“Well hey there, everyone!” The familiar voice hollered. We all raised our heads to see who it was and it turned out to be none other than Carlos, with a pretty petite brunette girl sitting beside him.

I was surprised to see him, I wasn’t expecting him to be here but the look on Adrian and Manuel’s faces says otherwise. It looks like they knew that he would be here. Some sort of tension built up immediately he joined us.

“I just greeted everyone and no one replied, that’s a rude thing to do, guys.” He said, his eyes moving from each and every one of us.

Cherry said a small ‘hi’ and he responded with a smile.

“Oh, hi Carlos.” I gave a small wave and Adrian’s eyes darted to me and he raised an eyebrow in question.

“How did you know his name?” He asked with a surprised expression on his face.

“Erm, I know him.” I responded awkwardly.

“What? How did you get to know him? Where did you even meet him?” He asked again, eyeing Carlos with something that looked like disdain in his eyes but Carlos didn’t notice because he was talking to his date who had been quiet all along.

“He helped me once, when you sent me on an errand to fetch a file for you from your house which turned out to not belong to you,” I paused and glared at him a little while he turned red and scratched his neck sheepishly, then I continued, “He gave me a ride to the address you gave me when he saw how I was walking under the scorchingly hot sun.”

“Oh really? Sorry about that time though, I guess I was immature but you kind of deserved it.” He said smugly and I didn’t realize when I hit his chest while laughing. I cleared my throat awkwardly when I realized what I did.

“Sorry about that.” I apologized.

“It’s fine.” He responded and we fell silent.

“Adrian, Manuel, haw have you guys been doing?” Carlos asked, interrupting the conversation that Manuel was having with Cherry.

“We’ve been doing fine, obviously.” Adrian replied with a roll of his eyes.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why so rude, huh? I’m just trying to start a conversation.” Carlos stated but Adrian and Manuel scoffed simultaneously.

“A conversation? Have one with your date. We’re not interested in having any mind of conversation with a pest like you.” Manuel soat harshly and I was shocked to the bones.

This is the first time I’m seeing Manuel being harsh and all, the Manuel I know is a carefree and playful guy. If there was any one that I knew to be the most playful and fun loving guy, that would be Manuel. There’s definitely something up between these three men.

Cherry placed an hand on Manuel’s and started talking to him to calm him down.

“Don’t you feel shameful about yourself? You even have the balls to see us and come to meet us after everything you had done to us. You’re a goat in human body.” Adrian said angrily.

Now, this has confirmed my suspicions that sonething was goinv on between them and I’ll make sure to ask Adrian later.

The table became silent after Adrian and Manuel’s outburst. Carlos kept quiet after that like he was too stunned to speak.

The band began playing a catchy tune and people started keaving their seats to go to the dance floor to dance. Manuel saw what was going on and took Cherry to the dance floor.

Adrian looked at them as they walked away before he faced me and asked, “wanna dance?”

“Yeah… but I don’t really know how to dance though. I have two left feet.” I replied and he chuckled.

“Don’t worry about that, I’ll teach you how to dance. I’m a oreety good dancer and with my teaching skillls, you’ll know how to dance with minutes.” He bragged and I let out a scoff.

“Yeah right! You, a dancer? I don’t believe that one bit.” I uttered.

“What is there not to believe?” He asked with a short laugh.

“Mr. Adrian, the grumpy and bossy man knows how to dance, I highly doubt that.” I rolled my eyes.

“Alright, seems words can’t convince you. How about I show you?” He asked.

“Show me then.” I said and took the last sip of champagne in my cup. Adrian offered me his hand, I took it and stood and he led me to the dance floor.

We got to the dance floor and we stood close to each other.

“Are you ready?” He asked.

“Yes.” I nodded in response.

“So I’ll be placing my hands on your waist now and you’ll place yours on my shoulder.” He said and I did as he said. He placed his hand on my waist and an electric feeling surged through me that I flinched a little.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.” I replied in a small voice.

“Okay then. So you’ll sway to the rhythm of the music. From the left to the right, from the left to the right and then you’ll twirl and it goes on and on like that.” He explained and within a few minutes, I had gotten a hang of it.

“See? I told you that you would know how to dance if I taught you.” He said with a smug look on his face.

“Yeah yeah. It wouldn’t have been this easy if I wasn’t a fast learner though.” I responded, my hands wrapped around his neck this time.

“Whatever. You can’t ever agree with me, can you?” He asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

“Never?” I laughed loudly.

“You stubborn little witch!” He commented and left me to twirl before catching me back in his arms.

This time, his hands had moved lower and they were on my ass. My ass, I tell you! I didn’t know if he noticed it but I didn’t want to mention it to him because I was enjoying the feel of his hand on my butt.

“Brianna… you look gorgeous.” He stared into my eyes that it felt like he was staring deep into my soul.

“I know, you said it before.” I responded breathily.

“Well, I’m saying it again. You look like a goddess.” He said, his voice turing deeper than it was.

“Hmm.” A breathy sigh escaped my mouth

Is it just me? Or it’s getting hot and stuffy in here? We’re so close now that we’re practically grinding against each other. It was as if we were the only ones in the room. My consciousness was telling me that people were around and they were probably staring at us but I pushed it aside and focused on what I was feeling with Adrian.

“I’m going to kiss you now.” He said and before I knew it, his lips descended on mine.


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