A Girl’s Diary

Chapter 8 - Another Queen Bitch

Chapter 8 - Another Queen Bitch

When someone acts like a jerk, it's genuine.

The jerk, Louis, I thought because he didn't upload that picture on any of his social media accounts that

I was safe. But I got another thing coming. It was all over the news. So let tell you what I already knew,

he was the one who sent it!

This photo would have been a normal one, but no! He had to sneak into a private area and the fool I

was thought he wouldn't be trouble! I'm so frustrated, I could murder him with my bare hands.

I walked away to my car, which probably mom sent me so I could get home. I drove away and parked

near the pizza place I love. I called Aurora hoping her angriness ebbed away. When Aurora was angry,

which was frequent, it felt like a massacre!

With every beep before she answered, my heart raced. C'mon pick up. As if she heard me, she

answered. Could I take that back?

"Elena. Explain."

"There's nothing to explain. It's just a picture with a fan."

"In a private area?" I didn't respond to that. I would have to tell her the whole story and I couldn't do

that now, wouldn't want to dig a deeper grave. She sighed. "Are you sure he's just a fan?"

"Of course."

"Not your boyfriend?" This was one of those moments where you choke on whatever you're drinking

and spit it out.

"Of course not. What the hell?" I denied and made sure my voice carried my disgust to the idea.

"Okay then." Wait that was it! "I will organize some public appearance, you'll deny everything there but

right now, let's not talk to anyone about it." NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

"Consider it done."

"By the way, I wouldn't let go how he got there in the first place." She hung up. Looked like I wasn't out

of trouble just yet. Better than nothing. Thank God she didn't ask about how the new album was going.

Spoiler alert, I finished nothing!

I walked in and as always, I didn't even need to say what my order was. All I had to do was pay and

then stuff my face with pizza. From the corner of my eyes, I could see a guy eating pizza at the faraway

corner. His red hair reminded me of Ron, Cinnamon's guitar teacher. It was Aurora's suggestion to

master the guitar and that guy was very talented. I never knew why he didn't make a job out of it. He'd

be spectacular.

The guy turned around and he was Ron! Would it be obvious if I ran away now? Yes. The answer was

yes! He got out of his seat, drink in hand and walked over. He was leaving, Elena. You didn't even look

like Cinnamon. Your braids are nothing like Cinnamon's perfectly styled hair, your eyes weren't like her

either, your- He glanced at me and then passed beside me. Phew! He whispered something to the

waiter, paid and left.

Maybe it was time I left too. I started to get up when the waiter came to me with a drink.

"The guy bought you a drink. Do you know him?"


"He comes here a lot, and he's hot, you should thank him later." He grinned widely handing me the

drink. It was a passion fruit. My favourite!

"Don't call random guys hot, your boyfriend will be jealous."

"I'll make it up to him." He winked.

"I'm not hearing this, I'm outta here." I hurried out to my car, while he guffawed at my reaction.

That night in my bed, spread like a starfish and staring at the ceiling, I had one thought. 'What the heck

is going on in my life?' When I finally woke up to go to school, I had a totally different thought. 'Why do I

have to go to school when I already have a job?' I checked my phone and sure enough, I was late. Was

I supposed to be surprised? At this point in my life, no.

I got dressed and headed to Starbucks. I was not going to school without my coffee. I headed to class,

however, the teacher was absent and his substitute wasn't even there. What the heck? I drove too fast

and probably got a speeding ticket and he wasn't even there! Ugh! Skyler and Jason entered just after


"Let's skip this class!" Sky suggested the moment she saw me. I only stared at her trying to figure if she

was serious. When she said nothing, I shrugged and took a seat. She followed me while Jason

disappeared into who knows where. Sky sat on my desk. "I'm serious. No one will know. And I heard

Fabia is coming back today, and frankly speaking, I don't want to act nice when I hate her." Okay, that

was interesting. Why would Sky hate anyone? I thought that was impossible.


"Wait you're serious. It didn't take even persuasion!" I grinned at her and she gulped when she saw me

grinning. Sometimes I'm scary.

"But you have to tell me everything about her. Including why you hate her."

"Deal! Now please let's go quickly." We got out and sat on the bleachers. Someone had to explain to do

and my newfound hobby was gossip. This was scientifically proven since day one in this school.

"What a beautiful weather!" I looked at her, unfazed.

"Stop stalling." She sighed heavily.

"Okay, promise you won't laugh."

"I can't promise what I won't keep" I smiled. But she glared.


"Okay okay, promise."

"So in Eighth grade, I was her friend along with Alice and Jennie-" She started.

"Who's Jennie?" I asked.

"Alice's current best friend, how are you even in this school if you don't know her!"

"Ooh! You mean her minion? Okay got it. Go on." She smiled and shook her head, amused. Better than

being anxious.

"Anyways you weirdo, there was this guy I liked, but Fabia also liked him." She paused searching my

face for a reaction. "I didn't know she liked him. So I went for it, I wanted to tell him... but when I found

him... they were kissing." She finished. Her voice dripping sadness. That bitch was dead! I hugged her

and she sighed. She broke out of my hug moments later. "So anyways, it happened a long time ago.

The thing is Alice knew and she didn't warn me. Even though I told her I was going to talk to him."

"That Alice is a queen bitch." Sky chuckled.

