100 Days With Mr Romero


“Judy! ” Daniel the chef angrily called out.

Judy was six years old then and had just ruined the kitchen table cloth will milk right after ruining the sheets.

“You little bundle of mischief. ” cried out Daniel while pulling her by her dress.

“Let me go. ” she kept screaming.

“I won’t. ” barked the chef.

Daniel was infuriated over Judy’s consistent display of mischief around the house. In fact, he was fed up at the rate at which the little brat kept ruining things around.

He had reported her severally to her mother but Mary will nod and say “I’ll talk to that kid.”

Daniel was sure Mary never reprimanded Judy and he sometimes felt the girl needed some proper spanking or grounding but her parents were reluctant.

“Why wound you ruin the table cloth? ” he pointed out to her showing her the table right after he had dragged her by her dress to the kitchen.

Judy chuckled and blurted “let me be. ” then she began laughing really hard which Daniel the chef found demeaning.

Her parents had gone out and Daniel was asked to look after six year old Judy. It was a Sunday.

To show his dissatisfaction with Judy’s act coupled with her lack of remorse, Daniel went and turned off the television in the living room which and left with the remote .

Daniel knew how obsessed little Judy was with Tom and Jerry cartoons so he felt there was no suiting punishment than denying her that pleasure.

“Give me the remote. ” she beckoned running after him all the way to the kitchen.

“Never. ” he insisted turning around to her, lifting the remote farther than her reach.

“Apologize kid. ” he advised.

Little Judy wouldn’t apologize instead she began to limp up hoping to snatch the remote from the chef. Daniel laughed over her pointless attempt and resumed to his work.

Judy angrily left the kitchen. Daniel brought down the hot sauce from the cooker, turned the cooker off, then he poured the hot sauce into a comfortable plastic plate. He then went to use the rest room.

The last thing Daniel remembered since returning from the rest room that day was him screaming for help as he could feel his eye balls popping out of their sockets while the flesh on his face was peeling off.

Judy had sneaked into the kitchen when he went out and when he returned, she emptied the whole content from the plastic plate he had earlier kept on the table. Judy had climbed the table, grabbed the hot sauce and stood on a chair by the corner of the room waiting for him to show up so she could manifest her evil plan.

The moment he walked in, Little Judy poured the whole sauce on his face. Daniel had squirmed in so much agony that day while Judy was behind the door, lauding herself for her effort.

When her parents found about the attack she had launched on Daniel, they scolded her, denied her access to the TV for weeks and she later apologized to Daniel whose face had forever been damaged.

That was the beginning of the manifestation of Judy’s obsessive compulsive disorder before her parents later found out. Before their discovery at the hospital, Judy’s mom had observed how difficult it was for her daughter to let go of toys or stuffs she liked even when they were damaged.

No matter how Mary her mother scolded her, Judy will always do the things she was prohibited from doing. Her father excused the obsession for stubbornness but if only they knew and when they found about her disorder, she started visiting Dr. Mathew who placed her on medications and psychotherapy.

Judy had been getting better since then until high school when she met Tom.

For Judy, Tom was her first love. She liked him a lot and they got along fine. They will go out on dates, visit recreational centers and the movies together. She told her friends that Tom was the love of her life.

Then Tom began to notice a weird change in Judy. She became mad when he was hanging around other girls even Sofia her best friend. As far as Tom was concerned, it wasn’t a big deal for them since their mates knew they were going out. So he will always tell Judy there is nothing to worry about.

Judy began to monitor him which Tom found uncomfortable. When he was out with friends, she will call and keep calling. Tom thought it was pure jealousy till she began to irritate him. Most of the times, she wanted to be in control of their relationship and coming from a family that detests concepts like feminism, Tom began to drift away from Judy.

He called her one day after school and ended their relationship. Judy had pleaded with him but Tom had made his choice. Her mother ensured she saw Dr. Mathew more often during that period which she did. Dr. Mathew had advised her to ignore Tom but Judy couldn’t. She was already heels in love with him or rather far too obsessed.

Then the worst happened. Judy learnt that Tom was seeing another girl Tonia. She always had flashes of them holding hands, kissing or patting each other on the back. At home, she will wail and shatter her room at the thought of them together. Dr. Mathew had told her to assume they were not existing even if they were right before her. But how could he understand the hatred she had been conceiving towards Tonia she had thought.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

That afternoon she saw Tonia by the pool, she was driven by rage and she would have controlled it but Tonia had to gloat at her thus fueling her hatred towards her and before she could realize it, she was burning with rage and the only thing she could think about then was ending Tonia’s life.

She pulled Tonia by her pony tail right into the pool. Tonia was a short damsel and Judy being tall and strong had an advantage over the poor girl. Tonia cried and begged Judy but Judy dragged her into the pool mercilessly.

The timely intervention of the security officials on duty via the school camera saved Tonia’s life. They men ran to Tonia’s rescue who was suppressed underwater by Judy. Judy had almost drown her to death but luckily she was pulled out.

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