… I.. she was… I thought it was….” She stuttered, unable to make out a straight sentence.

‘Goddess! You disgust me’. It was a thought, but she had teared up. Wait! Did I just mindlink her?

“Are you fine?” Denver scanned her face and body, checking to see if she was affected in anyway. What angered me the most was the fact that he acted like I wasn’t even standing in front of them.

“We could all give you both some minutes of privacy, if you so wish. Atleast, until Alpha Ryan and royal Beta Liam return.” Isobel said, looking unsure.

“Thank you Isobel. I would really appreciate that.” I said, and the rest of the officials took the cue and excused themselves. I hated that I was leading a distraction during such an important meeting. It was extremely disrespectful to everyone present.

Everyone including my father had walked out, except Denver, who remained rooted in his spot beside Audrey.

“Denver, I don’t want to assume that you wish to defy my orders.” I said.

“I’m sorry your majesty, but I can only leave when I’m sure my cousin wouldn’t get hurt.”

“I definitely wouldn’t hurt her.” I muttered in anger.

“Oh, really? You’ve done the total opposite these past years, and even now. She’s your mate, show her some respect!” He yelled at me, and I was shocked. Even Audrey looked shocked as well. Did he have no fear or what? “And before you say she isn’t deserving, she is. Of everything good.” He finished, leaving a bitter feeling in my mind.

“You can leave now, Denver.” I said. My voice may have been calm, but the steely tone to it, definitely showed that I wasn’t going to take things lightly, if he didn’t do as I asked.

To my apparent shock, he held her hand and squeezed it lightly, connecting their eyes for a moment. They were clearly mindlinking each other. When he was done speak to her, he turned and left. Such audacity. The moment the door was closed behind him, Audrey rushed out her next words.

“Please forgive him. He is very overprotective of me.” She muttered, with her head bowed.

“How dare you?” Was all I could ask, and she finally looked up in fear.

“She was the one who provoked me first.”

“How? Heather was sitting just next to Beta Justin! So how could she have done anything to you?!”

“Is that why you’re disgusted by me?” She asked, tears clogging her eyes. I so much hated the sight of that.

“Trust me, your tears don’t faze me one bit. I would make sure you are punished for this.”

At my words, she released a gasp of shock, her expression going from frightened to angry.

“But she was the one who forced her way into my mind, and told me provocative things!” At those words, I went still. “All I did was try to block her off my mind! Yet, I’m the defaulter?”

“This should be the first and last time you’ll ever hurt Heather again.” I said, not ready to go back and forth with her. I had tried to avoid her since she showed up here and now, I wasn’t going to engage in this long argument with her, especially now I realized what really happened.

I turned and was about walking back to my seat, when she held my arm and tried to pull me back.

“Get your hand off me.” I pulled away from her.

“Look at me!” She firmly ordered, though she sounded like she was crying. Curiously, I turned to her and indeed, she had been crying. “If you know you don’t want this, just reject me now and let’s be done with it!” She tried to sound firm, but it was clear that she was so pained. Not like I cared.

“Oh really? Very manipulative of you. Not that I’m surprised.” I shook my head in disgust. “Asking me to reject you now that you know I can’t.” She gave a look of confusion, and it only annoyed me all the more. “You know that the everyone is relieved to have you here, because you’re true Luna.”

“How can I be true Luna, when you wouldn’t even accept me?” She threw her hands up in frustration. “If you don’t want me, then reject me already!” She cleaned her tears aggressively, but I simply scoffed and turned away. I was walking to my seat when she rushed forward and stood ahead of me, blocking my path.

“Move aside.” I muttered in annoyance.

“Now listen.” She looked into my eyes. “If you don’t reject me before the rest of those officials step in here, by the goddess, I will never let you go.” She muttered, enunciating each word. “I will keep fighting and fighting for your love, until you give us another chance.” The deep meaning behind her words only made me feel angry. How dare she say those words like they meant anything to her? She was just happy that the moon goddess was putting her in a position she had always wanted, again. A position of power. That was what she really ever cared about.