"I think she calls herself a 'queen bee'" She air quoted.

"But she's a bitch and a pretty dumb one too. Maybe it's because of her clothes."

"What?" She laughed harder.

"You know, it's too tight maybe the blood can't reach her brain because of it."

"I know right! I thought her boobs will pop out when I saw her today."

"She makes me wonder sometimes if we're in school or a stripping club." We both giggled.

Mission accomplished, no more sad Sky!

"You think Alice is too much? Wait till you see Fabia. She went to Paris for two months and now thinks

she's the fashion master." She continued giggling. "By the way, Alice is having a party on Saturday.

Maybe we should crash it."

"We'll see" I smiled. I had a feeling Aurora would have something for me that day. My weekends are

always busy. We had to go to our next classes. Unfortunately, they weren't the same ones so we parted

ways. When I did see Fabia, I knew it was her at the first glimpse. If her skimpy clothes and her walking

with Alice, flirting with anything that moved told it all.

After I finished all classes, I did what any insane person would do. I texted Louis.

'I'm in the school library, get your ass over here so we could finish that project.'

He didn't reply, but that didn't mean I wouldn't work by myself. Hours passed till the jerk came.

"You're early," I said sarcastically shoving books towards him. He silently took a seat and started

working. We didn't talk unless it was necessary. We met there every day until Thursday, we were done.

He couldn't hold back his jerky comments about whatever he wanted to make fun of... I was over the

moon when we finished. I didn't have to ever interact with him ever again... Unless I took Jason's offer.

And then I could take revenge... but no, I didn't want to see his face ever again more than taking


When we finally got out of the library, it was kinda late. No one was there. Except for the reporter who

took a blinding shot of us. What the heck!

"Are you his girlfriend? Does Cinnamon know you two are dating?" He asked.

"We were studying dude. Of course, I would never date her. Plus Cinnamon and I are only good

friends, we're not dating *yet*" Louis replied. Jeez, thanks! The reporter looked at me waiting for an

answer. I smirked, I learnt exactly how to deal with this.

"You know that what you're doing is illegal right. You know if my lawyer knows of this..." I shook my

head. "You'll be behind the bars. This is worse than stalking, how dare you invade my privacy like this."

I stopped, letting him understand I wasn't someone to be messed with. "Do you even know who I am?

Ever heard of the name Whitte?" I took out my phone and dialled daddy. "It's me yes. There's a

reporter harassing me and my friend. I think we should do something." His eyes grew wide.

"Okay! Stop! I'm sorry, look I even deleted the photo." I smirked. Daddy chuckled, he knew what I was


"Never mind now. It's okay. Bye." I hung up while he walked away, quickly.

"What was that?" Louis gasped.

"Nothing to worry about." I shrugged and started heading to the parking lot.

"What did you mean by the name Whitte. These people are filthy rich. Why pretend to be one of them?"

I only laughed sarcastically. Did people really think it was just Loca and Ian? I came to the world first,

people. "What the fuck? That's your car?" I rolled my eyes and opened the car door to get in. "Wait!"

He exclaimed, quickly shutting it and standing right in front of me. Ever heard of personal space?

"What? We're done, Louis. Didn't you say you never want to be seen with the nerd? Go away now." I

said annoyance dripping.

"Yes, answer this one question."

"I don't have to do that."

"C'mon, I mean what if I want to be your friend. You should be happy."

"You want me to be your friend because you figured I'm rich? Oh, I'm honoured. Go to hell, Louis."

"Okay okay. But can you give me a ride?"

"No." I shrugged. Who knew he'd be like that. Where did his cool guy facade go? Probably to the trash

where he belonged.

"Elena, no one is here to give me a ride. I don't even have a car, and my house is so far." Was he

looking for sympathy?

"You'll leave me alone after I give you a ride, and you'll tell no one anything," I said, my voice strong as

my command.

"Okay." He ran to the other side. I shook my head. This proved how much of an asshole he was. I took

him home and all the way, he kept asking questions. A.N.N.O.Y.I.N.G.

I headed home after. Mom was waiting for me in the kitchen. She knew me to the extent of being

creepy. I noticed her getting out some snacks. All my favourites... ookay!

"Tell me," I said as I began digging into my snacks. Just because she was being weird, didn't mean I'll

have to ignore food.

"I wanted to tell you that your father and I will be travelling during the weekend."

"That's great, mom! You scared me." I breathed with relief. But her eyes told me there was more. That

was when it hit me. "I'm staying with Ian and Loca on my own."

"Umm... There's no easy way to say that. Yes." Her weary eyes relaxed a bit.

"Mom, they fight 24/7 how will I be able to do that?"

"Don't you worry sweetie, they aren't that bad. And they're only a year younger. They won't be trouble I


"Are we sure we're talking about the same Ian and Loca?" I said in sarcasm.

"Yes! And you know what. You can invite any of your friends or even have a party. Just don't tell your

father about it." She chuckled. Dad wasn't that bad. Just a bit protective, complete opposite to mom!

But opposite attracts, right? He wasn't fond of my first boyfriend even though he was so nice.

"After reconsidering, maybe that's not a bad idea after all." I shrugged. Maybe I would invite Sky over.

Unless she had something better to do. It was a weekend after all. I would just tell her tomorrow at


Because right now, I had a guitar lesson.

And let's say I was getting late!

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