“And I promise to frustrate every effort of yours.” I muttered in response, before pushing her aside and walking to my seat. She just stood there, looking at me in shock. She had definitely not expected my answer. Did she just think she could so easily wiggle her way back into my life, because the moon goddess made her my mate again? She had something else coming at her.

When I felt settled enough, I mindlinked my father and let him know it was fine for them to return to the council room. I was surprised he didn’t try to ask any other questions.

Soon enough, the council room was full again, and I apologized for the whole distraction.

“I am deeply sorry about all that just took place. It was very disrespectful, and I would try to avert similar occurrences in the future.”

“It’s fine.” The Fae King nodded. “I think we all understand. We saw everything that took place as well.”

“Thank you.” I gave an appreciative nod. Just then, Liam and Ryan returned, and I mindlinked them immediately.

‘Is she fine?’

‘The doctor assures that she would regain consciousness soon. Though she had hit her head pretty badly, but nothing seems broken or bleeding’. Liam replied.

‘Do not worry, she would be fine’. Ryan encouraged. ‘What really happened?’ He asked.

‘I would give you both the details after this meeting’.

‘Alright’. They both sat, and the meeting continued.


“The Flaming Wolf?” The vampire king asked. An hour had gone by and we were still in the meeting.

“Yes.” I nodded. “I had seen it in the dream as well.”

“What role does this creature play in the upcoming war?” Ares asked.

“That wolf is literally our easy ticket to winning the war.”

“How?” The Fae king asked. “Are you trying to say that all our efforts would be useless without this Flaming Wolf?”

“That isn’t what I’m trying to say.” I shook my head. “We can definitely win this war if we do our best, but having the Flaming Wolf would make it easier for us.” I explained.

“Alright then! Who doesn’t like things easier?” The Fae king joked, and everyone laughed. I really loved the fact that the air was getting really thin. Everyone could laugh, despite the severity of the situation we discussed.

“So who is this Flaming Wolf in question? Where is she or he?” Ares asked, his eyes showing that he was critically analyzing the information.

“We don’t know yet.” I sighed, getting disappointed grunts and hums from them.

“Then how do we intend to fight with the wolf in battle?” He asked, looked slightly irritated. Goddess! This vampire had a temper, and it was grating on my nerves.

“The Flaming Wolf.” Isobel eventually spoke up. “It had been one of the witch-wolf related histories for the longest time.” She began. “Couple of centuries back, the supernatural races were in moment of war. I’m sure a lot of you have heard that we were originally not just four races. There was another particular race which had a very unpredictable pattern of living. The Tinotaurs.”

“Yes, we did hear of them.” Ares said.

“Then you must have heard how terrible they were. They were few, but very terrible. At first, all was well, until several women and children from the other races, began to go missing. After days, their battered and half eaten bodies were found. That was until the day one of the Tinotaurs didn’t properly clean his tracks, and was caught. It automatically became a big fight between the Tinotaurs and the other supernatural races.”

“But how is it possible that the Tinotaurs could withstand four other races coming at them together, even seeing as they were few?”

“Ohhhh, they never knew how strong and unpredictable the Tinotaurs were, until the dispute started. The Tinotaurs actually had the ability to mould their pieces back in shape, after being destroyed. There was a war waged against them and in that war, a lot of vampires and Faes were killed. The ones who were able to make it out alive were scared to keep fighting, for the fear of their races completely going extinct.”

“Oh?” The Fae king asked with open eyes. He was such a humorous character.

“Yes.” Isobel nodded. “The wolves and witches had suffered losses as well, but they had to keep fighting in order to rid their world off these beasts. It was either the Tinotaurs were destroyed, or killed them long run of trying to cohabit.”

“So what happened? How did the Tinotaurs disappear?” The vampire queen spoke for the first time since the meeting begun.

“A witch named Arya, finally discovered what could kill the Tinotaurs for good.”


“It was fire. But not normal fire. The Tinotaurs were creatures with the head of a wild wolf and body of a human. Arya explained that to kill them, a ritual had to be done, where fire would be mixed with the blood of a wolf”

“How?” The queen probed.

“She planned to create a kind of magic that would give a wolf ability to spit fire.”

“Like a dragon?” She asked.

“Yes, a like a dragon. The only difference is that the Flaming Wolf doesn’t only spit fire, but also has furs of fire, leading to the death of anyone it touches. The magic used to create the Flaming Wolf is a kind of magic that is forbidden by Hecate, the goddess of witches. It is known as ‘expression’.”

“Why couldn’t Arya just make use of normal obtainable magic?” Fae king asked.

“There are levels and hierarchies in the witch kingdom. There are certain kinds of magic that are only accessible to coven leaders, and there are even greater ones that can only be accessed by the chief custodian. And there are some that are simply unattainable. Arya was a coven leader, and the kind of magic needed to changed the features and characteristics of a supernatural creature, isn’t one that even the chief custodian had access to. Especially if it involved the death of the one being sacrificed. It was black magic.”

“Sacrificed? A wolf had to die?” Liam asked.

“Yes. Basically.” Isobel nodded. “And for the magic to be successful, it had to be a wolf who was very pure in heart, and chaste.”

“By chaste, you mean….?” The vampire queen asked.

“A virgin.” Isobel nodded.

“But getting an adult who is pure in heart is almost impossible.” Liam reasoned.

“Yes. But there was a deaf, mute, and virgin wolf. Hardly related to the sins of this world. Her name was Kora.”

“Oh my goddess.” Audrey’s eyes widened in shock. “She was sacrificed against her will?” She looked angry, which made me roll my eyes.

“Sadly, yes. It was her life or that of the others.” Isobel replied. A lot of disgruntled hums filled the room. Even I, was uncomfortable. I had never really delved so deeply into the history of the Flaming Wolf. So the original Flaming Wolf was a mute and deaf? And a virgin. That was such a cruel thing to have been done to someone so innocent.

“Arya performed the ritual. She had slit Kora’s palm, taken a lot of blood and poured it in an already burning fire. After some enchantments were made, Kora was thrown into the fire, where she burned completely. And from her ashes, emerged the Flaming Wolf, who was cursed to remain in her wolf form forever.

In so much rage, she had killed all the Tinotaurs in one day. All their body parts were burnt to ashes, making them unable to couple back in shape. No one ever really knew the reason why she didn’t kill the wolves and witches involved in burning her alive. They believed it was because she blamed the Tinotaurs for her terrible fate. After she killed them off, it was said that she continued to spit fire until she combusted into flames and disappeared.”

“So sad.” The fae king shook his head.

“Indeed.” Audrey nodded. Could she just remain quiet?!

“So what is this thing with the Flaming Wolf now? She’s been gone for centuries.” Ares reasoned.

“Not really.” Isobel said. “She has consistently reincarnated through a chosen werewolf, every other century. When they shift, they have the appearance and abilities of the Flaming Wolf. For two centuries now, she hasn’t been reincarnated. But in the dream the king and I shared. She was present.”

“So that means….?”

“That means the Flaming Wolf has been reincarnated in this century. We just don’t know who it is.”

“How do we find her or him?” Liam asked, and Isobel shrugged.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I believe she would come to us.”

“What if she doesn’t? Are there things we could use to identify her?”

“I’m not sure, save for her appearance of flaming furs, and her ability to spit fire. But then again, it is important to know that she doesn’t just reincarnate through any wolf. She only reincarnates through a wolf who is very pure in heart and chaste, just like she was. And one may be the reincarnate of the Flaming Wolf, yet doesn’t know because they are yet to shift into their wolf form. Their shift may be triggered by extreme pain, anger, or a sense of danger. Through the centuries, the Flaming Wolf has come forth in various forms, so we can’t really be sure of what way she’d show up this time.”

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